Exercise - Create ephemeral environments for pull requests


Some team members have told you they appreciate getting the automated Bicep linter feedback on their code changes before they send them to other team members to review. Now, you've decided to give your contributors and reviewers the ability to deploy and review their code in an ephemeral environment.

In this exercise, you'll update your pull request workflow to deploy an ephemeral environment whenever a pull request is opened, and redeploy it when code is pushed to the pull request branch. You'll also create another workflow to automatically delete the environment when the pull request is closed. You'll test your changes by creating a pull request for your website to use a Docker container image.

During the process, you'll:

  • Update the pull request workflow to deploy an ephemeral environment.
  • Create a pull request deletion workflow to delete the ephemeral environment.
  • Create a pull request and watch the ephemeral environment get created.
  • Approve the pull request and watch the ephemeral environment get deleted.

Update the pull request workflow to deploy an ephemeral environment

To begin, you need to update your pr-validation workflow to create an ephemeral environment.

  1. In the Visual Studio Code terminal, check out the main branch of the repository.

    git checkout main
  2. Pull the latest version of the code from GitHub, which includes the changes you merged in an earlier exercise.

    git pull
  3. Open the .github/workflows/pr-validation.yml file in Visual Studio Code.

  4. Near the top of the file, below the name setting, add a concurrency setting:

    name: pr-validation
    concurrency: ${{ github.event.number }}

    This setting prevents multiple workflows for the same pull request from running at the same time, which might cause unpredictable results when you deploy resources to Azure.

  5. Near the top of the file, under the on section that defines the trigger, define the permissions section:

    name: pr-validation
    concurrency: ${{ github.event.number }}
    on: pull_request
      id-token: write
      contents: read
  6. Below the permissions section, add two new environment variables:

    name: pr-validation
    concurrency: ${{ github.event.number }}
    on: pull_request
      id-token: write
      contents: read
      resourceGroupName: pr_${{ github.event.number }}
      resourceGroupLocation: westus3

    The resourceGroupName environment variable specifies the name of the resource group that should be used for each ephemeral environment. Each resource group will be named pr_123, where 123 is the unique pull request number.

    The resourceGroupLocation environment variable specifies that your ephemeral environments should all be deployed into the West US 3 Azure region.

  7. Define a new job named deploy, below the lint job:

        uses: ./.github/workflows/lint.yml
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          - uses: azure/login@v1
            name: Sign in to Azure
              client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
              tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
              subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}

    The job first checks out all the code onto the GitHub runner, and then signs in to your Azure environment.


    YAML files are sensitive to indentation. Whether you type or paste this code, make sure your indentation is correct. Later in this exercise, you'll see the complete YAML workflow definition so that you can verify that your file matches.

  8. Add a step to create the resource group with the name defined in the environment variable:

    - uses: Azure/cli@v1
      name: Create resource group
        inlineScript: |
          az group create \
            --name ${{ env.resourceGroupName }} \
            --location ${{ env.resourceGroupLocation }}
  9. After the resource group creation step, add a step to deploy the Bicep file to the resource group:

    - uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
      id: deploy
      name: Deploy Bicep file
        failOnStdErr: false
        deploymentName: ${{ github.run_number }}
        resourceGroupName: ${{ env.resourceGroupName }}
        template: ./deploy/main.bicep
        parameters: >
  10. After the deployment step, add a step to display the ephemeral environment's website address in the workflow log:

    - name: Show website hostname
      run: |
        echo "Access the website at this address: https://${{ steps.deploy.outputs.appServiceAppHostName }}"
  11. Save your changes.

  12. Verify that your pr-validation.yml file looks like the following:

    name: pr-validation
    concurrency: ${{ github.event.number }}
    on: pull_request
      id-token: write
      contents: read
      resourceGroupName: pr_${{ github.event.number }}
      resourceGroupLocation: westus3
        uses: ./.github/workflows/lint.yml
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          - uses: azure/login@v1
            name: Sign in to Azure
              client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
              tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
              subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
          - uses: Azure/cli@v1
            name: Create resource group
              inlineScript: |
                az group create \
                  --name ${{ env.resourceGroupName }} \
                  --location ${{ env.resourceGroupLocation }}
          - uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
            id: deploy
            name: Deploy Bicep file
              failOnStdErr: false
              deploymentName: ${{ github.run_number }}
              resourceGroupName: ${{ env.resourceGroupName }}
              template: ./deploy/main.bicep
              parameters: >
          - name: Show website hostname
            run: |
              echo "Access the website at this address: https://${{ steps.deploy.outputs.appServiceAppHostName }}"

    If it doesn't, update it to match this example, and then save it.

  13. In the Visual Studio Code terminal, commit your changes. You won't push them to the remote repository yet.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Update pull request validation workflow to deploy an ephemeral environment"

Add a pull request deletion workflow

You've created a workflow that automatically deploys the changes in each pull request to an ephemeral resource group. Now, you'll configure a second workflow to delete the ephemeral environments when they're no longer needed.

  1. Create a new file named pr-closed.yml in the .github/workflows folder.

    Screenshot of Visual Studio Code that shows the P R closed dot Y M L file within the workflows folder.

