Understand parameters


With parameters, you can provide information to a Bicep template at deployment time. You can make a Bicep template flexible and reusable by declaring parameters within your template.

Decorators provide a way to attach constraints and metadata to a parameter, which helps anyone using your templates to understand what information they need to provide.

In this unit, you'll learn about parameter and decorators.

Declare a parameter

In a Bicep template, you declare a parameter by using the param keyword. You can put these declarations anywhere in the template file, although it's usually a good idea to put them at the top of the file so your Bicep code is easy to read.

Here's how you declare a parameter:

param environmentName string

Let's look at how each part works:

  • param indicates to Bicep that you're declaring a parameter.

  • environmentName refers to the name of the parameter. Although the parameter name can be anything, you should make the name clear and understandable for the template users. Within the same template, you can also refer to the parameter by using its name. Parameter names must be unique. They can't have the same name as a variable or a resource in the same Bicep file.


    Use best practice naming conventions for parameter declarations. Good naming conventions make your templates easy to read and understand. Make sure you're using clear, descriptive names, and adopt consistent naming strategy.

  • string refers to the type of the parameter.


    Think carefully about the parameters your template uses. Try to use parameters for settings that change between deployments. Variables and hard-coded values can be used for settings that don't change between deployments.

Add a default value

You can assign default values to parameters in your templates. By assigning a default value, you're making the parameter optional. If the template is deployed without a specified value for the parameter, the default value is assigned.

Here's how you add a default value:

param environmentName string = 'dev'

The parameter environmentName is assigned a default value of dev.

You can use expressions as default values. Here's an example of a string parameter named location with a default value set to the location of the current resource group:

param location string = resourceGroup().location


Be mindful of the default values you use. Make sure that it'll be safe for someone to deploy the Bicep file with the default values. For example, consider using inexpensive pricing tiers and SKUs so that someone deploying the template to a test environment doesn't incur a large cost unnecessarily.

Understand parameter types

When you declare a parameter, you need to tell Bicep what type of information the parameter will contain. Bicep will ensure that the value assigned to the parameter is compatible with the parameter type.

Parameters in Bicep can be one of the following types:

  • string, which lets you enter arbitrary text.
  • int, which lets you enter a number.
  • bool, which represents a Boolean (true or false) value.
  • object and array, which represent structured data and lists.


You can use object parameters to combine structured data together in one place. An object can have multiple properties of different types. You can use objects within resource definitions, within variables, or within expressions in your Bicep file. Here's an example of an object:

param appServicePlanSku object = {
  name: 'F1'
  tier: 'Free'
  capacity: 1

This parameter is an object with two string properties, name and tier, and an integer property, capacity. Notice that each of the properties is on its own line.

When you reference the parameter in the template, you can select the individual properties of the object by using a dot followed by the name of the property, like in this example:

resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2024-04-01' = {
  name: appServicePlanName
  location: location
  sku: {
    name: appServicePlanSku.name
    tier: appServicePlanSku.tier
    capacity: appServicePlanSku.capacity


Keep in mind that you don't specify the type of each property within an object. However, when you use a property's value, its type must match what's expected. In the previous example, both the name and the tier of the App Service plan SKU must be strings.

Another example of where you might use an object parameter is for specifying resource tags. You can attach custom tag metadata to the resources that you deploy, which you can use to identify important information about a resource.

Tags are useful for scenarios like tracking which team owns a resource, or when a resource belongs to a production or non-production environment. Typically, you'll use different tags for each environment, but you'll want to reuse the same tag values on all the resources within your template. For this reason, resource tags are a good use for an object parameter, like in this example:

param resourceTags object = {
  EnvironmentName: 'Test'
  CostCenter: '1000100'
  Team: 'Human Resources'

Whenever you define a resource in your Bicep file, you can reuse it wherever you define the tags property:

resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2024-04-01' = {
  name: appServicePlanName
  location: location
  tags: resourceTags
  sku: {
    name: 'S1'

resource appServiceApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@' = {
  name: appServiceAppName
  location: location
  tags: resourceTags
  kind: 'app'
  properties: {
    serverFarmId: appServicePlan.id


An array is a list of items. As an example, you might use an array of string values to declare a list of email addresses for an Azure Monitor action group. Or you might use an array of objects to represent a list of subnets for a virtual network.


