Create Or Replace Environment |
Creates or updates an environment. |
Delay Action |
Delays the occurrence of an action. |
Delete Environment |
Deletes an environment and all its associated resources |
Get Action |
Retrieve a specific environment action. |
Get Catalog |
Gets the specified catalog within the project. |
Get Environment By User |
Gets an environment. |
Get Environment Definition |
Get an environment definition from a catalog. |
Get Environment Type Abilities |
Gets the signed-in user's permitted abilities in an environment type. |
Get Environment Types |
Get an environment type configured for a project. |
Get Logs By Operation |
Gets the logs for an operation on an environment. |
Get Operation |
Gets an environment action result. |
Get Outputs |
Gets Outputs from the environment. |
List Actions |
Get all scheduled actions for a user within an environment. |
List Catalogs By Project |
Lists all of the catalogs available for a project. |
List Environment Definitions By Catalog |
Lists all environment definitions available within a catalog. |
List Environment Definitions By Project |
Lists all environment definitions available for a project. |
List Environments |
Lists the environments for a project. |
List Environments By User |
Lists the environments for a project and user. |
List Environment Types |
Lists all environment types configured for a project. |
List Operations |
Lists operations on the environment which have occurred within the past 90 days |
Patch Environment |
Partially updates an environment. |
Skip Action |
Skips an occurrence of an action. |