Agreements - Get Agreement
Get agreement by name
GET http://localhost/BizTalkManagementService/Agreements/{agreementName}
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Agreement name. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK Media Types: "application/json", "text/json", "application/xml", "text/xml" |
Name | Description |
Agreement |
Model for Agreement |
Agreement |
The agreement content. |
AS2Acknowledgment |
Model for AS2AcknowledgmentConnectionSettings |
AS2Agreement |
Model for AS2 protocol settings in an agreement |
AS2Envelope |
Model for AS2EnvelopeSettings |
AS2Error |
Model for AS2ErrorSettings |
AS2MDNSettings |
Model for AS2MDNSettings |
AS2Message |
Model for AS2MessageConnectionSettings |
AS2Oneway |
Model for AS2 Oneway Agreement |
AS2Protocol |
Model for AS2 protocol settings in an agreement |
AS2Security |
Model for AS2SecuritySettings |
AS2Validation |
Model for AS2ValidationSettings |
Batch |
Model for BatchDescription |
Contact |
Model for Contact |
Custom |
Party Custom setting |
Daily |
Model for DailyRecurrence |
EDIFACTAcknowledgment |
Model for EDIFACTAcknowledgmentSettings |
EDIFACTAgreement |
Model for EDIFACT protocol settings in an agreement |
EDIFACTEnvelope |
Model for EDIFACTEnvelopeOverride |
EDIFACTEnvelope |
Model for EDIFACTEnvelopeSettings |
EDIFACTFraming |
Model for EDIFACTFramingSettings |
EDIFACTMessage |
Model for EDIFACTMessageFilter |
EDIFACTMessage |
Model for EDIFACTMessageIdentifier |
Model for EDIFACT Oneway Agreement |
EDIFACTProcessing |
Model for EDIFACTProcessingSettings |
EDIFACTProtocol |
Model for EDIFACT protocol settings in an agreement |
Model for EDIFACTSchemaReference |
Model for EDIFACTSchemaSettings |
EDIFACTValidation |
Model for EDIFACTValidationOverride |
EDIFACTValidation |
Model for EDIFACTValidationSettings |
Filter |
Model for FilterGroup |
Filter |
Model for FilterGroup |
Filter |
Model for FilterStatement |
Hourly |
Model for HourlyRecurrence |
Interchange |
Model for InterchangeSizeReleaseCriteria |
Manual |
Model for ManualReleaseCriteria |
Message |
Model for MessageCountReleaseCriteria |
Partner |
Model for PartnerAgreementContext |
Qualifier |
Model for QualifierIdentity |
Time |
Model for TimeBasedReleaseCriteria |
Weekly |
Model for WeeklyRecurrence |
X12Acknowledgment |
Model for X12AcknowledgmentSettings |
X12Agreement |
Model for X12 protocol settings in an agreement |
X12Envelope |
Model for X12EnvelopeOverride |
X12Envelope |
Model for X12EnvelopeSettings |
X12Framing |
Model for X12FramingSettings |
X12Message |
Model for X12MessageFilter |
X12Message |
Model for X12MessageIdentifier |
X12Oneway |
Model for X12 Oneway Agreement |
X12Processing |
Model for X12ProcessingSettings |
X12Protocol |
Model for X12 protocol settings in an agreement |
X12Schema |
Model for X12SchemaReference |
X12Schema |
Model for X12SchemaSettings |
X12Security |
Model for X12SecuritySettings |
X12Validation |
Model for X12ValidationOverride |
X12Validation |
Model for X12ValidationSettings |
Model for Agreement
Name | Type | Description |
AgreementContent |
Gets or sets the agreement content. |
Contacts |
Contact[] |
Gets or sets the contacts. |
CustomSettings |
Gets or sets the custom settings. |
Description |
string |
Gets or sets the description. |
Enabled |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether enabled. |
EndDate |
string |
Gets or sets the end date. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
Name |
string |
Gets or sets the name. |
Protocol |
string |
Gets or sets the protocol. |
ReceivePartner |
Gets or sets the receive partner. |
SendPartner |
Gets or sets the send partner. |
StartDate |
string |
Gets or sets the start date. |
The agreement content.
