Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 query syntax
This is a Gen1 article.
This article describes the query request format and syntax for the Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 Query API.
- Query requests must be in JSON format.
- HTTP request payloads made to the Query API should conform to the format specified in this article.
The language is subdivided into the following elements:
- Scalar expressions, which produce scalar values. Scalar expressions include predicate string expressions, comparison expressions, and arithmetic expressions.
- Scalar functions, which return scalar values.
- Aggregate expressions, which are used to partition collections of events and compute measures over the partitions.
- Clauses, which form the constituent components of JSON queries or a part of an expression.
Data model
The Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 Query API operates on data that's stored as individual events within an environment. Each event is a set of property name and value pairs.
Event properties
Event properties can be of one of the following primitive types: Bool, DateTime, Double, or String. All primitive types are nullable.
Customized event source formats may support a larger set of value types. Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 infers the closest primitive type and then casts customized types to them at ingress.
All events have the following built-in properties with a predefined name and type:
Property name | Property type | Definition |
$ts | DateTime | Event timestamp |
$esn | String | Event source name |
Event timestamp
By default, an event timestamp value is provided by the event source. For example, events coming from an IoT hub would have their enqueued time as a timestamp.
Customers can modify this behavior by configuring another event property instead. Custom timestamp properties can be specified in event hubs and IoT hubs.
Event source name
The event source name is the name that's displayed for the event source from which Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 has received the event. Event source names are associated with a particular event at ingress time.
- Event source names remain unchanged for the lifetime of the event.
- If the name of an event source is modified, existing events carry the old event source name. New events will carry the new event source name.
Event types
Custom event properties are uniquely identified and referenced in query expressions by name and type. An event can have more than one property with the same name and different types. Properties with the same name but different types might result from ingress type splitting.
An event property value of String type can be stored as a property with a different type in the following cases:
- If a String value is a valid Double value, it's stored both as Double and String.
- If a String value is a valid DateTime value, it's stored as DateTime only.
The Query API converts empty Strings literals (""
) to null
in the output.
Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 has limited support for the following values within the Double type: Double.NaN
, Double.PositiveInfinity
, and Double.NegativeInfinity
These values are converted to null
during ingress, but if query evaluation produces one of these values, the value is evaluated and serialized as a String in response.
You can pass these values as Strings for ingress, so in query expressions these values should also be passed as Strings.
Event schemas describe the properties of an event. An event schema contains the name of an event source and the ordered set of properties for the event. Different events can have different schemas or share the same schema.
Scalar expressions
Scalar expressions produce scalar values. Scalar expressions are divided into the following kinds:
- Constant expressions
- Property reference expressions
- Comparison expressions
- Arithmetic expressions
- Predicate string expressions
Constant expressions
You represent constant expressions by using the following literals for each of the primitive types:
Primitive type | JSON representation | JSON example | Notes |
Bool | As a JSON Boolean type | true , false |
DateTime | As a nested object with single dateTime property in ISO 8601 format yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFK . |
{"dateTime":"2016-08-01T00:00:00.000Z"} |
Double | A JSON number cast to the Double range. | 1.23e45 , 123 |
Double overflows will generate an error. |
String | A JSON string type | "abc" |
TimeSpan | As a nested object with single timeSpan property in ISO 8601 format: P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S . |
{"timeSpan":"P1Y2M3DT4M5.67S"} |
Nullable primitive types
Primitive data types are nullable. null
values for primitive types are expressed in JSON as follows:
{ "string": null }
{ "double": null }
{ "bool": null }
{ "dateTime": null }
{ "timeSpan": null }
Property reference expressions
You use a property reference expression to access the values of non-built-in properties of an event. Non-built-in properties include any customized property beyond the default ones that are automatically contained in an event schema.
The result type of a property reference expression is the primitive type of the property. Properties in the event schema are uniquely identified by name and type, and the reference expression requires both to be specified.
JSON examples:
{ "property": "p1", "type": "Bool" }
{ "property": "p1", "type": "DateTime" }
{ "property": "p1", "type": "Double" }
{ "property": "p1", "type": "String" }
{ "property": "p1", "type": "TimeSpan" }
A built-in property reference expression is used to access built-in properties of an event. Built-in properties are only those properties that are automatically defined in an event schema.
