Manage customer accounts


Add verified domain

Add verified domain.

Check domain availability

Determine if the domain is available.

Create agreement

Creates an agreement on behalf of a customer and attests.

Create customer

Create a new customer asynchronously. Note: We also take an additional header value of GenerateReadWriteConsistencyToken.

Create customer qualifications

Creates the customer's qualifications.

Created Customer User
Create Directory Role
Create self serve policy

Creates the self serve policies for a customer.

Delete Customer
Delete customer from TIP account

Deletes a customer tenant from a testing in production account.

Delete Directory Role
Delete partner customer relationship

Removes Partner - Customer relationship.

Delete Policies
Delete self serve policy

Deletes the self serve policies for a customer.

Get agreements

Gets the agreement confirmations provided by a partner on behalf of a customer.

Get Artifacts
Get customer billing profile

Retrieves a customer's billing profile.

Get customer by customer ID

Retrieves a single customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier.

Get Customer by UserId
Get customer company profile

Retrieves a customer's company profile.

Get customer GCC validations

Gets validation used for specified customer.

Get customer office service incidents

Retrieves all office service health incidents for a partner by their active directory tenant identifier.

Get customer qualification

Retrieve the customer's qualification.

Get customer qualifications

Retrieve the customer's qualifications.

Get customers

Retrieves a segment of a partner's customers. Optional filtering of customers can also be applied. Customers can only be filtered by a string which their company...

Get Directory Role by RoleId
Get Directory Roles by CustomerId
Get Directory Roles by CustomerId and UserId
Get direct signed Microsoft customer agreement status

Gets the status of the direct acceptance of the Microsoft Customer Agreement by the customer.

Get Entitlements
Get GCC validations

Retrieve all validations for customers.

Get Licenses
Get managed services

Retrieves a customer's list of managed services.

Get partner relationships

Retrieves a segment of a partner's resellers. Optional filtering of partner relationships can also be applied. Resellers can only be filtered by a string which t...

Get partner relationships by customer ID

Retrieves a segment of a partner's resellers for a specific customer Id.

Get Policies
Get Policy by Id
Get relationship request link

Returns the URL which establishes a relationship between a customer and a partner.

Get self serve policies

Gets the self serve policy for a customer.

Get self serve policy by ID

Gets the self serve policy by id.

Get Subscribed Skus
Get users for a customer
License Updates
Update Customer
Update customer billing profile

Updates a customer's billing profile.

Update customer qualification

Updates the Qualification of a customer.

Update Policies
Update self serve policy

Updates the self serve policies for a customer.