Step 5: Map identities of Box accounts to Microsoft 365 accounts

Identity Mapping is when you match the user and group identities that have access to your source environment (in this case Box) and map those identities to Microsoft 365 user and group identities. This process is important to migration. If identities aren't properly set up prior to migration, it can result in users losing access to content. It can also result in information being incorrect at the destination.

Map your groups and users in Box to those in Microsoft 365 to migrate your Box sharing settings.

  1. Select the User migrations tab.
  2. Select Map identities on the menu bar.
  3. Select Auto-map to have Migration Manager map the identities for you or select Import users and groups to upload the values using a CSV file.

Mapping individual identities

  1. To edit a single mapping, highlight the row. Enter the mapping Microsoft 365 user account.
  2. Select Save.

Import users and groups

If you have many mappings to edit, you can choose to upload a CSV file containing your users and groups mappings. Download the file template to your computer and enter your destinations. Save your file as a .csv file using any name you wish.

Upload your own users and groups mappings using the M.

  1. Select Import users and groups.
  2. Download the mapping.csv template file, inserting your own mappings. You can name the .csv any name you wish.
  3. Choose Select file. Navigate to your mapping .csv file and select it.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select Close.


Make sure to verify your mappings before uploading the file. The file will not be validated, and once migration starts, it cannot be changed.

Step 6: Migrate and monitor