Adjust inventory from the item list or item card


A quick and easy way to increase or decrease an item's stock is by running the Adjust Inventory function from the item list or item card.

Screenshot of adjust inventory page.

You can only use the function for locations that don't use bins. For locations where bins are mandatory, you must adjust the inventory with item journals, inventory documents, or warehouse item journals.

To use the Adjust Inventory function on the item list, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Search for Page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter "Items", and select the related link.

  2. Select the item for which you want to adjust the inventory.

  3. Select Home > Adjust Inventory.

  4. Select the location for which you want to set the new inventory, and in the New Inventory field enter the inventory for the item on that location.

  5. Select OK.

Business Central will post a positive or negative adjustment in the background.

Although the Adjust Inventory dialog is helpful when you need to quickly adjust the inventory level for a specific item, larger organizations might require a more elaborate process. That's why you can enable or disable the Adjust Inventory feature on the Inventory Setup page.

Screenshot of inventory setup general information.