  2. At the top of the file, name the workflow, configure the same concurrency key that you used in the pull request validation workflow, configure the workflow to run whenever a pull request is closed, and allow the workflow to get an access token:

    name: pr-closed
    concurrency: ${{ github.event.number }}
        types: [closed]
      id-token: write
      contents: read
  3. Below the code you just entered, define an environment variable for the name of the resource group that's associated with the pull request's ephemeral environment:

      resourceGroupName: pr_${{ github.event.number }}

    The resource group name is the same as the one you used for the pull request validation workflow.

  4. Below the code you added, define a new job named remove, and configure it to sign in to Azure:

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: azure/login@v1
            name: Sign in to Azure
              client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
              tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
              subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
  5. Within the remove job, define a step to delete the resource group by using the Azure CLI, and confirm the deletion by using the --yes argument:

    - uses: Azure/cli@v1
      name: Delete resource group
        inlineScript: |
          az group delete \
            --name ${{ env.resourceGroupName }} \
  6. Save your changes.

  7. Verify that your pr-closed.yml file looks like the following:

    name: pr-closed
    concurrency: ${{ github.event.number }}
        types: [closed]
      id-token: write
      contents: read
      resourceGroupName: pr_${{ github.event.number }}
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: azure/login@v1
            name: Sign in to Azure
              client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
              tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
              subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
          - uses: Azure/cli@v1
            name: Delete resource group
              inlineScript: |
                az group delete \
                  --name ${{ env.resourceGroupName }} \

    If it doesn't, update it to match this example, and then save it.

  8. In the Visual Studio Code terminal, commit your changes and push them to the remote repository:

    git add .
    git commit -m 'Add pull request closed workflow'
    git push

Update the Bicep file

Next, update your Bicep file to use a Docker container image for your website's application.

  1. In the Visual Studio Code terminal, create a new branch for your changes by running the following command:

    git checkout -b feature/container-app
  2. Open the main.bicep file in the deploy folder.

  3. Update the value of the appServiceAppLinuxFrameworkVersion variable:

    var appServiceAppLinuxFrameworkVersion = 'DOCKER|dockersamples/static-site:latest'
  4. Save your changes.

  5. Commit and push your changes to your Git repository by running the following commands in the Visual Studio Code terminal:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Use container image for website"
    git push origin feature/container-app

Create a pull request

You've defined workflows to create and manage ephemeral environments automatically in pull requests. Now, you'll create another pull request for your Bicep changes.

  1. In your browser, select Code, and then select 3 branches.

    Screenshot of GitHub that shows the repository's branch list.

  2. Under Your branches, next to feature/container-app, select New pull request.

    Screenshot of GitHub that shows the link to create a pull request for the feature slash container app branch.

  3. Select Create pull request.

Watch the ephemeral environment get created

  1. On the pull request details page, wait for the status check items to appear.

  2. In the list, next to the deploy job, select Details.

    Screenshot of the GitHub pull request that shows the status check items. The 'Details' link for the 'deploy' job is highlighted.

    Wait for the deployment to finish.

  3. Select Show website hostname.

  4. Select the URL in the log.

    Screenshot of the GitHub Actions deployment log. The website URL in the Show website hostname step is highlighted.

    The website loads and displays a Hello Docker! message that indicates that the website is running from the container image that's defined in the pull request change.

    Screenshot of the website homepage after the deployment is complete.

  5. Optionally, open the Azure portal, and go to the ephemeral environment's resource group.

    Review the resources that were deployed: storage account, App service, and App service plan.

Merge the pull request

Now that you've tested the pull request, you can merge it into the main branch.

  1. Select Pull requests, and select the Use container image for website pull request.

    Screenshot of GitHub showing the list of open pull requests in the repository.

    The status checks have passed.

    Screenshot of the GitHub pull request showing that the two status checks have passed.

  2. Select Merge pull request.

  3. Select Confirm merge.

Review the deletion of the resource group

  1. In the browser, select Actions and then, on the left pane, select the pr-closed workflow.

    You can see that the workflow has been invoked automatically because a pull request was closed.

    Screenshot of the GitHub Actions pane showing that the P R closed workflow is running.

  2. Select the workflow to review the log.

    It might take a few minutes for the workflow to finish deleting the resource group in Azure.


    You don't need to wait for the workflow run to finish. But be sure to open the Azure portal later, both to verify that the ephemeral environment's resource group has been deleted successfully and to avoid incurring costs for the Azure resources.

Clean up resources

After you're finished with the module, you can delete the resources you created:

  • GitHub secrets

    1. From the GitHub repository, go to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions.
    2. Select the Delete button for each repository secret and follow the prompts.
  • GitHub repository

    1. Go to Settings > General
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen, select Delete this repository, and follow the prompts.
  • Azure App registration's federated credentials and service principal.

    1. From the portal home page, search for Microsoft Entra ID and select it from the list of Services.
    2. Go to Manage > App registrations.
    3. In Owned applications select toy-website-auto-review.
    4. Select Delete and follow the prompts.
    5. Select Deleted applications to permanently delete the app registration.


    It's possible to have duplicate App registration and service principal names. It's recommended to verify the application ID to make sure you're deleting the correct resource.