File Versions

Migration Manager now supports migrating version histories along with each of the files. Customers can now transfer either a specific number of versions or all versions from cloud sources to Microsoft 365.


Currently, file version migration is supported only for a Google scenario.

Version settings

To configure file versions setting in a cloud migration project:

  1. Select Project Settings in the top-right toolbar.

  2. Select the Advanced tab.

  3. Configure the File versions settings as listed.

    • Do not migrate file version (default setting): Migrate only the most recent version of each file.

    • Migrate a specific number of file versions: Specify a fixed number of versions to migrate for each file.

    • Migrate all existing file versions: Migrate all available versions (up to 50,000) of each file.


Version settings can also be customized at the task level in Task settings.

Performance impact

File version migration can significantly increase the load on the source API quota, transmission network, and destination storage. To ensure optimal performance, it's strongly recommended to choose Migrate a specific number of file versions and set the number to no more than 10.


Laboratory testing indicates that native Google format files may experience throttling when migrating more than 10 versions. This performance restriction doesn't apply to other file types.


Each file corresponds to a row in the Migration detailed report. If version migration is enabled, a file is marked as successful only when all its versions are successfully migrated.

If versions are not migrated, refer to the ResultCode in the detailed report.

ResultCode Cause Suggested action
MVERSIONDISABLE Version feature is disabled in the destination library. Enable versioning in the destination library.
MVERSIONMETA Request failed while listing file versions. Check file version setting in the source.
MVERSIONDOWNLOAD Error occured while downloading file versions. 1. Revision not found due to version merging or expiration - this is expected.
2. Throttling may have caused the download failure - try again later.
MVERSIONNOTFOUND/MVERSIONENCRYPT Version processing error. Please try again.