Data type mappings between R and SQL Server
Applies to:
SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later
Azure SQL Managed Instance
This article lists the supported data types, and the data type conversions performed, when using the R integration feature in SQL Server Machine Learning Services.
Base R version
SQL Server 2016 R Services and SQL Server Machine Learning Services with R are aligned with specific releases of Microsoft R Open. For example, the latest release, SQL Server 2019 Machine Learning Services, is built on Microsoft R Open 3.5.2.
To view the R version associated with a particular instance of SQL Server, open RGui in the SQL instance. For example, the path for the default instance in SQL Server 2019 would be: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\R_SERVICES\bin\x64\Rgui.exe
The tool loads base R and other libraries. Package version information is provided in a notification for each package that is loaded at session start up.
R and SQL Data Types
While SQL Server supports several dozen data types, R has a limited number of scalar data types (numeric, integer, complex, logical, character, date/time, and raw). As a result, whenever you use data from SQL Server in R scripts, data might be implicitly converted to a compatible data type. However, often an exact conversion cannot be performed automatically, and an error is returned, such as "Unhandled SQL data type".
This section lists the implicit conversions that are provided, and lists unsupported data types. Some guidance is provided for mapping data types between R and SQL Server.
Implicit data type conversions
The following table shows the changes in data types and values when data from SQL Server is used in an R script and then returned to SQL Server.
SQL type | R class | RESULT SET type | Comments |
bigint | numeric |
float | Executing an R script with sp_execute_external_script allows bigint data type as input data. However, because they are converted to R's numeric type, it suffers a precision loss with values that are very high or have decimal point values. R only support up to 53-bit integers and then it will start to have precision loss. |
binary(n) n <= 8000 |
raw |
varbinary(max) | Only allowed as input parameter and output |
bit | logical |
bit | |
char(n) n <= 8000 |
character |
varchar(max) | The input data frame (input_data_1) are created without explicitly setting of stringsAsFactors parameter so the column type will depend on the default.stringsAsFactors() in R |
datetime | POSIXct |
datetime | Represented as GMT |
date | POSIXct |
datetime | Represented as GMT |
decimal(p,s) | numeric |
float | Executing an R script with sp_execute_external_script allows decimal data type as input data. However, because they are converted to R's numeric type, it suffers a precision loss with values that are very high or have decimal point values. sp_execute_external_script with an R script does not support the full range of the data type and would alter the last few decimal digits especially those with fraction. |
float | numeric |
float | |
int | integer |
int | |
money | numeric |
float | Executing an R script with sp_execute_external_script allows money data type as input data. However, because they are converted to R's numeric type, it suffers a precision loss with values that are very high or have decimal point values. Sometimes cent values would be imprecise and a warning would be issued: Warning: unable to precisely represent cents values. |
numeric(p,s) | numeric |
float | Executing an R script with sp_execute_external_script allows numeric data type as input data. However, because they are converted to R's numeric type, it suffers a precision loss with values that are very high or have decimal point values. sp_execute_external_script with an R script does not support the full range of the data type and would alter the last few decimal digits especially those with fraction. |
real | numeric |
float | |
smalldatetime | POSIXct |
datetime | Represented as GMT |
smallint | integer |
int | |
smallmoney | numeric |
float | |
tinyint | integer |
int | |
uniqueidentifier | character |
varchar(max) | |
varbinary(n) n <= 8000 |
raw |
varbinary(max) | Only allowed as input parameter and output |
varbinary(max) | raw |
varbinary(max) | Only allowed as input parameter and output |
varchar(n) n <= 8000 |
character |
varchar(max) | The input data frame (input_data_1) are created without explicitly setting of stringsAsFactors parameter so the column type will depend on the default.stringsAsFactors() in R |
Data types not supported by R
Of the categories of data types supported by the SQL Server type system, the following types are likely to pose problems when passed to R code:
- Data types listed in the Other section of the SQL type system article: cursor, timestamp, hierarchyid, uniqueidentifier, sql_variant, xml, table
- All spatial types
- image
Data types that might convert poorly
- Most datetime types should work, except for datetimeoffset.
- Most numeric data types are supported, but conversions might fail for money and smallmoney.
- varchar is supported, but because SQL Server uses Unicode as a rule, use of nvarchar and other Unicode text data types is recommended where possible.
- Functions from the RevoScaleR library prefixed with rx can handle the SQL binary data types (binary and varbinary), but in most scenarios special handling will be required for these types. Most R code cannot work with binary columns.
