Microsoft Education Partner PortalPartner Success Series
Explore learning paths and resources available for education partners enrolled in the Partner Success Series (PSS). The Partner Success Series is a skilling program focused on Microsoft applications and tools designed for the education sector. As a member of PSS, partners are also enrolled in our Education Partner Insiders Community (EPIC) for direct access to product managers, product roadmaps, and product feedback.
Microsoft AI Cloud Partner ProgramPartner training
Explore learning paths and resources available for education partners enrolled in the Partner Success Series.
Microsoft Education Solution badge
School Data Sync badges
Supplemental content
Education product pages
The following product and topic pages help you teach your customers about the benefits of Microsoft Education solutions.
Partner resources
Connect and discuss the solutions, challenges, and best practices for IT in the Education sector.
Mike Tholfsen's YouTube channel dedicated to "how to" videos showing Microsoft product features, with an angle towards new features and updates.
Education Partner Insider Community LinkedIn group for announcements and discussions that don't require a non-disclosure agreement.
Get the latest updates, partner readiness materials, and marketing campaigns to help take your business to the next level.