.NET Aspire Shop sample

Screenshot of the web front end the .NET Aspire Shop sample

The app consists of four services:

  • AspireShop.Frontend: This is a Blazor app that displays a paginated catlog of products and allows users to add products to a shopping cart.
  • AspireShop.CatalogService: This is an HTTP API that provides access to the catalog of products stored in a PostgreSQL database.
  • AspireShop.CatalogDbManager: This is an HTTP API that manages the initialization and updating of the catalog database.
  • AspireShop.BasketService: This is a gRPC service that provides access to the shopping cart stored in Redis.

The app also includes a class library project, AspireShop.ServiceDefaults, that contains the service defaults used by the service projects.


Running the app

If using Visual Studio, open the solution file AspireShop.sln and launch/debug the AspireShop.AppHost project.

If using the .NET CLI, run dotnet run from the AspireShop.AppHost directory.