

Create Or Replace Environment

Creates or updates an environment.

Delay Action

Delays the occurrence of an action.

Delete Environment

Deletes an environment and all its associated resources

Get Action

Retrieve a specific environment action.

Get Catalog

Gets the specified catalog within the project.

Get Environment By User

Gets an environment.

Get Environment Definition

Get an environment definition from a catalog.

Get Environment Type Abilities

Gets the signed-in user's permitted abilities in an environment type.

Get Environment Types

Get an environment type configured for a project.

Get Logs By Operation

Gets the logs for an operation on an environment.

Get Operation

Gets an environment action result.

Get Outputs

Gets Outputs from the environment.

List Actions

Get all scheduled actions for a user within an environment.

List Catalogs By Project

Lists all of the catalogs available for a project.

List Environment Definitions By Catalog

Lists all environment definitions available within a catalog.

List Environment Definitions By Project

Lists all environment definitions available for a project.

List Environments

Lists the environments for a project.

List Environments By User

Lists the environments for a project and user.

List Environment Types

Lists all environment types configured for a project.

List Operations

Lists operations on the environment which have occurred within the past 90 days

Patch Environment

Partially updates an environment.

Skip Action

Skips an occurrence of an action.