Other Status Codes
An error occurred. The possible HTTP status, code, and message strings are listed below:
- 400 Bad Request, ContentLengthMustBeZero, "The Content-Length request header must be zero."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidAuthenticationInfo, "Authentication information is not given in the correct format. Check the value of Authorization header."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidFlushPosition, "The uploaded data is not contiguous or the position query parameter value is not equal to the length of the file after appending the uploaded data."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidHeaderValue, "The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidHttpVerb, "The HTTP verb specified is invalid - it is not recognized by the server."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidInput, "One of the request inputs is not valid."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidPropertyName, "A property name cannot be empty."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidPropertyName, "The property name contains invalid characters."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidQueryParameterValue, "Value for one of the query parameters specified in the request URI is invalid."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidResourceName, "The specified resource name contains invalid characters."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidSourceUri, "The source URI is invalid."
- 400 Bad Request, InvalidUri, "The request URI is invalid."
- 400 Bad Request, MissingRequiredHeader, "An HTTP header that's mandatory for this request is not specified."
- 400 Bad Request, MissingRequiredQueryParameter, "A query parameter that's mandatory for this request is not specified."
- 400 Bad Request, MultipleConditionHeadersNotSupported, "Multiple condition headers are not supported."
- 400 Bad Request, OutOfRangeInput, "One of the request inputs is out of range."
- 400 Bad Request, OutOfRangeQueryParameterValue, "One of the query parameters specified in the request URI is outside the permissible range."
- 400 Bad Request, UnsupportedHeader, "One of the headers specified in the request is not supported."
- 400 Bad Request, UnsupportedQueryParameter, "One of the query parameters specified in the request URI is not supported."
- 400 Bad Request, UnsupportedRestVersion, "The specified Rest Version is Unsupported."
- 403 Forbidden, AccountIsDisabled, "The specified account is disabled."
- 403 Forbidden, AuthorizationFailure, "This request is not authorized to perform this operation."
- 403 Forbidden, InsufficientAccountPermissions, "The account being accessed does not have sufficient permissions to execute this operation."
- 404 Not Found, FilesystemNotFound, "The specified filesystem does not exist."
- 404 Not Found, PathNotFound, "The specified path does not exist."
- 404 Not Found, RenameDestinationParentPathNotFound, "The parent directory of the destination path does not exist."
- 404 Not Found, ResourceNotFound, "The specified resource does not exist."
- 404 Not Found, SourcePathNotFound, "The source path for a rename operation does not exist."
- 405 Method Not Allowed, UnsupportedHttpVerb, "The resource doesn't support the specified HTTP verb."
- 409 Conflict, DestinationPathIsBeingDeleted, "The specified destination path is marked to be deleted."
- 409 Conflict, DirectoryNotEmpty, "The recursive query parameter value must be true to delete a non-empty directory."
- 409 Conflict, FilesystemAlreadyExists, "The specified filesystem already exists."
- 409 Conflict, FilesystemBeingDeleted, "The specified filesystem is being deleted."
- 409 Conflict, InvalidDestinationPath, "The specified path, or an element of the path, exists and its resource type is invalid for this operation."* 409 Conflict, InvalidFlushOperation, "The resource was created or modified by the Blob Service API and cannot be written to by the Data Lake Storage Service API."
- 409 Conflict, InvalidRenameSourcePath, "The source directory cannot be the same as the destination directory, nor can the destination be a subdirectory of the source directory."
- 409 Conflict, InvalidSourceOrDestinationResourceType, "The source and destination resource type must be identical."
- 409 Conflict, LeaseAlreadyPresent, "There is already a lease present."
- 409 Conflict, LeaseIdMismatchWithLeaseOperation, "The lease ID specified did not match the lease ID for the resource with the specified lease operation."
- 409 Conflict, LeaseIsAlreadyBroken, "The lease has already been broken and cannot be broken again."
- 409 Conflict, LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeAcquired, "The lease ID matched, but the lease is currently in breaking state and cannot be acquired until it is broken."
- 409 Conflict, LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeChanged, "The lease ID matched, but the lease is currently in breaking state and cannot be changed."
- 409 Conflict, LeaseIsBrokenAndCannotBeRenewed, "The lease ID matched, but the lease has been broken explicitly and cannot be renewed."
- 409 Conflict, LeaseNameMismatch, "The lease name specified did not match the existing lease name."
- 409 Conflict, LeaseNotPresentWithLeaseOperation, "The lease ID is not present with the specified lease operation."
- 409 Conflict, PathAlreadyExists, "The specified path already exists."
- 409 Conflict, PathConflict, "The specified path, or an element of the path, exists and its resource type is invalid for this operation."
- 409 Conflict, SourcePathIsBeingDeleted, "The specified source path is marked to be deleted."
- 409 Conflict, ResourceTypeMismatch, "The resource type specified in the request does not match the type of the resource."
- 412 Precondition Failed, ConditionNotMet, "The condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s) is not met."
- 412 Precondition Failed, LeaseIdMismatch, "The lease ID specified did not match the lease ID for the resource."
- 412 Precondition Failed, LeaseIdMissing, "There is currently a lease on the resource and no lease ID was specified in the request."
- 412 Precondition Failed, LeaseNotPresent, "There is currently no lease on the resource."
- 412 Precondition Failed, LeaseLost, "A lease ID was specified, but the lease for the resource has expired."
- 412 Precondition Failed, SourceConditionNotMet, "The source condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s) is not met."
- 413 Request Entity Too Large, RequestBodyTooLarge, "The request body is too large and exceeds the maximum permissible limit."
- 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable, InvalidRange, "The range specified is invalid for the current size of the resource."
- 500 Internal Server Error, InternalError, "The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request."
- 500 Internal Server Error, OperationTimedOut, "The operation could not be completed within the permitted time."
- 503 Service Unavailable, ServerBusy, "Egress is over the account limit."
- 503 Service Unavailable, ServerBusy, "Ingress is over the account limit."
- 503 Service Unavailable, ServerBusy, "Operations per second is over the account limit."
- 503 Service Unavailable, ServerBusy, "The server is currently unable to receive requests. Please retry your request."
- x-ms-request-id: string
- x-ms-version: string