Errors when you rename a SharePoint domain
This article lists common error messages that you might receive when you change a Microsoft SharePoint Online (SPO) domain. By using the information in each message, you can determine why the SharePoint domain can't be renamed and how to fix the error.
Error code | Error message | Details | Solution |
755 | SPO Tenant Rename is already in progress. | Tenant renaming is in progress. You can't trigger a tenant renaming while another renaming process is running. | Wait for the current tenant renaming to finish. |
756 | An unexpected error occurred while trying to update the tenant URLs. | An unexpected run-time error occurred when you started the tenant renaming job. | Retry the renaming action after some time passes. |
757 | The domain name isn't valid. | The domain name isn't in the list of verified domains for the tenant. | Add a verified domain, and start a renaming by using the domain. |
758 | The domain name isn't valid. | The domain name could be null (empty), is longer than 48 characters, or contains a hyphen or special characters. | The domain name that you're trying to use isn't in a valid format. The -DomainName parameter should be only the name portion of the domain. For example, if the domain is , the parameter would be only fabrikam . |
759 | SharePoint Online Tenant Rename isn't supported for your tenant. | The tenant has a Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS) site for which renaming isn't supported. These sites were created several years ago when SharePoint Online was named Business Productivity Office Suite (BPOS). |
BPOS sites and its configuration must be removed before you can schedule tenant renaming. Submit a support request by selecting Rename a SharePoint Tenant with BPOS sites |
760 | A site at [site URL] already exists. | Both the source and target sites are created by using redirect templates that aren't supported for renaming. The template of the target site isn't in the allowed templates (redirect site). | Remove target sites that have a redirect template, and then try again to rename them. |
763 | There are no sites to rename. | There are no sites to be renamed. | The tenant has no sites to be renamed. |
768 | SPO Tenant Rename can't be restarted because the current state is {0}. | The tenant renaming job is either suspended, queued, or in progress. | Wait for the tenant renaming job to finish. |
769 | The domain name can't be the same as the current name. | Original and target domain are the same. | Use a target domain name that's different from the original domain name. |
770 | SPO Tenant Rename is currently blocked. | Tenant renaming is blocked because the server is busy. | Retry the renaming action after some time passes. |
771 | SPO Tenant Rename is currently blocked. | Tenant renaming is blocked because the tenant is undergoing a move. | Retry the renaming action after some time passes. |
772 | Scheduled date/time must be 24 hours in the future. | Scheduled time is less than 24 hours from the current time. | Provide a schedule time that's equal to or greater than 24 hours from the current time, and then start the renaming. |
773 | Not Implemented. | Tenant renaming isn't enabled for the customer. | Tenant renaming isn't enabled yet for this customer. Wait for this feature to be implemented for your tenant. |
775 | The scheduled date/time must be within 30 days. | The scheduled time is greater than 30 days from the current time. | Provide a schedule date/time value that's 30 days or fewer from the current day, and then start the renaming. |
776 | SPO Tenant Rename isn't supported for Multi-Geo tenants. | Multi-Geo tenants aren't supported. | Tenant renaming currently can't be scheduled for tenants that have, or previously had, Multi-Geo configured. |
777 | SPO Tenant Rename isn't supported for your tenant. | The tenant has a public site, so the tenant renaming is canceled. | The public site on the tenant has to be removed before you can try to schedule the tenant renaming. Submit a support request by selecting Rename a SharePoint Tenant with Public site |
779 | Cannot schedule due to system maintenance. | Tenant renaming can't be scheduled because of maintenance events. | Retry the renaming action after some time passes. |
780 | Cannot perform a rename as you exceed the maximum number of allowed Sites and OneDrive. | There are too many sites in the tenant. | The tenant has more sites than is currently allowed. |
781 | Canceled by the system due to system maintenance. | Tenant renaming is canceled because a maintenance event is occurring. | Retry the renaming action after some time passes. |
783 | Your organization has already reached the allowed number of SPO tenant renames. | The tenant can be renamed only one time, and your organization has already been renamed. | If you have to do additional renaming, submit a support request by selecting Rename a SharePoint Tenant more than once |
-1076 | No applicable licenses found for this feature. Please check the documentation for more information. | SharePoint Advanced Management licenses are required. | Activate the Syntex SharePoint Advanced Management offering in your tenant. |
-1077 | There is no applicable tenant rename scheduled in your organization. | Tenant rename isn't scheduled. | Run the Start-SPOTenantRename cmdlet, and then try again. |
-1078 | Prioritizing sites cannot be performed since the tenant rename is in progress. | Prioritization isn't allowed when a rename is in progress. | None. |
-1086 | The limit on the number of prioritized sites has been reached. No further sites can be added unless some are removed first. | The 4,000-site limit for prioritization was reached. | Remove a site that was already prioritized, and then try again to prioritize the desired site. For more information, see prioritizing sites. |
-1081 | Prioritization for root sites is not supported. | Root sites can't be prioritized. | None. |
-1082 | The site is locked. Please unlock the site and try again. | A rename can't be done on a locked site. | Unlock the site. |
-1080 | The specified site does not exist. Please check the URL and try again. | The specified site doesn't exist. | Check whether the site exists, or whether there are any typos in the URL. |
-15 | This site URL is invalid. Please double-check your site URL. | The specified URL has an invalid format. | Check the format of the specified URL. |
1095 | The rename cannot be scheduled currently since alternate URLs exist in the tenant. | The tenant has alternate URLs configured for which renames aren't supported. These likely remain from earlier SharePoint on-premises implementations. | The alternate URLs must be removed before you try again to schedule a rename. Submit a support request by selecting Rename a SharePoint Tenant with Alternate URLs. |
1089 | Max no. of allowed sites exceeded. | During a tenant rename, the maximum number of sites allowed by the standard rename has been exceeded. | For larger organizations, use Advanced Tenant Rename. |
Note: You might encounter different errors about individual site renaming if the actions fail as part of the domain renaming. For more information, see Errors when you rename a SharePoint site address.