The result type of a built-in property reference expression is the primitive type of the property. Built-in properties are referenced by name only; therefore, no type is needed in the reference expression:
{ "builtInProperty": "$esn" }
Comparison expressions
The following Boolean comparison expressions are supported:
Property name in JSON | Description |
eq | Equal |
in | In (equal any) |
phrase | Contains phrase |
startsWith | Starts with |
endsWith | Ends with phrase |
regex | Matches regular expression |
lt | Less than |
lte | Less than or equal |
gt | Greater than |
gte | Greater than or equal |
- All comparison expressions take the primitive types of both left-hand and right-hand arguments and return a Boolean value representing the result of the comparison.
- Both types of the left-hand and right-hand arguments in comparisons should match.
- All types implicitly cast only to themselves, and explicit casts are not supported.
"eq": {
"left": {
"property": "p1",
"type": "String"
"right": "abc"
JSON examples:
{ "startsWith": { "left": { "property": "p1", "type": "String" }, "right": "abc" } }
{ "startsWith": { "left": { "property": "p1", "type": "String" }, "right": "", "stringComparison": "Ordinal" } }
{ "endsWith": { "left": { "property": "p1", "type": "String" }, "right": { "property": "p2", "type": "String" }, "stringComparison": "Ordinal" } }
The following table shows supported types of arguments for each of the comparison expressions:
Argument type | Supported comparison operation |
Bool | eq, in |
DateTime | eq, in, lt, lte, gt, gte |
Double | eq, in, lt, lte, gt, gte |
String | eq, in, phrase, startsWith, endsWith, regex |
TimeSpan | eq, in, lt, lte, gt, gte |
The NULL literal can be used only with the following comparison operators: eq or in.
- The eq operator results in
if both sides arenull
values. Otherwise, the operator results infalse
. - For other operations, the error is raised for the NULL literal, and the behavior is undefined for null-value properties (any comparison operation that results in
). - A
value precedes non-null values in sort orderings (for example, if sorting by a property is applied to return a list of events).
Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 supports the following Boolean logical expressions:
Property name in JSON | Description |
and | Takes a non-empty set of Boolean arguments and returns true if all of them evaluate to true . |
or | Takes a non-empty set of Boolean arguments and returns true if any of them evaluate to true . |
not | Takes a single Boolean argument and returns its negated value. |
"and": [
"eq": {
"left": {
"property": "p1",
"type": "String"
"right": "abc"
"not": {
"lt": {
"left": {
"property": "p1",
"type": "Double"
"right": 1
The stringComparison property is optional. By default, its value is OrdinalIgnoreCase
, which causes sentence casing to be ignored in comparisons.
"regex": {
"left": {
"property": "p1",
"type": "String"
"right": "^abc*"
"regex": {
"left": "abc",
"right": "^a*$"
Arithmetic expressions
Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 supports the following arithmetic expressions:
Property name in JSON | Description |
add | Addition |
sub | Subtraction |
mult | Multiplication |
div | Division |
All arithmetic expressions take the left and right arguments of primitive types and return a value that represents the result of the operation.
All types implicitly cast only to themselves, and explicit casts are not supported.
"add": {
"left": {
"property": "p1",
"type": "Double"
"right": 1
The following table shows supported types of arguments for each of the arithmetic expressions:
Operation | Left type | Right type | Result type |
add | Double | Double | Double |
add | TimeSpan | TimeSpan | TimeSpan |
add | DateTime | TimeSpan | DateTime |
add | TimeSpan | DateTime | DateTime |
sub | Double | Double | Double |
sub | TimeSpan | TimeSpan | TimeSpan |
sub | DateTime | DateTime | TimeSpan |
sub | DateTime | TimeSpan | DateTime |
mul | Double | Double | Double |
div | Double | Double | Double |
Predicate string expressions
Boolean predicate string expressions contain Boolean predicates that are represented as human-readable expressions called predicate strings.