Name | Type | Description |
AS2AgreementContent |
Gets or sets the AS2 agreement content. |
EDIFACTAgreementContent |
Gets or sets the EDIFACT agreement content. |
X12AgreementContent |
Gets or sets the X12 agreement content. |
Model for AS2AcknowledgmentConnectionSettings
Name | Type | Description |
AckHttpExpect100Continue |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether ack http expect 100 continue. |
AckIgnoreCertificateNameMismatch |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether ack ignore certificate name mismatch. |
AckKeepHttpConnectionAlive |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether ack keep http connection alive. |
AckUnfoldHttpHeaders |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether ack unfold http headers. |
Model for AS2 protocol settings in an agreement
Name | Type | Description |
ReceiveAgreement |
Gets or sets the receive agreement. |
SendAgreement |
Gets or sets the send agreement. |
Model for AS2EnvelopeSettings
Name | Type | Description |
AutogenerateFileName |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether autogenerate file name. |
FileNameTemplate |
string |
Gets or sets the file name template. |
MessageContentType |
string |
Gets or sets the message content type. |
SuspendMessageOnFileNameGenerationError |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether suspend message on file name generation error. |
TransmitFileNameInMimeHeader |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether transmit file name in mime header. |
Model for AS2ErrorSettings
Name | Type | Description |
HttpRetryTimeout |
string |
Gets or sets the http retry timeout. |
MaxResendAttempts |
integer |
Gets or sets the max resend attempts. |
MaximumHttpRetryAttempts |
integer |
Gets or sets the maximum http retry attempts. |
MinimumHttpRetryInterval |
string |
Gets or sets the minimum http retry interval. |
MinimumResendInterval |
string |
Gets or sets the minimum resend interval. |
OverrideSendPort |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether override send port. |
ResendIfMDNNotReceived |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether resend if mdn not received. |
ResendTimeout |
string |
Gets or sets the resend timeout. |
SuspendDuplicateMessage |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether suspend duplicate message. |
Model for AS2MDNSettings
Name | Type | Description |
DispositionNotificationTo |
string |
Gets or sets the disposition notification to. |
MDNText |
string |
Gets or sets the mdn text. |
MicHashingAlgorithm |
string |
Gets or sets the mic hashing algorithm. |
NeedMDN |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether mdn is needed. |
ProcessMDNtoMsgBox |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to process mdn to msg box. |
ReceiptDeliveryUrl |
string |
Gets or sets the receipt delivery url. |
SendMDNAsynchronously |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to send mdn asynchronously. |
SignMDN |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to sign mdn. |
SignOutboundMDNIfOptional |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether sign outbound mdn if optional. |
Model for AS2MessageConnectionSettings
Name | Type | Description |
HttpExpect100ContinueSupported |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether http expect 100 continue supported. |
IgnoreCertificateNameMismatch |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether ignore certificate name mismatch. |
KeepHttpConnectionAlive |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether keep http connection alive. |
UnfoldHttpHeaders |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether unfold http headers. |
Model for AS2 Oneway Agreement
Name | Type | Description |
BatchDescriptions |
Gets or sets the batch descriptions. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
ProtocolSettings |
Gets or sets the protocol settings. |
ReceiveBusinessIdentity |
Gets or sets the receive business identity. |
SendPortNames |
string[] |
Gets or sets the send port references. |
SenderBusinessIdentity |
Gets or sets the sender business identity. |
Model for AS2 protocol settings in an agreement
Name | Type | Description |
AcknowledgmentConnectionSettings |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment connection settings. |
EnvelopeSettings |
Gets or sets the envelope settings. |
ErrorSettings |
Gets or sets the error settings. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
MDNSettings |
Gets or sets the mdn settings. |
MessageConnectionSettings |
Gets or sets the message connection settings. |
ProtocolName |
string |
Gets or sets the protocol name. |
SecuritySettings |
Gets or sets the security settings. |
SettingsName |
string |
Gets or sets the settings name. |
ValidationSettings |
Gets or sets the validation settings. |
Model for AS2SecuritySettings
Name | Type | Description |
EnableNRRForInboundDecodedMessages |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether enable nrr for inbound decoded messages. |
