Exercise - Use the Copilot to run a quantum program


To start exploring Copilot and coding in Azure Quantum, use one of the samples from the Quantum Samples dropdown.

Run a quantum program

  1. Navigate to the Code in Azure Quantum.

  2. Select Quantum Samples, and then select Random Number Generator. The following code is copied to the code window.

    /// # Sample
    /// Quantum Random Number Generator
    /// # Description
    /// This program implements a quantum ranndom number generator by setting qubits
    /// in superposition and then using the measurement results as random bits.
    namespace Sample {
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;
        open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
        operation Main() : Result[] {
            // Generate 5-bit random number.
            let nBits = 5;
            return GenerateNRandomBits(nBits);
        /// # Summary
        /// Generates N random bits.
        operation GenerateNRandomBits(nBits : Int) : Result[] {
            // Allocate N qubits.
            use register = Qubit[nBits];
            // Set the qubits into superposition of 0 and 1 using the Hadamard
            // operation `H`.
            for qubit in register {
            // At this point each has 50% chance of being measured in the |0〉 state
            // and 50% chance of being measured in the |1〉 state.
            // Measure each qubit and reset them all so they can be safely
            // deallocated.
            let results = MeasureEachZ(register);
            return results;
  3. Select In-Memory Simulator.

  4. Select Run.

    • The results are displayed in the Results field, and a histogram of the results is displayed below the code window.
    • You can move the slider for Select number of shots to specify how many times the program is run.
    • The Shots field displays the result for each shot.

To run your program again using a different simulator:

  1. Select the In-Memory Simulator dropdown and select Quantinuum H-Series Emulator.

  2. Select the number of shots (currently limited to 20) and select Run.

    • The job status is displayed at the top of the code window.
    • A histogram of the results is displayed below the code window. Results for each shot aren't currently available with the Quantinuum H-Series Emulator.

Ask Copilot

You can prompt Copilot in Azure Quantum for almost anything quantum related. For example, ask Copilot the following questions and see what happens:

  • "Explain the MResetZ operation"
  • "Write Q# code that entangles two qubits"
  • "Explain quantum interference"
  • "What is the difference between a qubit and a classical bit?"