Examples of predicate strings:
Predicate string | Description |
Description HAS 'hello world' |
true for events that contain the phrase hello world in the Description property across all event sources |
'hello world' |
true for events that contain the phrase hello world |
startsWith(Status, 'go') |
true for events with Status starting with go |
endsWith(Status, 'oD') |
true for events with Status ending with od |
startsWith_cs(Status, 'Go') |
true for events with Status starting with Go |
endsWith_cs(Status, 'od') |
true for events with Status starting with od |
matchesRegex(s, '^G*') |
true for events with Status that matches the regular expression ^G* |
PointValue.Double = 3.14 |
true for events with double PointValue equal to 3.14 |
Status IN ('Good','Bad') |
true for events with Status that contains Good or Bad |
PointValue > 3.14 AND Status.String = 'Good' |
true for events with PointValue greater than 3.14 and string Status of Good |
[PointValue] > 3.14 AND ([Status] = 'Good' OR [Status] = 'Bad') AND NOT [Description] HAS 'hello world' |
true for events with PointValue greater than 3.14 and Status of Good or Bad and Description not containing the phrase hello world |
{ "predicateString": "PointValue.Double = 3.14" }
The expression in the predicate string is evaluated into a JSON Boolean expression. It should comply with the following (simplified) grammar:
JSON Boolean expression | Backus–Naur form |
parse |
orPredicate EOF | EOF; |
orPredicate |
andPredicate (Or andPredicate)*; |
andPredicate |
notPredicate (And notPredicate)*; |
notPredicate |
(Not)* predicate; |
predicate |
parenPredicate | comparisonPredicateExtended | hasPredicate | inPredicate; |
parenPredicate |
OpenParen orPredicate CloseParen; |
parenExpression |
OpenParen additiveExpression CloseParen; |
comparisonPredicateExtended |
(ComparisonOp literal) | comparisonPredicate; |
comparisonPredicate |
additiveExpression ComparisonOp additiveExpression; |
additiveExpression |
multiplicativeExpression ((Plus | Minus) multiplicativeExpression)*; |
multiplicativeExpression |
unaryExpression (MultiplicativeOp unaryExpression)*; |
functionCallExpression |
identifier OpenParen CloseParen; |
unaryExpression |
identifier | literal | functionCallExpression | parenPredicate | parenExpression; |
hasPredicate |
(identifier? Has)? StringLiteral; |
inPredicate |
identifier? In OpenParen literal (Comma literal)* CloseParen; |
literal |
StringLiteral | ((Minus)? NumericLiteral) | BooleanLiteral | DateTimeLiteral | TimeSpanLiteral | NullLiteral; |
identifier |
BuiltinIdentifier | (QuotedOrUnquotedIdentifier (Sep QuotedOrUnquotedIdentifier)?); |
Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 primitive data types are supported in predicate string expressions.
Unlike JSON property reference expressions, a type for a property can be omitted, in which case a type is automatically inferred.
Supported literals
Primitive type | Literals |
Bool | TRUE , FALSE |
DateTime | dt'2016-10-08T03:22:55.3031599Z' |
Double | 1.23 , 1.0 |
String | 'abc' |
TimeSpan | ts'P1Y2M3DT4M5.67S' |
Supported operand types
Operation | Supported types | Notes |
<, >, <=, >= | Double, DateTime, TimeSpan | |
=, !=, <> | String, Bool, Double, DateTime, TimeSpan, NULL | <> is equivalent for != |
+, -, *, / | Double, DateTime, TimeSpan | |
IN | String, Bool, Double, DateTime, TimeSpan, NULL | All operands should be of the same type or be NULL constant. Multiple NULLs are equivalent to a single NULL. |
HAS | String | Only constant string literals are allowed at right-hand side. Empty string and NULL are not allowed. |
For comparison predicates (<, >, <=, >=, =, !=) and the IN predicate operand can be NULL or have a single type.
For expressions with a HAS predicate, the constant literal on the right-hand side of the HAS operand can be expanded into multiple types. Additionally, the constant literal to the right-hand side of the HAS operand is parsed into a Bool, Double, DateTime, or TimeSpan value. For each successfully parsed value, a predicate with the = operator is created. These predicates and the original HAS predicate are joined into an OR predicate. For example, a predicate string p1 HAS '1.0'
is equivalent to p1.String HAS '1.0' OR p1.Double = 1.0
, if p1 properties with String and Double types exist.
Type checking
Predicate expressions are type-checked and validated to ensure that the right-hand and left-hand types within them match.
- When the constants to the left and right of an operand do not match, an error is thrown.
- An error is also thrown if an operation is not allowed on or between specific types.
If a type is specified for property, a type check is applied:
Any property type is accepted against a NULL literal.
Otherwise, left-hand side and right-hand side types should match.
Examples of properties p1 and p2 of the String type, and property p3 of the Double type are displayed in the following table:
Predicate string Is valid? Notes p1.String = 'abc'
Yes p1.String = p2.String
Yes p1.String = NULL
matches any left-hand side type.p3.Double = 'abc'
No Type mismatch. p3.Double = p1.String
No Type mismatch. p1.String HAS 'abc'
Yes p3.Double HAS '1.0'
Yes String literal was successfully parsed to a Double value.
