Exercise - Enable cluster scalability on AKS
Enable the cluster autoscaler on an AKS cluster
Open the Azure Cloud Shell in your browser and select Bash.
Create an Azure resource group using the
az group create
command.az group create --name myResourceGroup --location eastus
Create a new Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster with the cluster autoscaler enabled using the
az aks create
command and the--enable-cluster-autoscaler
flag.az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --enable-addons monitoring --enable-msi-auth-for-monitoring --enable-cluster-autoscaler --min-count 1 --max-count 10 --generate-ssh-keys
It takes a few minutes to create the cluster.
Connect to your cluster using the
az aks get-credentials
command.az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster
View the nodes in your cluster using the
kubectl get nodes
command.kubectl get nodes
Your output should look similar to the following example output:
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION aks-nodepool1-12345678-vmss000000 Ready agent 1m v1.26.6 aks-nodepool1-12345678-vmss000001 Ready agent 1m v1.26.6 aks-nodepool1-12345678-vmss000002 Ready agent 1m v1.26.6
Deploy the sample application
In Cloud Shell, create a manifest file for the Kubernetes Deployment called deployment.yml using the
command.touch deployment.yml
Open the manifest file using the
command.code deployment.yml
Paste the following code into the manifest file.
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: contoso-website spec: replicas: 35 selector: matchLabels: app: contoso-website template: metadata: labels: app: contoso-website spec: containers: - image: mcr.microsoft.com/mslearn/samples/contoso-website name: contoso-website resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi limits: cpu: 250m memory: 256Mi ports: - containerPort: 80 name: http
Save the file and close the editor.
Update the cluster autoscaler profile
You can fine-tune the autoscaler profiles by setting a series of flags in the configuration. View the list of available flags in Use the cluster autoscaler profile. For this example, you update the autoscaler to reduce the polling time to check for pending pods and reduce the amount of time it needs to wait before scaling down from a previous state.
Update the cluster autoscaler profile using the
az aks update
command with the--cluster-autoscaler-profile
flag.az aks update --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --cluster-autoscaler-profile scan-interval=5s scale-down-unready-time=5m scale-down-delay-after-add=5m
Scale down the deployment using the
kubectl scale deployment
command.kubectl scale deployment contoso-website --replicas 5
Check the cluster autoscaler logs and query for the cluster-autoscaler-status config map using the
kubectl describe cm
command.kubectl describe cm cluster-autoscaler-status -n kube-system
Before the scale down, your output should look similar to the following example output:
Cluster-autoscaler status at 2023-11-09 20:08:14.892961701 +0000 UTC: Cluster-wide: Health: Healthy (ready=3 unready=0 notStarted=0 longNotStarted=0 registered=3 longUnregistered=0) LastProbeTime: 2023-11-09 19:56:57.890988498 +0000 UTC m=+1673.465985892 LastTransitionTime: 2023-11-09 19:45:09.593593337 +0000 UTC m=+774.168590731 ScaleUp: NoActivity (ready=3 registered=3) LastProbeTime: 2023-11-09 19:56:57.890988498 +0000 UTC m=+1673.465985892 LastTransitionTime: 2023-11-09 19:45:09.593593337 +0000 UTC m=+774.168590731 ScaleDown: CandidatesPresent (candidates=3) LastProbeTime: 2023-11-09 19:56:57.890988498 +0000 UTC m=+1673.465985892 LastTransitionTime: 2023-11-09 19:56:52.440038763 +0000 UTC m=+1101.015036157
Wait about five minutes for the autoscaler to complete the scale down, and then rerun the previous
kubectl describe cm
.After the scale down, your output should look similar to the following example output:
Cluster-autoscaler status at 2023-11-09 20:14:39.123206413 +0000 UTC: Cluster-wide: Health: Healthy (ready=1 unready=0 (resourceUnready=0) notStarted=0 longNotStarted=0 registered=1 longUnregistered=0) LastProbeTime: 2023-11-09 20:14:39.113206413 +0000 UTC m=+2150.697175601 LastTransitionTime: 2023-11-09 19:45:09.593593337 +0000 UTC m=+774.168590731 ScaleUp: NoActivity (ready=1 registered=1) LastProbeTime: 2023-11-09 20:14:39.113206413 +0000 UTC m=+2150.697175601 LastTransitionTime: 2023-11-09 19:45:09.593593337 +0000 UTC m=+774.168590731 ScaleDown: NoCandidates (candidates=0) LastProbeTime: 2023-11-09 20:14:39.113206413 +0000 UTC m=+2150.697175601 LastTransitionTime: 2023-11-09 20:07:08.79828656 +0000 UTC m=+1718.924760896
View the nodes in your cluster using the
kubectl get nodes
command.kubectl get nodes
Your output should look similar to the following example output, with the number of nodes reduced to one:
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION aks-nodepool1-12345678-vmss000000 Ready agent 37m v1.26.6