Images - List
This API supports batching and range selection. By default it will only return first 50 images matching images. Use the {take} and {skip} parameters to control how many images to return in a given batch. The filtering is on an and/or relationship. For example, if the provided tag ids are for the "Dog" and "Cat" tags, then only images tagged with Dog and/or Cat will be returned
GET {Endpoint}/customvision/v3.3/training/projects/{projectId}/images
GET {Endpoint}/customvision/v3.3/training/projects/{projectId}/images?iterationId={iterationId}&tagIds={tagIds}&taggingStatus={taggingStatus}&$filter={$filter}&orderBy={orderBy}&take={take}&skip={skip}
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Supported Cognitive Services endpoints. |
path | True |
string (uuid) |
The project id. |
query |
string |
An expression to filter the images against image metadata. Only images where the expression evaluates to true are included in the response. The expression supports eq (Equal), ne (Not equal), and (Logical and), or (Logical or) operators. Here is an example, metadata=key1 eq 'value1' and key2 ne 'value2'. |
query |
string (uuid) |
The iteration id. Defaults to workspace. |
query |
string |
The ordering. Defaults to newest. |
query |
integer (int32) |
Number of images to skip before beginning the image batch. Defaults to 0. |
query |
string |
The tagging status filter. It can be 'All', 'Tagged', or 'Untagged'. Defaults to 'All'. |
query |
string[] |
A list of tags ids to filter the images. Defaults to all tagged images when null. Limited to 20. |
query |
integer (int32) minimum: 0maximum: 256 |
Maximum number of images to return. Defaults to 50, limited to 256. |
Request Header
Name | Required | Type | Description |
Training-Key | True |
string |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
Image[] |
OK Media Types: "application/json", "application/xml", "text/xml" |
Other Status Codes |
Error response Media Types: "application/json", "application/xml", "text/xml" |
Successful GetImages request
Sample request
Sample response
"id": "4d6eb844-42ee-42bc-bd6f-c32455ef07c9",
"created": "2017-12-19T15:56:10Z",
"width": 1095,
"height": 900,
"resizedImageUri": "{Resized Image Uri}",
"originalImageUri": "{Image Uri}",
"thumbnailUri": "{Thumbnail Uri}",
"tags": [
"tagId": "b607964f-7bd6-4a3b-a869-6791fb6aab87",
"created": "2017-12-19T15:56:09Z",
"tagName": "tag 1"
"id": "f1855a92-b873-47e7-b513-f07a667ceda1",
"created": "2017-12-19T15:56:10Z",
"width": 900,
"height": 1531,
"resizedImageUri": "{Resized Image Uri}",
"originalImageUri": "{Image Uri}",
"thumbnailUri": "{Thumbnail Uri}",
"tags": [
"tagId": "b607964f-7bd6-4a3b-a869-6791fb6aab87",
"created": "2017-12-19T15:56:09Z",
"tagName": "tag 1"
Name | Description |
Custom |
Custom |
The error code. |
Image |
Image model to be sent as JSON. |
Image |
Image |
Name | Type | Description |
code |
The error code. |
message |
string |
A message explaining the error reported by the service. |
The error code.
Value | Description |
BadRequest | |
BadRequestCannotMigrateProjectWithName | |
BadRequestClassificationTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestCustomerManagedKeyRevoked | |
BadRequestDetectionTrainingNotAllowNegativeTag | |
BadRequestDetectionTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestDomainNotSupportedForAdvancedTraining | |
BadRequestExceedIterationPerProjectLimit | |
BadRequestExceedProjectLimit | |
BadRequestExceedTagPerImageLimit | |
BadRequestExceedTagPerProjectLimit | |
BadRequestExceededBatchSize | |
BadRequestExceededQuota | |
BadRequestExportAlreadyInProgress | |
BadRequestExportPlatformNotSupportedForAdvancedTraining | |
BadRequestExportValidationFailed | |
BadRequestExportWhileTraining | |
BadRequestImageBatch | |
BadRequestImageDimensions | |
BadRequestImageExceededCount | |
BadRequestImageFormat | |
BadRequestImageMetadataKey | |
BadRequestImageMetadataValue | |
BadRequestImageRegions | |
BadRequestImageSizeBytes | |
BadRequestImageStream | |
BadRequestImageTags | |
BadRequestImageUrl | |
BadRequestInvalid | |
BadRequestInvalidArtifactUri | |
BadRequestInvalidEmailAddress | |
BadRequestInvalidIds | |
BadRequestInvalidImportToken | |
BadRequestInvalidPublishName | |
BadRequestInvalidPublishTarget | |
BadRequestIterationDescription | |
BadRequestIterationIsNotTrained | |
BadRequestIterationIsPublished | |
BadRequestIterationName | |
BadRequestIterationNameNotUnique | |
BadRequestIterationNotPublished | |