If a type is omitted for the property but a name is specified, the following steps are performed:
- All properties with a specified name and types are taken.
- Left-hand side and right-hand side operands are grouped in pairs by type.
- Pairs are concatenated by using AND operations.
Examples of properties p1 and p2 of the String and Double types and some of their equivalents are displayed in the following table:
Predicate string Equivalent strong-typed predicate string Notes p1 = 'abc'
p1.String = 'abc'
p1 = true
No p1 property of type Bool, so a missing property error is emitted. p1 = NULL
p1.String = NULL AND p1.Double = NULL
right-hand side it is assumed that all matching properties should beNULL
.p1 != NULL
p1.String != NULL OR p1.Double != NULL
This is an inversion of the preceding expression. p1 = '1.0'
p1.String = '1.0'
p1 IN (1.0, NULL)
p1.Double = 1.0 OR p1.Double = NULL
p1 IN (NULL)
p1.String = NULL AND p1.Double = NULL
This is the equivalent of p1 = NULL
.p1 HAS '1.0'
p1.String HAS '1.0' OR p1.Double = 1.0
The string literal was successfully parsed to a valid Double value. p1 HAS 'true'
p1.String HAS 'true'
The string literal was successfully parsed to Bool, but no p1.Bool property exists. p1 = p2
p1.String = p2.String AND p1.Double = p2.Double
p1 != p2
p1.String != p2.String OR p1.Double != p2.Double
This is an inversion of the preceding expression.
Both the property name and type can be omitted for a left-hand side property if the right-hand side property type is well-defined. This is true whenever the right-hand side has constant literals and it doesn't contain only a
literal.This scenario is a generalization of full-text search that uses the HAS operand.
All properties that match the right-hand side type are taken, and the resulting expressions are concatenated via an OR operation.
Examples of property p1 of the String and Double types and property p2 of the String and DateTime types are displayed in the following table:
Predicate string Equivalent strong-typed predicate string Notes = 'abc'
p1.String = 'abc' OR p2.String = 'abc'
!= 'abc'
p1.String != 'abc' AND p2.String != 'abc'
Inversion of the preceding expression = 1.0
p1.Double = 1.0
= dt'2000-01-02T03:04:05'
p2.DateTime = dt'2000-01-02T03:04:05'
= true
Error. No Bool property exists, so a missing property error is emitted. = NULL
Error. Omitting the property name for NULL
right-hand side is not allowed.IN (NULL)
Same as the preceding error. IN (1.0, NULL)
p1.Double = 1.0 OR p1.Double = NULL
HAS '1.0'
p1.String HAS '1.0' OR p1.Double = 1.0 OR p2.String HAS '1.0'
HAS 'true'
p1.String HAS 'true' OR p2.String HAS 'true'
There is no property with type Bool.
If the operator is omitted together with a property name, the
operation is assumed.
Scalar functions
Scalar functions return scalar values.
Native functions
Scalar functions that are supported out-of-box by Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 include:
Function name | Return value | Arguments | Example | Notes |
utcNow | DateTime | None | utcNow() | Returns the current time in UTC format. The function name is case-sensitive. |
The UTC now function returns a DateTime value, which contains the current time in UTC format. It does not accept any arguments.
Aggregate expressions
Aggregate expressions are used to partition collections of events and compute measures over the partitions. Aggregate expressions are divided into the following kinds:
Dimension expressions
You use dimension expressions inside an aggregates clause to partition a set of events and assign a scalar key to each partition.
Dimension expression types:
Property name in JSON | Description | Example |
uniqueValues | Dimension values in the result are exact values of a given property. | |
dateHistogram | Dimension values in the result are ranges of time of a given property. | The date histogram of the timestamp might result in 10 1-hour ranges for a 10-hour search span. |
numericHistogram | Dimension values in the result are ranges of values in a given property. | The numeric histogram of temperature might result in a return of 10 ranges of degrees. |
Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 restricts the maximum cardinality, or maximum lattice size, of an input aggregate query to 150,000 cells. To calculate the cardinality of an aggregate query, you multiply the sizes of all dimensions in the query. As long as the product is less than 150,000, the query is accepted for execution. If the product is equal to or less than 150,000, the query is rejected.
You specify the maximum size of a dimension that's produced by uniqueValues and numericHistogram by using the take clause. In dateHistogram, the size is calculated by dividing the search span by the size of the dateHistogram interval, which you specify by using the breaks clause.
