
Represents a scaling policy related to an average load of a metric/resource of a service.


Name Type Required
MetricName string Yes
LowerLoadThreshold string (double) Yes
UpperLoadThreshold string (double) Yes
ScaleIntervalInSeconds integer (int64) Yes
UseOnlyPrimaryLoad boolean Yes


Type: string
Required: Yes

The name of the metric for which usage should be tracked.


Type: string (double)
Required: Yes

The lower limit of the load below which a scale in operation should be performed.


Type: string (double)
Required: Yes

The upper limit of the load beyond which a scale out operation should be performed.


Type: integer (int64)
Required: Yes
InclusiveMaximum: 4294967295
InclusiveMinimum: 0

The period in seconds on which a decision is made whether to scale or not.


Type: boolean
Required: Yes

Flag determines whether only the load of primary replica should be considered for scaling. If set to true, then trigger will only consider the load of primary replicas of stateful service. If set to false, trigger will consider load of all replicas. This parameter cannot be set to true for stateless service.