Summary and resources


Azure Administrators must be familiar with how to configure storage security.

In this module, you examined several options for securing Azure Storage. You discovered how to configure shared access signatures (SAS), including the uniform resource identifier (URI) and SAS parameters. You reviewed how to implement customer-managed keys and define stored access policies to configure Azure Storage encryption. You explored opportunities for improving your Azure Storage security solution.

Learn more with Copilot

Copilot can assist you in configuring Azure infrastructure solutions. Copilot can compare, recommend, explain, and research products and services where you need more information. Open a Microsoft Edge browser and choose Copilot (top right) or navigate to Take a few minutes to try these prompts and extend your learning with Copilot.

  • What are the different ways to secure Azure storage? Provide usage case examples.

  • How do I configure an Azure Shared Access Signature?

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