For more information about SQL Server data types, see Data Types (Transact-SQL)
Changes in data types between SQL Server versions
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 and later include improvements in data type conversions and in several other operations. Most of these improvements offer increased precision when you deal with floating-point types, as well as minor changes to operations on classic datetime types.
These improvements are all available by default when you use a database compatibility level of 130 or later. However, if you use a different compatibility level, or connect to a database using an older version, you might see differences in the precision of numbers or other results.
For more information, see SQL Server 2016 improvements in handling some data types and uncommon operations.
Verify R and SQL data schemas in advance
In general, whenever you have any doubt about how a particular data type or data structure is being used in R, use the str()
function to get the internal structure and type of the R object. The result of the function is printed to the R console and is also available in the query results, in the Messages tab in Management Studio.
When retrieving data from a database for use in R code, you should always eliminate columns that cannot be used in R, as well as columns that are not useful for analysis, such as GUIDS (uniqueidentifier), timestamps and other columns used for auditing, or lineage information created by ETL processes.
Note that inclusion of unnecessary columns can greatly reduce the performance of R code, especially if high cardinality columns are used as factors. Therefore, we recommend that you use SQL Server system stored procedures and information views to get the data types for a given table in advance, and eliminate or convert incompatible columns. For more information, see Information Schema Views in Transact-SQL
If a particular SQL Server data type is not supported by R, but you need to use the columns of data in the R script, we recommend that you use the CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL) functions to ensure that the data type conversions are performed as intended before using the data in your R script.
If you use the rxDataStep to drop incompatible columns while moving data, be aware that the arguments varsToKeep and varsToDrop are not supported for the RxSqlServerData data source type.
Example 1: Implicit conversion
The following example demonstrates how data is transformed when making the round-trip between SQL Server and R.
The query gets a series of values from a SQL Server table, and uses the stored procedure sp_execute_external_script to output the values using the R runtime.
c1 int,
c2 varchar(10),
c3 uniqueidentifier
INSERT MyTable VALUES(1, 'Hello', newid());
INSERT MyTable VALUES(-11, 'world', newid());
EXECUTE sp_execute_external_script
@language = N'R'
, @script = N'
inputDataSet["cR"] <- c(4, 2)
outputDataSet <- inputDataSet'
, @input_data_1 = N'SELECT c1, c2, c3 FROM MyTable'
, @input_data_1_name = N'inputDataSet'
, @output_data_1_name = N'outputDataSet'
WITH RESULT SETS((C1 int, C2 varchar(max), C3 varchar(max), C4 float));
Row # | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 |
1 | 1 | Hello | 6e225611-4b58-4995-a0a5-554d19012ef1 | 4 |
2 | -11 | world | 6732ea46-2d5d-430b-8ao1-86e7f3351c3e | 2 |
Note the use of the str
function in R to get the schema of the output data. This function returns the following information:
'data.frame':2 obs. of 4 variables:
$ c1: int 1 -11
$ c2: Factor w/ 2 levels "Hello","world": 1 2
$ c3: Factor w/ 2 levels "6732EA46-2D5D-430B-8A01-86E7F3351C3E",..: 2 1
$ cR: num 4 2
From this, you can see that the following data type conversions were implicitly performed as part of this query:
Column C1. The column is represented as int in SQL Server,
in R, and int in the output result set.No type conversion was performed.
Column C2. The column is represented as varchar(10) in SQL Server,
in R, and varchar(max) in the output.Note how the output changes; any string from R (either a factor or a regular string) will be represented as varchar(max), no matter what the length of the strings is.
Column C3. The column is represented as uniqueidentifier in SQL Server,
in R, and varchar(max) in the output.Note the data type conversion that happens. SQL Server supports the uniqueidentifier but R does not; therefore, the identifiers are represented as strings.
Column C4. The column contains values generated by the R script and not present in the original data.
Example 2: Dynamic column selection using R
The following example shows how you can use R code to check for invalid column types. The gets the schema of a specified table using the SQL Server system views, and removes any columns that have a specified invalid type.
connStr <- "Server=.;Database=TestDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
data <- RxSqlServerData(connectionString = connStr, sqlQuery = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM TestDB.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = N'testdata' AND DATA_TYPE <> 'image';")
columns <- rxImport(data)
columnList <-, c(as.list(columns$COLUMN_NAME), sep = ","))
sqlQuery <- paste("SELECT", columnList, "FROM testdata")