BadRequestIterationValidationFailed | |
BadRequestMultiClassClassificationTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestMultiLabelClassificationTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestMultipleGeneralProductTag | |
BadRequestMultipleNegativeTag | |
BadRequestNegativeAndRegularTagOnSameImage | |
BadRequestNotLimitedTrial | |
BadRequestNotSupported | |
BadRequestOperationNotSupported | |
BadRequestPredictionIdsExceededCount | |
BadRequestPredictionIdsMissing | |
BadRequestPredictionInvalidApplicationName | |
BadRequestPredictionInvalidQueryParameters | |
BadRequestPredictionResultsExceededCount | |
BadRequestPredictionTagsExceededCount | |
BadRequestProjectDescription | |
BadRequestProjectDuplicated | |
BadRequestProjectImagePreprocessingSettings | |
BadRequestProjectName | |
BadRequestProjectNameNotUnique | |
BadRequestProjectUnknownClassification | |
BadRequestProjectUnknownDomain | |
BadRequestProjectUnsupportedDomainTypeChange | |
BadRequestProjectUnsupportedExportPlatform | |
BadRequestRequiredParamIsNull | |
BadRequestReservedBudgetInHoursNotEnoughForAdvancedTraining | |
BadRequestSubscriptionApi | |
BadRequestTagDescription | |
BadRequestTagName | |
BadRequestTagNameNotUnique | |
BadRequestTagType | |
BadRequestTrainingAlreadyInProgress | |
BadRequestTrainingNotNeeded | |
BadRequestTrainingNotNeededButTrainingPipelineUpdated | |
BadRequestTrainingValidationFailed | |
BadRequestUnpublishFailed | |
BadRequestUnsupportedDomain | |
BadRequestWorkspaceCannotBeModified | |
BadRequestWorkspaceNotDeletable | |
Conflict | |
ConflictInvalid | |
ErrorExporterInvalidClassifier | |
ErrorExporterInvalidFeaturizer | |
ErrorExporterInvalidPlatform | |
ErrorFeaturizationAugmentationError | |
ErrorFeaturizationAugmentationUnavailable | |
ErrorFeaturizationInvalidFeaturizer | |
ErrorFeaturizationQueueTimeout | |
ErrorFeaturizationServiceUnavailable | |
ErrorFeaturizationUnrecognizedJob | |
ErrorInvalid | |
ErrorIterationCopyFailed | |
ErrorPrediction | |
ErrorPredictionModelNotCached | |
ErrorPredictionModelNotFound | |
ErrorPredictionServiceUnavailable | |
ErrorPredictionStorage | |
ErrorPreparePerformanceMigrationFailed | |
ErrorProjectExportRequestFailed | |
ErrorProjectImportRequestFailed | |
ErrorProjectInvalidDomain | |
ErrorProjectInvalidPipelineConfiguration | |
ErrorProjectInvalidWorkspace | |
ErrorProjectTrainingRequestFailed | |
ErrorRegionProposal | |
ErrorUnknown | |
ErrorUnknownBaseModel | |
Forbidden | |
ForbiddenDRModeEnabled | |
ForbiddenInvalid | |
ForbiddenUser | |
ForbiddenUserDisabled | |
ForbiddenUserDoesNotExist | |
ForbiddenUserInsufficientCapability | |
ForbiddenUserResource | |
ForbiddenUserSignupAllowanceExceeded | |
ForbiddenUserSignupDisabled | |
NoError | |
NotFound | |
NotFoundApimSubscription | |
NotFoundDomain | |
NotFoundImage | |
NotFoundInvalid | |
NotFoundIteration | |
NotFoundIterationPerformance | |
NotFoundProject | |
NotFoundProjectDefaultIteration | |
NotFoundTag | |
UnsupportedMediaType |
Image model to be sent as JSON.
Name | Type | Description |
created |
string (date-time) |
Date the image was created. |
height |
integer (int32) |
Height of the image. |
id |
string (uuid) |
Id of the image. |
metadata |
object |
Metadata associated with this image. |
originalImageUri |
string |
The URI to the original uploaded image. If VNET feature is enabled this will be a relative path to be used with GetArtifact, otherwise this will be an absolute URI to the resource. |
regions |
Regions associated with this image. |
resizedImageUri |
string |
The URI to the (resized) image used for training. If VNET feature is enabled this will be a relative path to be used with GetArtifact, otherwise this will be an absolute URI to the resource. |
tags |
Image |
Tags associated with this image. |
thumbnailUri |
string |
The URI to the thumbnail of the original image. If VNET feature is enabled this will be a relative path to be used with GetArtifact, otherwise this will be an absolute URI to the resource. |
width |
integer (int32) |
Width of the image. |
Name | Type | Description |
created |
string (date-time) |
height |
number (float) |
Height. |
left |
number (float) |
Coordinate of the left boundary. |
regionId |
string (uuid) |
tagId |
string (uuid) |
Id of the tag associated with this region. |
tagName |
string |
top |
number (float) |
Coordinate of the top boundary. |
width |
number (float) |
Width. |
Name | Type | Description |
created |
string (date-time) |
tagId |
string (uuid) |
tagName |
string |