
Services Hub Services Catalog offers WorkshopPLUS, an in-depth, expert-led service that helps you learn more about your Microsoft technologies. These events can be scheduled in-person, remotely, or viewed later.

There are two types of WorkshopPLUS offerings: closed and open. Closed WorkshopPLUS titles are prerecorded workshops or workshops that are full. Open WorshopPLUS titles are those scheduled with open seats.

These services may be recommended to you in your proactive recommendations or can be viewed in the Services Catalog.

Finding WorkshopPLUS titles

From the Services Catalog landing page, click "View all services" under your Recommended services.

Services Catalog Landing page, which is showing the mouse cursor hovering over the View All Services link.

To view Open WorkshopPLUS offerings, filter Service Type by Open WorkshopPLUS.

 All Services page, which is showing that the listed results are filtered by the Open Workshop PLUS filter.

Scheduling your WorkshopPLUS

To request enrollment for a class, click on the title of the WorkshopPLUS you are interested in.

Workshop PLUS event page, which is showing a list of workshop dates that the user can enroll in.

You can read the description of the WorkshopPLUS, download a datasheet, and Request Enrollment (if available).

If the Workshop is closed, you will see the screen below and can contact your Microsoft representative about the service and to get help with scheduling a class for your organization.

Workshop Plus event page, which shows a text field that a user can fill in to contact their representative about scheduling a class.