Enrollment Group - Get
Get a device enrollment group.
GET https://your-dps.azure-devices-provisioning.net/enrollmentGroups/{id}?api-version=2021-10-01
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Enrollment group ID. |
query | True |
string |
The API version to use for the request. Supported versions include: 2021-10-01 |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
Success |
Other Status Codes |
Error response Headers x-ms-error-code: string |
Name | Description |
Attestation |
Attestation mechanism for individualEnrollment as well as enrollmentGroup. |
Custom |
This tells DPS which webhook to call when using custom allocation. |
Device |
Device capabilities. |
Enrollment |
Enrollment group record. |
Initial |
Initial device twin. Contains a subset of the properties of Twin. |
Initial |
Represents the initial properties that will be set on the device twin. |
Metadata |
Metadata for the TwinCollection |
Provisioning |
Contains the properties of an error returned by the Azure IoT Hub Provisioning Service. |
Reprovision |
The behavior of the service when a device is re-provisioned to an IoT hub. |
Symmetric |
Attestation via SymmetricKey. |
Tpm |
Attestation via TPM. |
Twin |
Represents a collection of properties within a Twin |
X509Attestation |
Attestation via X509. |
X509CAReferences |
Primary and secondary CA references. |
X509Certificate |
X509 certificate info. |
X509Certificates |
Primary and secondary certificates |
X509Certificate |
Certificate and Certificate info |
Attestation mechanism for individualEnrollment as well as enrollmentGroup.
Name | Type | Description |
symmetricKey |
Attestation via SymmetricKey. |
tpm |
Attestation via TPM. |
type |
Attestation Type. |
x509 |
Attestation via X509. |
This tells DPS which webhook to call when using custom allocation.
Name | Type | Description |
apiVersion |
string minLength: 1 |
The API version of the provisioning service types (such as IndividualEnrollment) sent in the custom allocation request. Minimum supported version: "2018-09-01-preview". |
webhookUrl |
string minLength: 1 |
The webhook URL used for allocation requests. |
Device capabilities.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
iotEdge |
boolean |
False |
If set to true, this device is an IoTEdge device. |
Enrollment group record.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
allocationPolicy |
The allocation policy of this resource. This policy overrides the tenant level allocation policy for this individual enrollment or enrollment group. Possible values include 'hashed': Linked IoT hubs are equally likely to have devices provisioned to them, 'geoLatency': Devices are provisioned to an IoT hub with the lowest latency to the device.If multiple linked IoT hubs would provide the same lowest latency, the provisioning service hashes devices across those hubs, 'static' : Specification of the desired IoT hub in the enrollment list takes priority over the service-level allocation policy, 'custom': Devices are provisioned to an IoT hub based on your own custom logic. The provisioning service passes information about the device to the logic, and the logic returns the desired IoT hub as well as the desired initial configuration. We recommend using Azure Functions to host your logic. |
attestation |
Attestation mechanism for individualEnrollment as well as enrollmentGroup. |
capabilities |
Device capabilities. |
createdDateTimeUtc |
string (date-time) |
The DateTime this resource was created. |
customAllocationDefinition |
This tells DPS which webhook to call when using custom allocation. |
enrollmentGroupId |
string minLength: 1 |
Enrollment Group ID. |
etag |
string |
The entity tag associated with the resource. |
initialTwin |
Initial device twin. Contains a subset of the properties of Twin. |
iotHubHostName |
string |
The Iot Hub host name. |
iotHubs |
string[] |
The list of IoT Hub hostnames the device(s) in this resource can be allocated to. Must be a subset of tenant level list of IoT hubs. |
lastUpdatedDateTimeUtc |
string (date-time) |
The DateTime this resource was last updated. |
provisioningStatus |
enabled |
The provisioning status. |
reprovisionPolicy |
The behavior of the service when a device is re-provisioned to an IoT hub. |
Initial device twin. Contains a subset of the properties of Twin.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
Represents the initial properties that will be set on the device twin. |
tags |
Represents a collection of properties within a Twin |
Represents the initial properties that will be set on the device twin.
Name | Type | Description |
desired |
Represents a collection of properties within a Twin |
Metadata for the TwinCollection
Name | Type | Description |
lastUpdated |
string (date-time) |
Last time the TwinCollection was updated |
lastUpdatedVersion |
integer (int64) |
This is null for reported properties metadata and is not null for desired properties metadata. |
Contains the properties of an error returned by the Azure IoT Hub Provisioning Service.
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode |
integer (int32) |
info |
object |
message |
string |
timestampUtc |
string (date-time) |
trackingId |
string |
The behavior of the service when a device is re-provisioned to an IoT hub.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
migrateDeviceData |
boolean |
True |
When set to true (default), the Device Provisioning Service will migrate the device's data (twin, device capabilities, and device ID) from one IoT hub to another during an IoT hub assignment update. If set to false, the Device Provisioning Service will reset the device's data to the initial desired configuration stored in the corresponding enrollment list. |
updateHubAssignment |
boolean |
True |
When set to true (default), the Device Provisioning Service will evaluate the device's IoT Hub assignment and update it if necessary for any provisioning requests beyond the first from a given device. If set to false, the device will stay assigned to its current IoT hub. |
Attestation via SymmetricKey.
Name | Type | Description |
primaryKey |
string |
Primary symmetric key. |
secondaryKey |
string |
Secondary symmetric key. |
Attestation via TPM.
Name | Type | Description |
endorsementKey |
string |
storageRootKey |
string |
Represents a collection of properties within a Twin
Name | Type | Description |
count |
integer |
Number of properties in the TwinCollection |
metadata |
Metadata for the TwinCollection |
version |
integer (int64) |
Version of the TwinCollection |
Attestation via X509.
Name | Type | Description |
caReferences |
Primary and secondary CA references. |
clientCertificates |
Primary and secondary certificates |
signingCertificates |
Primary and secondary certificates |
Primary and secondary CA references.
Name | Type | Description |
primary |
string |
secondary |
string |
X509 certificate info.
Name | Type | Description |
issuerName |
string |
notAfterUtc |
string (date-time) |
notBeforeUtc |
string (date-time) |
serialNumber |
string |
sha1Thumbprint |
string |
sha256Thumbprint |
string |
subjectName |
string |
version |
integer (int32) |
Primary and secondary certificates
Name | Type | Description |
primary |
Certificate and Certificate info |
secondary |
Certificate and Certificate info |
Certificate and Certificate info
Name | Type | Description |
certificate |
string |
info |
X509 certificate info. |