EnableNRRForInboundEncodedMessages |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether enable nrr for inbound encoded messages. |
EnableNRRForInboundMDN |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether enable nrr for inbound mdn. |
EnableNRRForOutboundDecodedMessages |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether enable nrr for outbound decoded messages. |
EnableNRRForOutboundEncodedMessages |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether enable nrr for outbound encoded messages. |
EnableNRRForOutboundMDN |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether enable nrr for outbound mdn. |
OverrideGroupSigningCertificate |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether override group signing certificate. |
SigningCertificateName |
string |
Gets or sets the signing certificate name. |
SigningCertificateThumbprint |
string |
Gets or sets the signing certificate thumbprint. |
Model for AS2ValidationSettings
Name | Type | Description |
CheckCertificateRevocationListOnReceive |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether check certificate revocation list on receive. |
CheckCertificateRevocationListOnSend |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether check certificate revocation list on send. |
CheckDuplicateMessage |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether check duplicate message. |
EncryptionAlgorithm |
string |
Gets or sets the encryption algorithm. |
InterchangeDuplicatesValidity |
integer |
Gets or sets the interchange duplicates validity. |
MessageCompressed |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether message compressed. |
MessageEncrypted |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether message encrypted. |
MessageSigned |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether message signed. |
OverrideMessageProperties |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to override message properties. |
Model for BatchDescription
Name | Type | Description |
Description |
string |
Gets or sets the description. |
EndDate |
string |
Gets or sets the end date. |
Filter |
Gets or sets the filter predicate. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
InterchangeSizeRelease |
Gets or sets the interchange size release criteria |
ManualRelease |
Gets or sets the manual release criteria |
MessageCountRelease |
Gets or sets the message count release criteria |
Name |
string |
Gets or sets the name. |
Protocol |
string |
Gets or sets the protocol. |
StartDate |
string |
Gets or sets the start date. |
TerminationCount |
integer |
Gets or sets the termination count. |
TimeBasedRelease |
Gets or sets the time-based release criteria |
Model for Contact
Name | Type | Description |
Address |
string |
Gets or sets the address. |
BusinessPhone |
string |
Gets or sets the business phone. |
Company |
string |
Gets or sets the company. |
string |
Gets or sets the email. |
Fax |
string |
Gets or sets the fax. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
JobTitle |
string |
Gets or sets the job title. |
MobilePhone |
string |
Gets or sets the mobile phone. |
Name |
string |
Gets or sets the name. |
Notes |
string |
Gets or sets the notes. |
WebAddress |
string |
Gets or sets the web address. |
Party Custom setting
Name | Type | Description |
Name |
string |
Setting Name |
Value |
string |
Setting value |
Model for DailyRecurrence
Name | Type | Description |
Days |
integer |
Gets or sets the days. |
RecurrencePeriod |
string |
Gets or sets the recurrence period. |
Model for EDIFACTAcknowledgmentSettings
Name | Type | Description |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberLowerBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment control number lower bound. |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberPrefix |
string |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment control number prefix. |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberRollover |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rollover Acknowledgment control number |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberSuffix |
string |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment control number suffix. |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberUpperBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment control number upper bound. |
BatchFunctionalAcknowledgments |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to batch functional Acknowledgments. |
BatchTechnicalAcknowledgments |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to batch the technical Acknowledgments. |
NeedFunctionalAcknowledgment |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether functional Acknowledgment is needed. |
NeedLoopForValidMessages |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a loop is needed for valid messages. |
NeedTechnicalAcknowledgment |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether technical acknowledgment is needed. |
