Manage Support requests

To review, manage, or update Microsoft Support requests, click on “Manage all support request” in the blue banner.

Microsoft Services Hub page, which is showing the Manage all support requests button is highlighted.

The Manage Support requests page includes filters for State, Product, and Severity to find your cases easier and faster. Also, you can find Support requests - regardless of location - by simply entering the Support request ID in the find request box.

Manage supports requests page, which is showing a list of currently open support cases.

Expand a Support request to see the details of a support request.

Support request details

A Microsoft representative is available if you have questions or need help with your Microsoft support agreement and services; the contact information is available on the bottom of the Services Hub Home page. 

Unassigned Support Request Experience

In some situations where customers have multiple workspaces, it is not clear which workspace a support request belongs. In this situation, you need to assign that support request to the proper workspace for visibility on Services Hub.

To make this process easier, the Unassigned Requests experience shows a full list of support requests using the entire page.

Dialog box

Once you select "Assigned Support Request Now," you will be taken to the full list of open requests that aren't assigned.


Provision Support Contacts and Permissions

For information on how to designate Support Contacts and manage their permissions, see Manage Users.