In this module, you got to know the features of Virtual Machine Scale Sets. You learned how to manually scale a scale set. You also learned how to configure a scale set to autoscale based on a schedule or on performance metrics. You then learned how to use a custom extension script to deploy and update an application across the virtual machines in a scale set.
In the example scenario, you applied your knowledge to the shipping company's system. You deployed the website by using a scale set, and you configured the scale set to scale out and back in as the CPU usage across the virtual machines changed. You also rolled out a new version of the web application across the scale set while allowing the virtual machines to continue running. These actions allow users to access the system and maintain a good response time, even when the application is being updated.
Clean up
In Cloud Shell, run the following command to delete the resource group. This action also removes the scale set.
az group delete --name myResourceGroup --yes
Learn more
- Learn about autoscale with an overview of Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets
- Deploy your application on Virtual Machine Scale Sets
- Working with large Virtual Machine Scale Sets
- Use the custom script extension for Windows
- Use the Azure custom script extension version 2 with Linux VMs
- Use the application health extension with Virtual Machine Scale Sets