Yammer Rest API

REST API calls are subject to rate-limiting. Exceeding any rate limit will result in all endpoints returning a status code of 429 (Too Many Requests). Rate limits are set per user per app.

Yammer API Rate Limts

REST API calls are subject to rate-limiting. Exceeding any rate limit will result in all endpoints returning a status code of 429 (Too Many Requests). Rate limits are set per user per app.

The table below shows the four rate-limits which should be considered.

Endpoint type Rate limits Additional notes
Autocomplete 10 requests in 10 seconds The autocomplete resources allow for more frequent polling than other resources, as they are meant to enable realtime responses for a user as they type. See the autocomplete section to understand how to use this feature.
Messages 10 requests in 30 seconds When polling for messages, do not exceed one poll per minute. Apps that poll excessively will be blocked. However, your app may sometimes need to fetch messages more frequently e.g. if a user flips between “following”, “sent” and “received” feeds quickly: this is allowed for a few requests. Do not attempt to decrease message latency in your app by checking for new messages more frequently than once per minute.
Notifications 10 requests in 30 seconds
All other endpoints 10 requests in 30 seconds Rate limits for all other resources are tuned to virtually guarantee that a normally functioning client serving even a heavy Yammer user will not run into rate limit problems.

How rate limits are implemented

These limits are independent e.g. in the same 30 seconds period, you could make 10 message calls and 10 notification calls. The specific rate limits are subject to change, but table above shows the current guidelines.