You can't specify the type of individual items that an array needs to contain. For example, you can't specify that an array must contain strings.

Let's consider an example. Azure Cosmos DB lets you create database accounts that span multiple regions, and it automatically handles the data replication for you. When you deploy a new database account, you need to specify the list of Azure regions that you want the account to be deployed into. Often, you'll need to have a different list of locations for different environments. For example, to save money in your test environment, you might use only one or two locations. But in your production environment, you might use several locations.

You can create an array parameter that specifies a list of locations:

param cosmosDBAccountLocations array = [
    locationName: 'australiaeast'
    locationName: 'southcentralus'
    locationName: 'westeurope'


The preceding example is an array of objects. Each object has a locationName property, which is what Azure Cosmos DB expects. When you work with a resource definition in Visual Studio Code, you can start by entering resource properties so that you get IntelliSense from the Bicep tooling. You can create some example values by using this approach. After you're satisfied with the configuration, move that section of Bicep code to the parameter. In this way, you can replace a hard-coded property with a parameter that can be changed during each deployment, while still ensuring that the resource is configured correctly.

When you declare your Azure Cosmos DB resource, you can now reference the array parameter:

resource account 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2024-11-15' = {
  name: accountName
  location: location
  properties: {
    locations: cosmosDBAccountLocations

It's then easy to use a different parameter value for your development environment by changing the value of the parameter. Soon, you'll learn how you can provide different parameter values without modifying your original template.

Specify a list of allowed values

Sometimes you need to make sure that a parameter has certain values. For example, your team might decide that production App Service plans should be deployed by using the Premium v3 SKUs. To enforce this rule, you can use the @allowed parameter decorator. A parameter decorator is a way of giving Bicep information about what a parameter's value needs to be. Here's how a string parameter named appServicePlanSkuName can be restricted so that only a few specific values can be assigned:

param appServicePlanSkuName string


Use the @allowed decorator sparingly. If you use this decorator too broadly, you might block valid deployments if you don't keep the list up to date. The preceding example allows for only Premium v3 SKUs in production. If you need to use the same template to deploy some cheaper non-production environments, the list of allowed values might stop you from using other SKUs that you need to use.

Restrict parameter length and values

When you use string parameters, you often need to limit the length of the string. Let's consider the example of Azure resource naming. All Azure resource types have limits around the length of their names. It's a good practice to specify the minimum and maximum character length for parameters that control naming, to avoid errors later during deployment. You can use the @minLength and @maxLength decorators to the minimum and maximum character lengths that you want to allow for a parameter.

Here's an example that declares a string parameter named storageAccountName, whose length can only be between 5 and 24 characters:

param storageAccountName string

This parameter includes two decorators. You can apply multiple decorators to a parameter by putting each decorator on its own line.


You can also apply the @minLength and @maxLength decorators to array parameters, to control how many items are allowed to be in the array.

When you work with numeric parameters, you might need values to be in a particular range. For example, your toy company might decide that whenever anybody deploys an App Service plan, they should always deploy at least one instance, but no more than 10 instances of the plan. To meet the requirements, you can use the @minValue and @maxValue decorators to specify the minimum and maximum allowed values. The following example declares the integer parameter appServicePlanInstanceCount whose value can only be between 1 and 10 (inclusive):

param appServicePlanInstanceCount int

Add descriptions to parameters

Parameters are a great way to make your templates reusable by other people. When they use your templates, they'll need to understand what each parameter does so they can provide the right values. Bicep provides the @description decorator so that you can document your parameters' purpose in a human-readable way.

@description('The locations into which this Cosmos DB account should be configured. This parameter needs to be a list of objects, each of which has a locationName property.')
param cosmosDBAccountLocations array

It's a good practice to provide descriptions for your parameters. Try to make the descriptions helpful, and provide any important information about what the template needs the parameter values to be.


Bicep templates can sometimes be made available in the Azure portal for users to deploy, like when you use template specs. The portal uses the descriptions and other decorators on parameters to help users understand what a parameter value needs to be.