

In this module, the Tailspin team took their first steps towards adopting DevOps practices. You worked with them and learned how to use Azure Boards to get started with Agile work planning. A board gives you an easy way to see what's going on with a project and to manage your work. Some of the things you learned to do with Azure Boards include how to:

  • Create projects.
  • Create work items.
  • Associate work items with a sprint, or iteration.

Learn more

This module touches on Agile and Agile processes, but there's a lot more to learn.

If you're interested in learning more about the benefits of Agile, check out What is Agile Development?

In this module, you followed the Basic process. You'll continue using this process in upcoming modules. For your own projects, learn how to choose a process that best fits your team. You can also learn more about each process Azure Boards supports.

Also in this module, you added fictitious team members to your project. Learn more about how to add users to your organization or project.

As you plan and track your work with Azure Boards, you can refer to our complete Azure Boards Documentation to get the most out of them.