Role Definitions - Create Or Update
Creates or updates a custom role definition.
PUT {vaultBaseUrl}/{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/{roleDefinitionName}?api-version=7.4
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
The name of the role definition to create or update. It can be any valid GUID. |
path | True |
string |
The scope of the role definition to create or update. Managed HSM only supports '/'. |
path | True |
string |
The vault name, for example |
query | True |
string |
Client API version. |
Request Body
Name | Required | Type | Description |
properties | True |
Role definition properties. |
Name | Type | Description |
201 Created |
Created - Returns information about the role definition. |
Other Status Codes |
Key Vault error response describing why the operation failed. |
Sample request
"properties": {
"roleName": "My custom role",
"type": "CustomRole",
"description": "Role description",
"permissions": [
"dataActions": [
Sample response
"properties": {
"roleName": "My custom role",
"type": "CustomRole",
"description": "Role description",
"assignableScopes": [
"permissions": [
"dataActions": [
"id": "Microsoft.KeyVault/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"type": "Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions",
"name": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Name | Description |
Data |
Supported permissions for data actions. |
Error |
The key vault server error. |
Key |
The key vault error exception. |
Permission |
Role definition permissions. |
Role |
Role definition. |
Role |
Role definition create parameters. |
Role |
Role definition properties. |
Role |
The role definition type. |
Role |
The role scope. |
Role |
The role type. |
Supported permissions for data actions.
Value | Description |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/backup/start/action |
Start an HSM backup. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/backup/status/action |
Read an HSM backup status. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/backup/action |
Backup HSM keys. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/create |
Create an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/decrypt/action |
Decrypt using an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/delete |
Delete an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/deletedKeys/delete |
Purge a deleted HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/deletedKeys/read/action |
Read deleted HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/deletedKeys/recover/action |
Recover deleted HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/encrypt/action |
Encrypt using an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/export/action |
Export an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/import/action |
Import an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/read/action |
Read HSM key metadata. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/release/action |
Release an HSM key using Secure Key Release. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/restore/action |
Restore HSM keys. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/sign/action |
Sign using an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/unwrap/action |
Unwrap using an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/verify/action |
Verify using an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/wrap/action |
Wrap using an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/write/action |
Update an HSM key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/restore/start/action |
Start an HSM restore. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/restore/status/action |
Read an HSM restore status. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/rng/action |
Generate random numbers. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleAssignments/delete/action |
Delete role assignment. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleAssignments/read/action |
Get role assignment. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleAssignments/write/action |
Create or update role assignment. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleDefinitions/delete/action |
Delete role definition. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleDefinitions/read/action |
Get role definition. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/roleDefinitions/write/action |
Create or update role definition. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/securitydomain/download/action |
Download an HSM security domain. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/securitydomain/download/read |
Check status of HSM security domain download. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/securitydomain/transferkey/read |
Download an HSM security domain transfer key. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/securitydomain/upload/action |
Upload an HSM security domain. |
Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/securitydomain/upload/read |
Check the status of the HSM security domain exchange file. |
The key vault server error.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
The error code. |
innererror |
The key vault server error. |
message |
string |
The error message. |
The key vault error exception.
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The key vault server error. |
Role definition permissions.
Name | Type | Description |
actions |
string[] |
Action permissions that are granted. |
dataActions |
Data action permissions that are granted. |
notActions |
string[] |
Action permissions that are excluded but not denied. They may be granted by other role definitions assigned to a principal. |
notDataActions |
Data action permissions that are excluded but not denied. They may be granted by other role definitions assigned to a principal. |
Role definition.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
The role definition ID. |
name |
string |
The role definition name. |
properties.assignableScopes |
Role definition assignable scopes. |
properties.description |
string |
The role definition description. |
properties.permissions |
Role definition permissions. |
properties.roleName |
string |
The role name. |
properties.type |
The role type. |
type |
The role definition type. |
Role definition create parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
Role definition properties. |
Role definition properties.
Name | Type | Description |
assignableScopes |
Role definition assignable scopes. |
description |
string |
The role definition description. |
permissions |
Role definition permissions. |
roleName |
string |
The role name. |
type |
The role type. |
The role definition type.
Value | Description |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions |
The role scope.
Value | Description |
/ |
Global scope |
/keys |
Keys scope |
The role type.
Value | Description |
AKVBuiltInRole |
Built in role. |
CustomRole |
Custom role. |