SendSynchronousAcknowledgment |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to send synchronous Acknowledgment. |
Model for EDIFACT protocol settings in an agreement
Name | Type | Description |
ReceiveAgreement |
Gets or sets the receive agreement. |
SendAgreement |
Gets or sets the send agreement. |
Model for EDIFACTEnvelopeOverride
Name | Type | Description |
ApplicationPassword |
string |
Gets or sets the application password. |
AssociationAssignedCode |
string |
Gets or sets the association assigned code. |
ControllingAgencyCode |
string |
Gets or sets the controlling agency code. |
FunctionalGroupId |
string |
Gets or sets the functional group id. |
GroupHeaderMessageRelease |
string |
Gets or sets the group header message release. |
GroupHeaderMessageVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the group header message version. |
MessageAssociationAssignedCode |
string |
Gets or sets the message association assigned code. |
MessageId |
string |
Gets or sets the message id on which this envelope settings has to be applied. |
MessageRelease |
string |
Gets or sets the message release version on which this envelope settings has to be applied. |
MessageVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the message version on which this envelope settings has to be applied. |
ReceiverApplicationId |
string |
Gets or sets the receiver application id. |
ReceiverApplicationQualifier |
string |
Gets or sets the receiver application qualifier. |
SenderApplicationId |
string |
Gets or sets the sender application id. |
SenderApplicationQualifier |
string |
Gets or sets the sender application qualifier. |
TargetNamespace |
string |
Gets or sets the target namespace on which this envelope settings has to be applied. |
Model for EDIFACTEnvelopeSettings
Name | Type | Description |
ApplicationReferenceId |
string |
Gets or sets the application reference id. |
ApplyDelimiterStringAdvice |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether apply delimiter string advice. |
CommunicationAgreementId |
string |
Gets or sets the communication agreement id. |
CreateGroupingSegments |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether create grouping segments. |
EnableDefaultGroupHeaders |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable default group headers. |
EnvelopeOverrides |
Gets or sets the envelope overrides. |
FunctionalGroupId |
string |
Gets or sets the functional group id. |
GroupApplicationPassword |
string |
Gets or sets the group application password. |
GroupApplicationReceiverId |
string |
Gets or sets the group application receiver id. |
GroupApplicationReceiverQualifier |
string |
Gets or sets the group application receiver qualifier. |
GroupApplicationSenderId |
string |
Gets or sets the group application sender id. |
GroupApplicationSenderQualifier |
string |
Gets or sets the group application sender qualifier. |
GroupAssociationAssignedCode |
string |
Gets or sets the group association assigned code. |
GroupControlNumberLowerBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the group control number lower bound. |
GroupControlNumberPrefix |
string |
Gets or sets the group control number prefix. |
GroupControlNumberRollover |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rollover group control number. |
GroupControlNumberSuffix |
string |
Gets or sets the group control number suffix. |
GroupControlNumberUpperBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the group control number upper bound. |
GroupControllingAgencyCode |
string |
Gets or sets the group controlling agency code. |
GroupMessageRelease |
string |
Gets or sets the group message release. |
GroupMessageVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the group message version. |
InterchangeControlNumberLowerBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the interchange control number lower bound |
InterchangeControlNumberPrefix |
string |
Gets or sets the interchange control number prefix. |
InterchangeControlNumberRollover |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rollover interchange control number. |
InterchangeControlNumberSuffix |
string |
Gets or sets the interchange control number suffix. |
InterchangeControlNumberUpperBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the interchange control number upper bound. |
IsTestInterchange |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether is test interchange. |
OverwriteExistingTransactionSetControlNumber |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to overwrite existing transaction set control number |
ProcessingPriorityCode |
string |
Gets or sets the processing priority code. |
ReceiverInternalIdentification |
string |
Gets or sets the receiver internal identification. |
ReceiverInternalSubIdentification |
string |
Gets or sets the receiver internal sub identification. |
ReceiverReverseRoutingAddress |
string |
Gets or sets the receiver reverse routing address. |
