En dashes
Use an en dash (–):
To indicate a range of numbers, such as inclusive values, dates, or pages.
2015–2017For a minus sign.
12 – 3 = 9To indicate negative numbers.
Use an en dash (–) instead of a hyphen in a compound modifier when:
One element of the modifier is an open compound.
Windows 10–compatible products
dialog–type optionsTwo or more of the elements are made up of hyphenated compounds (a rare occurrence).
Don’t use an en dash to indicate an empty cell in a table.
Don’t use spaces on either side of an en dash.
Exception Surround an en dash with spaces when it's used as a minus sign in an equation, in a time stamp appearing in UI, or in a date range that includes two times and two dates.
12 – 3 = 9
2:15 PM – 4:45 PM (time stamp in UI)
2:15 PM 12/1/17 – 4:45 PM 4/1/18 (range includes both time and date)
In text, don’t use an en dash in a range of times. Use to instead: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. In a schedule or listing, use an en dash with no spaces around it: 10:00 AM–2:00 PM.
See also Date and time term collection