Adjust inventory with the item journal
You can use item journals to post item transactions to adjust inventory levels directly without having to post a business document, such as purchase or sales orders.
The item journal can be used to post the following four types of item entries:
Purchase - To post a positive inventory adjustment that works as a purchase order transaction.
Sale - To post a negative inventory adjustment that works as a sales order transaction.
Positive Adjmt. - To post a positive inventory adjustment.
Negative Adjmt. - To post a negative inventory adjustment.
Most often, it is important to consider at what unit cost an inventory adjustment is posted. This parameter is specified by the following fields on the item journal:
Unit Amount - Shows the price of one unit of the item on the journal line. Depending on what is selected in the Entry Type field, the price is represented by either a unit cost or a unit price. When the Item No. field is filled in, the program automatically copies the price from one of the following fields on the item card:
Purchase entry type, Last Direct Cost field
Sale entry type, Unit Price field
Positive Adjmt. entry type, Unit Cost field
Negative Adjmt. entry type, Unit Cost field
Unit Cost - Shows the cost for each unit of the item on the journal line. It is copied from the item's Unit Cost field.
Use item references in the item journal
With item references, a company can associate a customer item number, a vendor item number, a barcode, or a general reference with the company's own internal item number. When the external item number is entered on a sales or purchase line, or on an item journal, Business Central automatically fills in the internal item number and the corresponding information.
To use item references in the item journal, use the Personalize function to add the Item Reference No. field to the item journal lines.
Instead of entering the item number, you can also create item journal lines by entering the item reference number.
The Item Reference No. field is automatically filtered on item references with a blank reference type. This means that you can’t use item references with reference type Customer, Vendor, or Barcode on item journal lines.
Watch the following video to learn how to post adjustments by using the item journal in Business Central.
Get bin content to create item journal lines
For item stored on bins in locations that are not set up with directed put-away and pick, you can use the Get Bin Content function to insert item journal lines.
Based on the filters you enter, Business Central calculates the contents of bins and create a journal line for each bin content. The line includes information such as the bin number, item number, and quantity.
You can keep your filters very general, by for example only filtering on location code. This will insert item journal lines for every item that has bin content in the filtered location. You can also create more detailed filters, by filtering on for example item, variant, bin, and so on.