For example, an aggregate query has the search span set from "2017-11-15T16:00:00.000Z" to "2017-11-15T19:00:00.000Z" = 3 hours. If the query includes dateHistogram with the breaks clause, set to 1 minute (dimension 1) and uniqueValues over property XYZ, the dateHistogram dimension size is 3x60=180. This result means that uniqueValues can take up to 150,000/180 = 833 items total.
Unique values expressions
You use a unique values expression to group a set of events by the values of a specified event property.
Evaluation of this JSON expression results in up to 100 records, which are grouped by the sensorId
String property.
"uniqueValues": {
"input": {
"property": "sensorId",
"type": "String"
"take": 100
Date histogram expressions
You use a date histogram expression to group DateTime property values into buckets of a specified size.
An evaluation of this JSON expression results in a set of Timestamp records that are floor-rounded such that each value has seconds zeroed.
"dateHistogram": {
"input": {
"builtInProperty": "$ts"
"breaks": {
"size": "1m"
Numeric histogram expressions
You use a numeric histogram expression to group Double property values into a specified number of buckets.
An evaluation of this JSON expression results in 10 records, so the range between the minimum and maximum values of the p1 property is divided into 10 buckets.
"numericHistogram": {
"input": {
"property": "p1",
"type": "Double"
"breaks": {
"count": 10
Measure expressions
You use measure expressions inside aggregates clauses to compute a scalar value on a set of events. For example, a measure expression is the calculation of the maximum value measured by a temperature sensor during the last 24 hours.
You use a count expression to calculate the number of events within a corresponding bucket.
{ "count": {} }
You use min, max, avg, and sum expressions to calculate the minimum, maximum, average of, and sum of the values for a specified property within a corresponding bucket.
"min": {
"input": {
"property": "temperature",
"type": "Double"
With first and last measure expressions, you can get the value of a specified property A that corresponds to the minimum or maximum value of property B.
"first": {
"input": {
"property": "propertyA",
"type": "String"
"orderBy": {
"property": "propertyB",
"type": "Double"
"last": {
"input": {
"property": "propertyA",
"type": "Double"
"orderBy": {
"property": "propertyB",
"type": "DateTime"
The orderBy clause is optional and defaults to the Timestamp property $ts. The input can be of any type. The orderBy clause supports only Double and DateTime types.
If property B is a DateTime type, you get the latest or the earliest value of property A.
You can use first and last expressions to help understand the earliest or latest value of a specific property. For example, if you have a property called deviceID
and you want to understand the latest deviceID
that sent an event, last is the most efficient expression operator to use to identify that information.
"last": {
"input": {
"property": "deviceID",
"type": "String"
Another example is to use last to find the last reported location of a particular object, such as a ship, vehicle, or other moving object.
To illustrate a query that produces the last known location of the ships in a fleet, you could author a query similar to the following:
"searchSpan": {
"from": "2018-05-05T12:00:00.000Z",
"to": "2018-05-15T12:01:00.000Z"
"aggregates": [
"dimension": {
"uniqueValues": {
"input": {
"property": "shipId",
"type": "string"
"take": 150000
"measures": [
"last": {
"input": {
"property": "Latitude",
"type": "Double"
"last": {
"input": {
"property": "Longitude",
"type": "Double"
Another example is to use first to find a device that reports the lowest pressure for every plant:
"searchSpan": {
"from": "2018-05-05T12:00:00.000Z",
"to": "2018-05-15T12:01:00.000Z"
"aggregates": [
"dimension": {
"uniqueValues": {
"input": {
"property": "plantId",
"type": "String"
"take": 150000
"measures": [
"first": {
"input": {
"property": "deviceId",
"type": "String"
"orderBy": {
"property": "pressure",
"type": "Double"
Dimension and measure type support
Here are the supported dimension and measure expressions, based on property type:
Property type | Supported dimension expressions | Supported measure expressions |
Bool | "uniqueValues" |
"first" (input), "last" (input) |
DateTime | "uniqueValues" , "dateHistogram" |
"min" , "max" , "first" (orderBy, input), "last” (orderBy, input) |
Double | "uniqueValues" , "numericHistogram" |
"sum" , "avg" , "min" , "max" , "first" (orderBy, input), "last” (orderBy, input) |
String | "uniqueValues" |
"first" (input), "last" (input) |
Clauses form constituent components of JSON queries or a part of an expression. Clauses are divided into the following kinds:
- Search span clauses
- Predicate clauses
- Limit top clauses
- Limit take clauses
- Limit sample clauses
- Breaks clauses
- Aggregates clauses
Search span clauses
You use a search span clause to filter a built-in Timestamp property of an event to a given interval. The start of the interval is inclusive. The end of the interval is exclusive.
