Elastic Pools - Delete

Deletes an elastic pool.

DELETE https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{serverName}/elasticPools/{elasticPoolName}?api-version=2023-08-01

URI Parameters

Name In Required Type Description
path True


The name of the elastic pool.

path True


The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.

path True


The name of the server.

path True


The subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription.

query True


The API version to use for the request.


Name Type Description
200 OK

Deleted the elastic pool

202 Accepted

Deleting the elastic pool is in progress.


Location: string

204 No Content

Elastic pool did not exist

Other Status Codes


*** Error Responses: ***

  • 400 ManagedInstanceStoppingOrStopped - Conflicting operation submitted while instance is in stopping/stopped state

  • 400 ManagedInstanceStarting - Conflicting operation submitted while instance is in starting state

  • 400 ElasticPoolOverStorageUsage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.

  • 400 ElasticPoolScaleNotSupportedWithInaccessibleDatabases - The elastic pool contains inaccessible databases which have lost Azure Key Vault access required for TDE configuration. Please move the accessible databases to a different pool for scaling or restore the lost Azure Key Vault access for the inaccessible databases.

  • 400 CreateElasticPoolAttemptedWhenKeyRotationInProgress - The create elastic pool operation cannot be performed at this time due to ongoing Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) key rotation on the server. Please try the operation again later.

  • 400 InvalidSku - The user specified an invalid sku.

  • 400 InvalidTierSkuCombination - The specified tier does not support the specified sku.

  • 400 ServerQuotaExceeded - The server reached its limit for allowed Database Throughput Unit.

  • 400 ElasticPoolAlreadyExists - The server already contains an elastic pool with the specified name.

  • 400 SubscriptionVcoreQuotaExceeded - Could not perform the operation because subscription would exceed the allowed vCore quota.

  • 400 InvalidInputValueForEdition - Specified edition is not supported for elastic pool provisioning.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDtuBelowLimit - The requested DTU value is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDtuAboveLimit - The requested DTU value is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.

  • 400 InvalidMaxSize - Invalid max size.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database DTU max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.

  • 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMax - Attempting to set the DTU max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinAboveLimit - The requested DTU min per database is too high for the requested service tier.

  • 400 ElasticPoolOverStorage - Attempting to write data to a database when the storage limit of the elastic pool has been reached.

  • 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseDtuMin - Attempting to set the DTU min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.

  • 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentDtuGuaranteeSettings - Attempting to provide DTU min for databases in the elastic pool that exceeds requested DTUs of the elastic pool.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDtuUnsupported - User tried to create or update an elastic pool with a DTU capacity that is not supported.

  • 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.

  • 400 ElasticPoolsNotEnabled - Elastic pools have not been enabled in this region.

  • 400 ElasticPoolNotEmpty - Request to delete an elastic pool that is not empty.

  • 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.

  • 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedGB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in gb which doesn't match the allowed values.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDatabaseLimit - The elastic pool has reached its limit for number of databases.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDecreaseStorageLimitBelowUsage - Attempting to decrease the storage limit of the elastic pool below its storage usage.

  • 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseDtuMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the DTU min per database higher than the DTU max per database.

  • 400 ElasticPoolInconsistentVcoreGuaranteeSettings - The number of databases and VCore min per database cannot exceed requested VCores of the elastic pool.

  • 400 ElasticPoolStorageBelowLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.

  • 400 ElasticPoolStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.

  • 400 ElasticPoolCapacityStorageNotAllowedMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit in mb which doesn't match the allowed values.

  • 400 InvalidReadScaleUnits - User attempted to provide a read scale value that is not supported.

  • 400 ElasticPoolStorageAboveLimitMB - Attempting to set the elastic pool storage limit below the supported limit.

  • 400 RegionDoesNotSupportVersion - A user attempted to create a server of a specified version in a location where that server version isn't supported.

  • 400 InvalidTier - The user specified an invalid tier.

  • 400 SourceDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeUpgraded - The source database cannot have higher edition than the target database.

  • 400 TargetDatabaseEditionCouldNotBeDowngraded - The target database cannot have lower edition than the source database.

  • 400 ElasticPoolUpdateHkNotAllowed - The elastic pool cannot lower its service tier from Premium to Standard or Basic since one or more of its databases use memory-optimized objects.

