Exercise - Configure a CodeQL language matrix


This exercise checks your knowledge on configuring the language matrix in a CodeQL workflow. ​ This GitHub exercise is graded automatically once you've attempted a solution to the challenge. The results of your actions, as well as helpful feedback, are provided in real time within the grade-learner workflow logs. ​ Here are some helpful tips before you begin the exercise:

  • Read the About this exercise section in the exercise's repository README to understand how the exercise works.
  • Follow the steps provided in the Instructions section to successfully complete the exercise.
  • To see the results of your exercise, navigate to the Actions tab of your cloned repository and select the most recent run on the Grading workflow.
  • Stuck on what to do? Revisit the content in the last unit or check out the Useful resources section in the exercise's repository README for some additional resources.


A grading script exists under .github/workflows/grading.yml. You don't need to modify this workflow to complete this exercise. Altering the contents in this workflow can break the exercise's ability to validate your actions, provide feedback, or grade the results. ​ This exercise is a challenge based on content covered in this module. It may take several attempts to complete the exercise. You can revisit previous content in this module or navigate to some of the additional resources provided as many times as you want to find the solution. ​ When you've finished the exercise in GitHub, return here for: ​

  • A summary of what you've learned
  • A badge for completing this module ​ ​