Manage orders
Accept a transfer of subscriptions for a customer |
accepts an existing transfer request. |
Activate a sandbox subscription for commercial marketplace SaaS products to enable billing |
Activates 3rd Party MCAPI SaaS Subscriptions. |
Cancel the New-Commerce migration for the specified ID |
Cancels the New-Commerce migration schedule. |
Check Inventory |
Retrieves inventory validation results for the provided country. |
Check out an existing cart |
Checks out an existing cart. |
Convert a trial subscription to paid |
Converts a trial subscription to the target conversion. |
Create a a New-Commerce migration |
Creates and starts processing a New-Commerce migration entity. |
Create a New-Commerce migration schedule |
Schedules a New-Commerce migration. |
Create a new cart |
Creates a new cart. |
Create a new order |
Creates a new order. |
Create a transfer |
Creates a new transfer entity. |
Create a transition for a subscription |
Post the transition request for a subscription. |
Get a availability by ID (by country) |
Retrieves an availability for the requested context. |
Get a cart by ID |
Gets a specific cart using a ID. |
Get activation link by order line item |
Gets the activation links from the specific line item of the order. |
Get activation links for an order |
Gets the collection of activation links for an order. |
Get a customer's subscriptions transfer eligibility |
Gets the collection of transfer eligibility for a customer. |
Get a customer's transfers |
Gets all transfer entities for a given customer. |
Get add-ons for an offer ID |
Retrieves all add-on offers of an offer using country and locale information. |
Get add-ons for an offer ID (by customer) |
Retrieves the addons under the provided offer that are available for the customer to purchase. |
Get a list of add-ons for a subscription |
Retrieves all add-on subscriptions of a subscription for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier. |
Get a list of all availabilities for a SKU (by customer) |
Retrieves all availabilities for the requested context. |
Get a list of availabilities for a SKU (by country) |
Retrieves all availabilities for the requested context. |
Get a list of offer categories by market |
Gets all offer categories for a customer. |
Get a list of offers for a market |
Retrieves all offers of a partner using country and locale information. |
Get a list of offers for a market (by customer) |
Retrieves all offers of a partner using customer id. |
Get a list of products (by country) |
Retrieves all products using country and locale information. |
Get a list of products (by customer) |
Retrieves all products using country and locale information. |
Get a list of Skus (by country) |
Retrieves all skus for the given product id. |
Get a list of SKUs for a product (by customer) |
Retrieves all skus for the given product id. |
Get a list of trial conversion offers |
Gets the target conversions for a trial subscription. |
Get an availability for a SKU (by customer) |
Retrieves an availability for the requested customer context. |
Get a New-Commerce migration by ID |
Gets a New-Commerce migration entity. |
Get a New-Commerce migration schedule by ID |
Gets a New-Commerce migration schedule entity. |
Get an order by ID |
Gets a specific order using a ID. |
Get a product by ID |
Retrieves a product by its identifier using country and locale information. |
Get a product by ID (by customer) |
Retrieves a product by its identifier using country and locale information. |
Get a provisioning status for an order |
Gets a collection of order line item provisioning status for an order. |
Get a SKU by ID |
Retrieves the sku for the given product id and sku id. |
Get a SKU by ID (by customer) |
Retrieves the sku for the given product id and sku id. |
Get customer's subscriptions |
Retrieves all subscriptions for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier. |
Get Offer by ID |
Retrieves an offer by its identifier of a partner using country and locale information. |
Get orders for a customer and an indirect reseller partner |
Gets a collection of order for specified customer and an indirect reseller partner. |
Get promotion eligibilities |
Gets the promotion eligibilities based on the passed promotion eligibility request items. |
Gets a list of product promotions. |
Gets partner's available promotions. |
Gets a product promotion by id. |
Gets promotion details by id. |
Get subscription's transaction history |
Retrieves subscription's transaction history by identifier for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier. |
Get subscription activation links |
Get subscription activation links. |
Get subscription by ID |
Retrieves a subscription by identifier for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier. |
Get subscription provisioning status |
Get subscription provisioning status. |
Get subscription registration status |
Retrieves a subscription registration status by identifier for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier. |
Get the collection of migration events associated to a New-Commerce migration ID or subscription ID |
Gets the collection of migration events associated to a New-Commerce migration ID or subscription ID. |
Get the list of New-Commerce migrations |
Gets the list of New Commerce migrations. |
Get the list of New Commerce migration schedules |
Gets the list of New Commerce migration schedules. |
Get transfer details by ID |
Gets a specific transfer entity using a ID. |
Get transition eligibilities for a subscription. |
Gets the transition eligibilities for a subscription. |
Get transition history events for a subscription |
Get the transition history events for a subscription. |
Get upgrades for a subscription |
Gets the upgrades for a subscription. |
Perform a subscription upgrade |
Performs a subscription upgrade. |
Register a subscription |
Register an existing subscription for RI purchase. |
Update a New-Commerce migration schedule |
Updates a New-Commerce migration schedule entity. |
Update an existing cart |
Updates an existing cart. |
Update an existing order |
Updates an existing order. |
Update an existing transfer |
Updates an existing transfer. |
Update subscription by ID |
Updates a subscription by identifier for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier. |
Validate a New-Commerce migration |
Validates the New-Commerce eligibilities for a subscription. |
Withdraw a transfer |
Deletes an existing transfer. |