Protect VMs using Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines


Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines is a vSphere plug-in for Azure VMware Solution that provides backup and restore capabilities for Azure NetApp Files datastores.

To create a backup of an Azure VMware Solution datastore using Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines, you need the following resources:

  • Access to an Azure subscription with an Azure VMware Solution private cloud.
  • An Azure NetApp Files volume deployed as an Azure VMware Solution datastore.
  • A service principal with the "contributor" role assigned.

Use the following steps to configure your resources:

  1. Install Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines
    1. From the Azure portal, navigate to your Azure VMware Solution private cloud.
    2. From the menu, select Run.
    3. From the Packages tab, expand NetApp.CBS.AVS then select Install-NetAppCBSApplianceUsingDHCP.
    4. Provide the required values then select Run.
  2. Add your Azure Subscription to Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines.
    1. Sign into the VMware vSphere client. From the left navigation, select Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines.
    2. From the Settings page, select the Cloud Subscription tab.
    3. Select Add then provide the Subscription ID, Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client secret key.
    4. Select Add to save your settings.
  3. Add your Azure NetApp Files subscription to Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines.
    1. Navigate to the VMware vSphere client. Select Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines.
    2. Select Storage Systems.
    3. Select Add and provide the Azure NetApp Files cloud subscription account details.
    4. Select Add to save your settings.
  4. Configure a Backup Policy for Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines.
    1. Navigate to the VMware vSphere client. Select Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines.
    2. Select the Policies page then + Create to initiate the wizard.
    3. Specify settings for policy name, retention, and backup frequency.
    4. Select Add to save the policy.
  5. Configure a Resource Group for Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines to protect an Azure NetApp Files datastore or virtual machine within a datastore.
    1. Navigate to the VMware vSphere client. Select Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines.
    2. Select Resource Groups.
    3. Select +Create to initiate the wizard.
    4. On the Resource page, select the Azure NetApp Files datastore. Use > to move your selection to the Selected entities list.
    5. On Spanning disks, select an option for VMs with multiple virtual machine disks across multiple datastores.
    6. On the Policies page, select the Backup Policy you created earlier.
    7. On the Schedules page, configure the backup schedule for the selected policy.
    8. Select Finish to save your settings.
  6. Create an on-demand backup of a Resource Group.
    1. Navigate to the VMware vSphere client. Select Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines.
    2. Select the Resource Group you created earlier.
    3. Select Run Now to start the backup.
    4. Select OK to initiate the backup.

When you complete these steps, you create a backup of an Azure VMware Solution datastore using Cloud Backup for Virtual Machines.