Exercise - Implement the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL service


The Azure Cosmos DB service (CosmosDbService) manages querying, creating, deleting, and updating sessions and messages in your AI assistant application. To manage all of these operations, the service is required to implement multiple methods for each potential operation using various features of the .NET SDK.

There are multiple key requirements to tackle in this exercise:

  • Implement operations to create a session or message
  • Implement queries to retrieve multiple sessions or messages
  • Implement an operation to update a single session or batch update multiple messages
  • Implement an operation to query and delete multiple related sessions and messages

Create a session or message

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL stores data in JSON format allowing us to store many types of data in a single container. This application stores both a chat "session" with the AI assistant and the individual "messages" within each session. With the API for NoSQL, the application can store both types of data in the same container and then differentiate between these types using a simple type field.

  1. Open the Services/CosmosDbService.cs file.

  2. Within the InsertSessionAsync method, remove any existing placeholder code.

    public async Task<Session> InsertSessionAsync(Session session)
  3. Create a new variable named partitionKey of type PartitionKey using the current session's SessionId property as the parameter.

    PartitionKey partitionKey = new(session.SessionId);
  4. Invoke the CreateItemAsync method of the container passing in the session parameter and partitionKey variable. Return the response as the result of the InsertSessionAsync method.

    return await _container.CreateItemAsync<Session>(
        item: session,
        partitionKey: partitionKey
  5. Within the InsertMessageAsync method, remove any existing placeholder code.

    public async Task<Message> InsertMessageAsync(Message message)
  6. Create a PartitionKey variable using session.SessionId as the value of the partition key.

    PartitionKey partitionKey = new(message.SessionId);
  7. Create a new message variable named newMessage with the Timestamp property updated to the current UTC timestamp.

    Message newMessage = message with { TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow };
  8. Invoke CreateItemAsync passing in both the new message and partition key variables. Return the response as the result of InsertMessageAsync.

    return await _container.CreateItemAsync<Message>(
        item: newMessage,
        partitionKey: partitionKey
  9. Save the Services/CosmosDbService.cs file.

Retrieve multiple sessions or messages

There are two main use cases where the application needs to retrieve multiple items from our container. First, the application retrieves all sessions for the current user by filtering the items to ones where type = Session. Second, the application retrieves all messages for a session by performing a similar filter where type = Session & sessionId = <current-session-id>. Implement both queries here using the .NET SDK and a feed iterator.

  1. Within the GetSessionsAsync method, remove any existing placeholder code.

    public async Task<List<Session>> GetSessionsAsync()
  2. Create a new variable named query of type QueryDefinition with the SQL query SELECT DISTINCT * FROM c WHERE c.type = @type. Use the fluent WithParameter method to assign the name of the Session class as the value for the parameter.

    QueryDefinition query = new QueryDefinition("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM c WHERE c.type = @type")
        .WithParameter("@type", nameof(Session));
  3. Invoke the generic GetItemQueryIterator<> method on the _container variable passing in the generic type Session and the query variable as a parameter. Store the result in a variable of type FeedIterator<Session> named response.

    FeedIterator<Session> response = _container.GetItemQueryIterator<Session>(query);
  4. Create a new generic list variable named output.

    List<Session> output = new();
  5. Create a while loop that runs until response.HasMoreResults is no longer true.

    while (response.HasMoreResults)


    Using a while loop here will effectively loop through all pages of your response until there are no pages left.

  6. Within the while loop, asynchronously get the next page of results by invoking ReadNextAsync on the response variable and then add those results to the list variable named output.

    FeedResponse<Session> results = await response.ReadNextAsync();
  7. Outside the while loop, return the output variable with a list of sessions as the result of the GetSessionsAsync method.

    return output;
  8. Within the GetSessionMessagesAsync method, remove any existing placeholder code.

    public async Task<List<Message>> GetSessionMessagesAsync(string sessionId)
  9. Create a query variable of type QueryDefinition. Use the SQL query SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.sessionId = @sessionId AND c.type = @type. Use the fluent WithParameter method to assign the @sessionId parameter to the session identifier passed in as a parameter, and the @type parameter to the name of the Message class.

    QueryDefinition query = new QueryDefinition("SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.sessionId = @sessionId AND c.type = @type")
        .WithParameter("@sessionId", sessionId)
        .WithParameter("@type", nameof(Message));
  10. Create a FeedIterator<Message> using the query variable and the GetItemQueryIterator<> method.

    FeedIterator<Message> response = _container.GetItemQueryIterator<Message>(query);
  11. Use a while loop to iterate through all pages of results and store the results in a single List<Message> variable named output.

    List<Message> output = new();
    while (response.HasMoreResults)
        FeedResponse<Message> results = await response.ReadNextAsync();
  12. Return the output variable as the result of the GetSessionMessagesAsync method.

    return output;
  13. Save the Services/CosmosDbService.cs file.