RecipientReferencePasswordQualifier |
string |
Gets or sets the recipient reference password qualifier. |
RecipientReferencePasswordValue |
string |
Gets or sets the recipient reference password value. |
SenderInternalIdentification |
string |
Gets or sets the sender internal identification. |
SenderInternalSubIdentification |
string |
Gets or sets the sender internal sub identification. |
SenderReverseRoutingAddress |
string |
Gets or sets the sender reverse routing address. |
TransactionSetControlNumberLowerBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the transaction set control number lower bound. |
TransactionSetControlNumberPrefix |
string |
Gets or sets the transaction set control number prefix. |
TransactionSetControlNumberRollover |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rollover transaction set control number. |
TransactionSetControlNumberSuffix |
string |
Gets or sets the transaction set control number suffix. |
TransactionSetControlNumberUpperBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the transaction set control number upper bound. |
Model for EDIFACTFramingSettings
Name | Type | Description |
CharacterEncoding |
string |
Gets or sets the character encoding. |
CharacterSet |
string |
Gets or sets the EDIFACT character set. |
ComponentSeparator |
integer |
Gets or sets the component separator. |
DataElementSeparator |
integer |
Gets or sets the data element separator. |
DecimalPointIndicator |
string |
Gets or sets the decimal point indicator. |
ProtocolVersion |
integer |
Gets or sets the protocol version. |
ReleaseIndicator |
integer |
Gets or sets the release indicator. |
RepetitionSeparator |
integer |
Gets or sets the repetition separator. |
SegmentTerminator |
integer |
Gets or sets the segment terminator. |
SegmentTerminatorSuffix |
string |
Gets or sets the segment terminator suffix. |
ServiceCodeListDirectoryVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the service code list directory version. |
Model for EDIFACTMessageFilter
Name | Type | Description |
FilterMessages |
Gets or sets the filter messages. |
MessageFilterType |
string |
Gets or sets the message filter type. |
Model for EDIFACTMessageIdentifier
Name | Type | Description |
MessageId |
string |
Gets or sets the message id. |
Model for EDIFACT Oneway Agreement
Name | Type | Description |
BatchDescriptions |
Gets or sets the batch descriptions. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
ProtocolSettings |
Gets or sets the protocol settings. |
ReceiveBusinessIdentity |
Gets or sets the receive business identity. |
SendPortNames |
string[] |
Gets or sets the send port references. |
SenderBusinessIdentity |
Gets or sets the sender business identity. |
Model for EDIFACTProcessingSettings
Name | Type | Description |
CreateEmptyXmlTagsForTrailingSeparators |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create empty xml tags for trailing separators. |
MaskSecurityInfo |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to mask security information. |
PreserveInterchange |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve interchange. |
SuspendInterchangeOnError |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to suspend interchange on error. |
UseDotAsDecimalSeparator |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use dot as decimal separator. |
Model for EDIFACT protocol settings in an agreement
Name | Type | Description |
AcknowledgmentSettings |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment settings. |
EnvelopeSettings |
Gets or sets the envelope settings. |
FramingSettings |
Gets or sets the framing settings. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
IsTestInterchange |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether is test interchange. |
MessageFilter |
Gets or sets the message filter. |
ProcessingSettings |
Gets or sets the processing settings. |
ProtocolName |
string |
Gets or sets the protocol name. |
SchemaSettings |
Gets or sets the processing settings. |
SettingsName |
string |
Gets or sets the settings name. |
ValidationSettings |
Gets or sets the validation settings. |
Model for EDIFACTSchemaReference
Name | Type | Description |
ApplicationSenderID |
string |
Gets or sets the application sender id. |
ApplicationSenderQualifier |
string |
Gets or sets the application sender qualifier. |
AssociationAssignedCode |
string |
Gets or sets the association assigned code. |
MessageId |
string |
Gets or sets the message id. |
MessageRelease |
string |
Gets or sets the message id. |
MessageVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the message id. |
TargetNamespace |
string |
Gets or sets the target namespace. |
Model for EDIFACTSchemaSettings
Name | Type | Description |
SchemaOverrides |
Gets or sets the schema overrides. |
TargetNamespace |
string |
Gets or sets the target namespace. |
Model for EDIFACTValidationOverride
Name | Type | Description |
