Management Group Diagnostic Settings - Create Or Update
Creates or updates management group diagnostic settings for the specified resource.
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
The management group id. |
path | True |
string |
The name of the diagnostic setting. |
query | True |
string minLength: 1 |
The API version to use for this operation. |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
location |
string |
Location of the resource |
properties.eventHubAuthorizationRuleId |
string |
The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule. |
properties.eventHubName |
string |
The name of the event hub. If none is specified, the default event hub will be selected. |
properties.logs |
The list of logs settings. |
properties.serviceBusRuleId |
string |
The service bus rule Id of the diagnostic setting. This is here to maintain backwards compatibility. |
properties.storageAccountId |
string |
The resource ID of the storage account to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. |
properties.workspaceId |
string |
The full ARM resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. Example: /subscriptions/4b9e8510-67ab-4e9a-95a9-e2f1e570ea9c/resourceGroups/insights-integration/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/viruela2 |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
Successful request to create a management group diagnostic setting |
Other Status Codes |
Error response describing why the operation failed. |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account |
Creates or Updates the management group diagnostic setting
Sample request
"properties": {
"storageAccountId": "/subscriptions/bfaef57f-297e-4210-bfe5-27c18cc671f7/resourceGroups/FuncAppRunners/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/testpersonalb6a5",
"workspaceId": "/subscriptions/9cf7cc0a-0ba1-4624-bc82-97e1ee25dc45/resourceGroups/mgTest/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/mgTestWorkspace",
"eventHubAuthorizationRuleId": "/subscriptions/fb9f25f9-5785-4510-a38f-a62f188eb9f8/resourceGroups/montest/providers/microsoft.eventhub/namespaces/mynamespace/eventhubs/myeventhub/authorizationrules/myrule",
"eventHubName": "myeventhub",
"logs": [
"category": "Administrative",
"enabled": true
"category": "Policy",
"enabled": true
Sample response
"id": "providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/testChildMG7/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/setting1",
"type": "Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings",
"name": "setting1",
"location": "global",
"properties": {
"storageAccountId": "/subscriptions/bfaef57f-297e-4210-bfe5-27c18cc671f7/resourceGroups/FuncAppRunners/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/testpersonalb6a5",
"workspaceId": "/subscriptions/9cf7cc0a-0ba1-4624-bc82-97e1ee25dc45/resourceGroups/mgTest/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/mgTestWorkspace",
"eventHubAuthorizationRuleId": "/subscriptions/fb9f25f9-5785-4510-a38f-a62f188eb9f8/resourceGroups/montest/providers/microsoft.eventhub/namespaces/mynamespace/eventhubs/myeventhub/authorizationrules/myrule",
"logs": [
"category": "Administrative",
"enabled": true
"category": "Policy",
"enabled": true
Name | Description |
Error |
Describes the format of Error response. |
Management |
The management group diagnostic setting resource. |
Management |
Part of Management Group diagnostic setting. Specifies the settings for a particular log. |
Describes the format of Error response.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Error code |
message |
string |
Error message indicating why the operation failed. |
The management group diagnostic setting resource.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Azure resource Id |
location |
string |
Location of the resource |
name |
string |
Azure resource name |
properties.eventHubAuthorizationRuleId |
string |
The resource Id for the event hub authorization rule. |
properties.eventHubName |
string |
The name of the event hub. If none is specified, the default event hub will be selected. |
properties.logs |
The list of logs settings. |
properties.serviceBusRuleId |
string |
The service bus rule Id of the diagnostic setting. This is here to maintain backwards compatibility. |
properties.storageAccountId |
string |
The resource ID of the storage account to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. |
properties.workspaceId |
string |
The full ARM resource ID of the Log Analytics workspace to which you would like to send Diagnostic Logs. Example: /subscriptions/4b9e8510-67ab-4e9a-95a9-e2f1e570ea9c/resourceGroups/insights-integration/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/viruela2 |
type |
string |
Azure resource type |
Part of Management Group diagnostic setting. Specifies the settings for a particular log.
Name | Type | Description |
category |
string |
Name of a Management Group Diagnostic Log category for a resource type this setting is applied to. |
enabled |
boolean |
a value indicating whether this log is enabled. |