Web Pub Sub - Generate Client Token
Generate token for the client to connect Azure Web PubSub service.
POST {endpoint}/api/hubs/{hub}/:generateToken?api-version=2024-12-01
POST {endpoint}/api/hubs/{hub}/:generateToken?userId={userId}&role={role}&minutesToExpire={minutesToExpire}&api-version=2024-12-01&group={group}&clientType={clientType}
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string url |
HTTP or HTTPS endpoint for the Web PubSub service instance. |
path | True |
string |
Target hub name, which should start with alphabetic characters and only contain alpha-numeric characters or underscore. Regex pattern: |
query | True |
string |
The version of the REST APIs. |
query |
The type of client. Case-insensitive. If not set, it's "Default". For Web PubSub for Socket.IO, only the default value is supported. For Web PubSub, the valid values are 'Default' and 'MQTT'. |
query |
string[] |
Groups that the connection will join when it connects. |
query |
integer int32 |
The expire time of the generated token. |
query |
string[] |
Roles that the connection with the generated token will have. |
query |
string |
User Id. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK Media Types: "text/plain", "application/json", "text/json" |
Other Status Codes |
Error response Media Types: "text/plain", "application/json", "text/json" Headers x-ms-error-code: string |
Sample request
POST {endpoint}/api/hubs/hub1/:generateToken?userId=user1&minutesToExpire=5&api-version=2024-12-01&clientType=MQTT
Sample response
"token": "ABCDEFG.ABC.ABC"
Name | Description |
Client |
The response object containing the token for the client |
Error |
The error object. |
Inner |
Web |
The type of client. Case-insensitive. If not set, it's "Default". For Web PubSub for Socket.IO, only the default value is supported. For Web PubSub, the valid values are 'Default' and 'MQTT'. |
The response object containing the token for the client
Name | Type | Description |
token |
string |
The token value for the WebSocket client to connect to the service |
The error object.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
One of a server-defined set of error codes. |
details |
An array of details about specific errors that led to this reported error. |
inner | ||
message |
string |
A human-readable representation of the error. |
target |
string |
The target of the error. |
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
A more specific error code than was provided by the containing error. |
inner |
The type of client. Case-insensitive. If not set, it's "Default". For Web PubSub for Socket.IO, only the default value is supported. For Web PubSub, the valid values are 'Default' and 'MQTT'.
Value | Description |
Default | |