Dev Boxes


Capture Snapshot

Captures a manual snapshot of the Dev Box. Upon completion, a snapshotId will be generated. To retrieve all snapshots and their corresponding IDs, use the list ...

Create Customization Group

Applies customizations to the Dev Box.

Create Dev Box

Creates or replaces a Dev Box.

Delay Action

Delays the occurrence of an action.

Delay Actions

Delays all actions.

Delete Dev Box

Deletes a Dev Box.

Get Action

Gets an action.

Get Customization Group

Gets a customization group.

Get Customization Task Definitions

Gets a customization task.

Get Customization Task Log

Gets the log for a customization task.

Get Dev Box By User

Gets a Dev Box.

Get Imaging Task Log

Gets the log for an imaging build task.

Get Operation

Gets an operation on a Dev Box.

Get Pool

Gets a pool.

Get Remote Connection

Gets RDP Connection info.

Get Schedule By Pool

Gets a schedule.

Get Snapshot

Gets a snapshot by snapshot id.

List Actions

Lists actions on a Dev Box.

List All Dev Boxes

Lists Dev Boxes that the caller has access to in the DevCenter.

List All Dev Boxes By User

Lists Dev Boxes in the Dev Center for a particular user.

List Customization Groups

Lists customization groups on the Dev Box. Listed customization groups exclude task information unless specified via the include parameter.

List Customization Task Definitions By Project

Lists all customization tasks available to the project.

List Dev Boxes By User

Lists Dev Boxes in the project for a particular user.

List Operations

Lists operations on the Dev Box which have occurred within the past 90 days.

List Pools

Lists available pools.

List Schedules By Pool

Lists all schedules within a pool that are configured by your project administrator.

List Schedules By Project

Lists all schedules within a project that are configured by your project administrator.

List Snapshots

Lists snapshots for this Dev Box.

Repair Dev Box

Attempts automated repair steps to resolve common problems on a Dev Box. The Dev Box may restart during this operation.

Restart Dev Box

Restarts a Dev Box.

Restore Snapshot

Restores a Dev Box to a specified snapshot.

Skip Action

Skips an occurrence of an action.

Start Dev Box

Starts a Dev Box.

Stop Dev Box

Stops a Dev Box.

Validate Customization Tasks Action

Validates a list of customization tasks.