  • 400 UpdateNotAllowedIfGeoDrOperationInProgress - The operation is disallowed because copy or failover operation for database '{0}' on server '{1}' is currently in progress.

  • 400 RegionDoesNotAllowProvisioning - The selected location is not accepting new Windows Azure SQL Database servers. This may change at a later time.

  • 400 HSElasticPoolUpdateSloPRMSNotSupported - The service objective assignment for the database has failed. Please contact Microsoft customer support and provide the server name, database name and activity ID.

  • 400 ElasticPoolOverFileSpace - Insufficient file space in the elastic pool.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDbDtuMinBelowLimit - The requested per database DTU min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMaxAboveLimit - The requested per database VCore max is too high for the requested elastic pool service tier.

  • 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMax - Attempting to set the VCore max per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.

  • 400 ElasticPoolDbVcoreMinBelowLimit - The requested per database VCore min is too low for the requested elastic pool service tier.

  • 400 InvalidInputValueForDatabaseVcoreMin - Attempting to set the VCore min per database for the Resource Pool which doesn't match the allowed values.

  • 400 PartnerDBNotCompatibleForSGXEnclave - Attempt to set GeoDR link or update SLO for enclave enabled database is only supported when both database are running on DC-series hardware.

  • 400 InvalidInputValueDatabaseVcoreMinLargerThanMax - Attempting to set the VCore min per database higher than the VCore max per database.

  • 400 InvalidLicenseType - User tried to create or update a database or elastic pool with unsupported license type.

  • 400 ProvisioningDisabled - Displays error message from resources operation authorizer as is, without changes

  • 400 CapacityGroupThresholdExceeded - Requested service level objective and storage size maps to specific capacity group and currently resources for this capacity group has reach threshold and further actions need sto be taken before more database can be placed in those rings.

  • 400 CapacityGroupThresholdCheckFail - Capacity group resource constraint check failed thus unable to verify whether enough capacity exist to complete the operation.

  • 400 InvalidPublicMaintenanceConfiguration - User tried to specify public maintenance configuration which cannot be converted to internal id (malformed or wrong region).

  • 404 ServerNotInSubscriptionResourceGroup - Specified server does not exist in the specified resource group and subscription.

  • 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found

  • 404 ElasticPoolNotFound - The specified elastic pool does not exist for the specified server.

  • 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.

  • 405 NotSupported - This functionality is not supported.

  • 409 ElasticPoolBusy - A management operation was attempted on an elastic pool which is busy.

  • 409 ServerDisabled - Server is disabled.

  • 409 SimultaneousSkuChangeNotAllowed - Service objective change operations cannot run on both databases of a replication relationship at the same time.

  • 409 ElasticPoolUpdateLinksNotInCatchup - Cannot update elastic pool while one of its databases is performing a copy or geo-replication failover operation.

  • 409 CannotCancelOperation - The management operation is in a state that cannot be cancelled.

  • 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.

  • 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.

  • 429 SubscriptionTooManyCreateUpdateRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.

  • 429 SubscriptionTooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.

  • 500 ElasticPoolFailedMoveDbToElasticPool - Failed to move the database into elastic pool due to internal resource constraints. This may be a transient condition, please retry.

  • 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.

  • 503 ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable - Feature temporarily unavailable.

  • 503 TooManyRequests - Requests beyond max requests that can be processed by available resources.


Delete an elastic pool

Sample request

DELETE https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/resourceGroups/sqlcrudtest-3129/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/sqlcrudtest-228/elasticPools/sqlcrudtest-3851?api-version=2023-08-01

Sample response

Location: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/sqlcrudtest-2369/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/japaneast1/operationStatus/default/operationId/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=2020-08-01
Location: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/sqlcrudtest-2369/providers/Microsoft.Sql/locations/japaneast1/operationStatus/default/operationId/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000?api-version=2020-08-01


Name Description

The resource management error additional info.


The error detail.


Error response


The resource management error additional info.

Name Type Description


The additional info.



The additional info type.


The error detail.

Name Type Description


The error additional info.



The error code.



The error details.



The error message.



The error target.


Error response

Name Type Description


The error object.