Dev Boxes
Capture Snapshot |
Captures a manual snapshot of the Dev Box. Upon completion, a snapshotId will be generated. To retrieve all snapshots and their corresponding IDs, use the list ... |
Create Customization Group |
Applies customizations to the Dev Box. |
Create Dev Box |
Creates or replaces a Dev Box. |
Delay Action |
Delays the occurrence of an action. |
Delay Actions |
Delays all actions. |
Delete Dev Box |
Deletes a Dev Box. |
Get Action |
Gets an action. |
Get Customization Group |
Gets a customization group. |
Get Customization Task Definitions |
Gets a customization task. |
Get Customization Task Log |
Gets the log for a customization task. |
Get Dev Box By User |
Gets a Dev Box. |
Get Imaging Task Log |
Gets the log for an imaging build task. |
Get Operation |
Gets an operation on a Dev Box. |
Get Pool |
Gets a pool. |
Get Remote Connection |
Gets RDP Connection info. |
Get Schedule By Pool |
Gets a schedule. |
Get Snapshot |
Gets a snapshot by snapshot id. |
List Actions |
Lists actions on a Dev Box. |
List All Dev Boxes |
Lists Dev Boxes that the caller has access to in the DevCenter. |
List All Dev Boxes By User |
Lists Dev Boxes in the Dev Center for a particular user. |
List Customization Groups |
Lists customization groups on the Dev Box. Listed customization groups exclude task information unless specified via the include parameter. |
List Customization Task Definitions By Project |
Lists all customization tasks available to the project. |
List Dev Boxes By User |
Lists Dev Boxes in the project for a particular user. |
List Operations |
Lists operations on the Dev Box which have occurred within the past 90 days. |
List Pools |
Lists available pools. |
List Schedules By Pool |
Lists all schedules within a pool that are configured by your project administrator. |
List Schedules By Project |
Lists all schedules within a project that are configured by your project administrator. |
List Snapshots |
Lists snapshots for this Dev Box. |
Repair Dev Box |
Attempts automated repair steps to resolve common problems on a Dev Box. The Dev Box may restart during this operation. |
Restart Dev Box |
Restarts a Dev Box. |
Restore Snapshot |
Restores a Dev Box to a specified snapshot. |
Skip Action |
Skips an occurrence of an action. |
Start Dev Box |
Starts a Dev Box. |
Stop Dev Box |
Stops a Dev Box. |
Validate Customization Tasks Action |
Validates a list of customization tasks. |