"searchSpan": {
"from": {
"dateTime": "2016-08-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"to": {
"dateTime": "2016-08-31T00:00:00.000Z"
The from and to properties in the search span clause (searchSpan) should be valid expressions of the DateTime result type. These expressions are evaluated prior to query execution, which means that they should not contain any property references.
Predicate clauses
You use a predicate clause to filter events that satisfy the predicate. It should be resolved into a Boolean expression.
"predicate": {
"eq": {
"left": {
"property": "p1",
"type": "String"
"right": "abc"
To filter events means to run a predicate that's represented by a Boolean expression on each event in the environment. The execution of an expression on an event returns true
if the event must be included in further operations. It returns false
if the event must be omitted from further processing.
Events are always filtered by search span in addition to any filtering that's specified within a predicate expression.
Limit top clauses
You use a *limit top clause to get a specified number of values in either ascending or descending order. The number of values is limited as per the specified count.
"sort": [
"input": {
"builtInProperty": "$ts"
"order": "Asc"
"count": 10
Limit take clauses
You can use a limit take clause as a quick way to get a set of values in no particular order. The number of returned values is limited by the specified input.
{ "take": 10 }
Limit sample clauses
You use a *limit sample clause to get a statistically representative sample from a set of values. The number of returned values is limited by the specified input.
{ "sample": 10 }
Breaks clauses
You use a *breaks clause in histogram expressions to specify how a range should be divided.
For date histograms, you should specify the size of the datetime interval and interval boundaries. You do so unless the histogram is based on a built-in Timestamp property where the boundaries are determined based on search span:
- Interval boundaries are optional and can be used. For example, you can use them when they're determined based on a search span if interval boundaries are omitted.
- For numeric histograms, you should specify the number of breaks. You determine interval boundaries based on the minimum and maximum values of a property.
"breaks": {
"size": "1d",
"from": "2000-01-02T03:04:05.0000000",
"to": "2000-01-02T03:04:05.0000000"
"breaks": {
"count": 10
Aggregates clauses
You use an aggregates clause to partition a set of events by a given property while you're measuring the values of other event properties.
Measures are evaluated on each partition that's produced by the dimension expression.
The following JSON example computes average, minimum, and maximum temperatures per sensor ID.
{ "aggregates": [ { "dimension": { "uniqueValues": { "input": { "property": "sensorId", "type": "String" }, "take": 100 } }, "measures": [ { "avg": { "input": { "property": "temperature", "type": "Double" } } }, { "min": { "input": { "property": "temperature", "type": "Double" } } }, { "max": { "input": { "property": "temperature", "type": "Double" } } } ] } ] }
An aggregates clause is an array that lets you specify more than one aggregation at the topmost level.
The following JSON example computes the average temperature per city and per manufacturer independently:
{ "aggregates": [ { "dimension": { "uniqueValues": { "input": { "property": "city", "type": "String" }, "take": 100 } }, "measures": [ { "avg": { "input": { "property": "temperature", "type": "Double" } } } ] }, { "dimension": { "uniqueValues": { "input": { "property": "manufacturer", "type": "String" }, "take": 100 } }, "measures": [ { "avg": { "input": { "property": "temperature", "type": "Double" } } } ] } ] }
- Having more than one element in an aggregates array is not currently supported.
- However, an aggregation definition may include a nested array that specifies a more flexible, multidimensional lattice.
The following JSON example computes average temperature per sensor ID, per minute.
{ "aggregates": [ { "dimension": { "uniqueValues": { "input": { "property": "sensorId", "type": "String" }, "take": 100 } }, "aggregate": { "dimension": { "dateHistogram": { "input": { "builtInProperty": "$ts" }, "breaks": { "size": "1m" } } }, "measures": [ { "avg": { "input": { "property": "temperature", "type": "Double" } } } ] } } ] }
See also
For more information about the Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 APIs, see Gen1 APIs.
To learn about request and authentication parameters, see Authentication and authorization.
Learn more about Azure Time Series Insights Gen1 by reviewing the Gen1 documentation.