Exercise - Create a benefit plan
In this exercise, you'll create a medical insurance benefit plan for employees.
Before you begin
The exercises in this module assume that you are working in a sandbox environment of finance and operations apps and that the Benefits management feature has been enabled. For steps on how to enable the Benefits management functionality, go to Enable or disable Benefits management .
To get the most out of both exercises, we recommend that you have the standard sample data available the application.
Create a medical insurance benefit plan
To create a medical insurance benefit plan, follow these steps:
Go to Benefits management > Plans > Benefit plans.
Select New.
In Plan type, select Medical.
In Plan, select Medical HD.
In Description, enter Medical high deductible.
Select Create new plan.
On the Setup tab, set Allow/continue enrollment and Auto enroll from prior year to Yes.
On the Eligibility rules tab, select New.
Under Eligibility rule, select Worker type.
Select Save.