400 SubscriptionNotEnabledForFeature - User subscription not enabled for feature user attempted to use.
400 ManagementServiceFeatureDisabled - User attempted to use a feature which is disabled.
404 VirtualClusterDoesNotExist - The virtual cluster does not exist.
404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource with the name '{0}' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.
404 VirtualClusterNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified virtual cluster does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.
404 SubscriptionNotFound - The requested subscription was not found.
404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveVirtualCluster - The requested virtual cluster was not found
404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.
404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.
409 VirtualClusterRemovalAlreadyInProgress - Removal of virtual cluster is already in progress. Virtual cluster is automatically created with first instance creation, and automatically removed with last instance deletion. Learn more here: https://aka.ms/sqlmi-virtual-cluster-removal.
409 VirtualClusterIsNotEmpty - Virtual cluster is not empty and cannot be deleted.
409 VirtualClusterIsBusy - Virtual cluster is currently busy. Please retry operation later.
409 VirtualClusterRemovalFailed - Request to drop virtual cluster failed. Check if there are active dependent resources.
409 ConflictingVirtualClusterOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the virtual cluster.
409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.
409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.
429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
429 ConflictingSubscriptionOperation - An operation is currently in progress for the subscription.
429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.
503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.
503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.