Update one or more sessions or messages

There are scenarios when either a single session requires an update or more than one message requires an update. For the first scenario, use the ReplaceItemAsync method of the SDK to replace an existing item with a modified version. For the second scenario, use the transactional batch capability of the SDK to modify multiple messages in a single batch.

  1. Within the UpdateSessionAsync method, remove any existing placeholder code.

    public async Task<Session> UpdateSessionAsync(Session session)
  2. Create a PartitionKey variable using session.SessionId as the value of the partition key.

    PartitionKey partitionKey = new(session.SessionId);
  3. Invoke ReplaceItemAsync passing in the new message's unique identifier and partition key. Return the response as the result of UpdateSessionAsync.

    return await _container.ReplaceItemAsync(
        item: session,
        id: session.Id,
        partitionKey: partitionKey
  4. Within the UpsertSessionBatchAsync method, remove any existing placeholder code.

    public async Task UpsertSessionBatchAsync(params dynamic[] messages)
  5. validate that all messages contain a single session identifier (SessionId) using language-integrated query (LINQ). If any of the messages contain a different value, throw an ArgumentException.

    if (messages.Select(m => m.SessionId).Distinct().Count() > 1)
        throw new ArgumentException("All items must have the same partition key.");
  6. Create a new PartitionKey variable using the SessionId property of the first message.

    PartitionKey partitionKey = new(messages.First().SessionId);


    Remember, you can safely assume that all messages have the same session identifier if the application has moved to this point in the method's code.

  7. Create a new variable named batch of type TransactionalBatch by invoking the CreateTransactionalBatch method of the _container variable. Use the current partition key variable for the batch operations.

    TransactionalBatch batch = _container.CreateTransactionalBatch(partitionKey);


    Remember, all transactions within this batch should be in the same logical partition.

  8. Iterate over each message in the messages array using a foreach loop.

    foreach (var message in messages)
  9. Within the foreach loop, add each message as an upsert operation to the batch.

        item: message


    Upsert tells Azure Cosmos DB to determine, server-side, whether an item should be replaced or updated. Azure Cosmos DB will make this determination with the id and partition key of each item.

  10. Outside of the foreach loop, asynchronously invoke the ExecuteAsync method of the batch to execute all operations within the batch.

    await batch.ExecuteAsync();
  11. Save the Services/CosmosDbService.cs file.

Finally, combine the query and transactional batch functionality to remove multiple items. In this example, get the session item and all related messages by querying for all items with a specific session identifier regardless of type. Then, create a transactional batch to delete all matched items as a single transaction.

  1. Within the DeleteSessionAndMessagesAsync method, remove any existing placeholder code.

    public async Task DeleteSessionAndMessagesAsync(string sessionId)
  2. Create a variable named partitionKey of type PartitionKey using the sesionId string value passed in as a parameter to this method.

    PartitionKey partitionKey = new(sessionId);
  3. Using the same sessionId method parameter, build a QueryDefinition object that finds all items that match the session identifier. Use a query parameter for the sessionId and ensure that you don't filter the query on the type of item.

    QueryDefinition query = new QueryDefinition("SELECT VALUE c.id FROM c WHERE c.sessionId = @sessionId")
        .WithParameter("@sessionId", sessionId);


    If you apply a type filter in this query, you may inadvertently miss related messages or sessions that should be bulk removed as part of this operation.

  4. Create a new FeedIterator<string> using GetItemQueryIterator and the query you built.

    FeedIterator<string> response = _container.GetItemQueryIterator<string>(query);
  5. Create a TransactionalBatch named batch using CreateTransactionalBatch and the partition key variable.

    TransactionalBatch batch = _container.CreateTransactionalBatch(partitionKey);
  6. Create a while loop to iterate through all pages of results. Within the while loop, get the next page of results and use a foreach loop to iterate through all item identifiers per page. Within the foreach loop, add a batch operation to delete the item using batch.DeleteItem.

    while (response.HasMoreResults)
        FeedResponse<string> results = await response.ReadNextAsync();
        foreach (var itemId in results)
                id: itemId
  7. After the while loop, execute the batch using batch.ExecuteAsync.

    await batch.ExecuteAsync();
  8. Save the Services/CosmosDbService.cs file.

Check your work

Now your application has a full implementation of Azure OpenAI and Azure Cosmos DB. You can test the application end-to-end by debugging the solution.

  1. Open a new terminal.

  2. Start the application with hot reloads enabled using dotnet watch.

    dotnet watch run --non-interactive
  3. Visual Studio Code launches the in-tool simple browser again with the web application running. In the web application, create a new chat session and ask the AI assistant a question. Then, close the running web application.

  4. Close the terminal. Now, open a new terminal.

  5. Start the application one more time with hot reloads enabled using dotnet watch.

    dotnet watch run --non-interactive
  6. Visual Studio Code launches the in-tool simple browser yet again with the web application running. For this iteration, observe that your chat sessions are persisted between debugging sessions.

    Screenshot of the application with both Azure Cosmos DB and Azure OpenAI services implemented.

  7. Close the terminal.