
The following table provides a brief description of tasks you can accomplish when using each System activity.

Tasks System Activities
Run any program or command on any computer in your domain. Run Program
Run scripts that parse data or run functions against available APIs. Run .Net Script
End processes that are running on the runbook server or on a remote computer. End Process
Start, stop, pause, or restart a Windows service. Start/Stop Service
Restart a computer on your network. Restart System
Save entries from an event log so that they can be used later. Save Event Log
Send a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query to a system that you specify and then return the results. Query WMI
Open an SSH connection to a remote server and run shell commands on that server. Run SSH Command
Query a network device for the value of variable that is assigned to the Management Information Base (MIB) address you specify. Get SNMP Variable
Wait for an event to occur either in the Microsoft SNMP Trap Service or on a port that you specify. Monitor SNMP Trap
Raise an SNMP event that can be detected by a network systems manager application. Send SNMP Trap
Modify a variable that is specified by its Management Information Base (MIB). Set SNMP Variable