AllowLeadingAndTrailingSpacesAndZeroes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow leading and trailing spaces and zeroes. |
EnforceCharacterSet |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enforce character Set. |
InternalTrailingSeparatorPolicy |
integer |
Gets or sets the internal trailing separator policy. |
MessageId |
string |
Gets or sets the message id on which the validation settings has to be applied. |
TrailingSeparatorPolicy |
string |
Gets or sets the trailing separator policy. |
TrimLeadingAndTrailingSpacesAndZeroes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to trim leading and trailing spaces and zeroes. |
ValidateEDITypes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate EDI types. |
ValidateXSDTypes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate XSD types. |
Model for EDIFACTValidationSettings
Name | Type | Description |
AllowLeadingAndTrailingSpacesAndZeroes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow leading and trailing spaces and zeroes. |
CheckDuplicateGroupControlNumber |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check for duplicate group control number. |
CheckDuplicateInterchangeControlNumber |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check for duplicate interchange control number. |
CheckDuplicateTransactionSetControlNumber |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check for duplicate transaction set control number. |
InterchangeControlNumberValidityPeriod |
integer |
Gets or sets the validity period of interchange control number. |
TrailingSeparatorPolicy |
string |
Gets or sets the trailing separator policy. |
TrimLeadingAndTrailingSpacesAndZeroes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to trim leading and trailing spaces and zeroes. |
ValidateCharacterSet |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate character set in the message. |
ValidateEDITypes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to Whether to validate EDI types. |
ValidateXSDTypes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to Whether to validate XSD types. |
ValidationOverrides |
Gets or sets the schema overrides. |
Model for FilterGroup
Name | Type | Description |
Statements |
Gets or sets the statements. |
Model for FilterGroup
Name | Type | Description |
Groups |
Gets or sets the groups. |
Model for FilterStatement
Name | Type | Description |
Operator |
string |
Gets or sets the operator. |
Property |
string |
Gets or sets the property. |
Value |
string |
Gets or sets the value. |
Model for HourlyRecurrence
Name | Type | Description |
Hours |
integer |
Gets or sets the hours. |
Minutes |
integer |
Gets or sets the minutes. |
RecurrencePeriod |
string |
Gets or sets the recurrence period. |
Model for InterchangeSizeReleaseCriteria
Name | Type | Description |
CharacterCount |
integer |
Gets or sets the character count. |
Model for ManualReleaseCriteria
Model for MessageCountReleaseCriteria
Name | Type | Description |
MessageCount |
integer |
Gets or sets the message count. |
MessageScope |
string |
Gets or sets the message scope. |
Model for PartnerAgreementContext
Name | Type | Description |
PartnerName |
string |
Gets or sets the partner. |
ProfileName |
string |
Gets or sets the profile. |
Model for QualifierIdentity
Name | Type | Description |
Description |
string |
Gets or sets the description. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
Qualifier |
string |
Gets or sets the qualifier. |
Value |
string |
Gets or sets the value. |
Model for TimeBasedReleaseCriteria
Name | Type | Description |
DailyRecurrence |
Gets or sets the recurrence schedule. |
FirstRelease |
string |
Gets or sets the first release datetime. |
HourlyRecurrence |
Gets or sets the recurrence schedule. |
SendEmptyBatchSignal |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether send empty batch signal. |
WeeklyRecurrence |
Gets or sets the recurrence schedule. |
Model for WeeklyRecurrence
Name | Type | Description |
RecurrencePeriod |
string |
Gets or sets the recurrence period. |
WeekDays |
string |
Gets or sets the week days. |
Model for X12AcknowledgmentSettings
Name | Type | Description |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberLowerBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment control number lower bound. |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberPrefix |
string |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment control number prefix. |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberRollover |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rollover Acknowledgment control number |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberSuffix |
string |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment control number suffix. |
AcknowledgmentControlNumberUpperBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment control number upper bound. |
BatchFunctionalAcknowledgments |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to batch functional Acknowledgments. |
BatchImplementationAcknowledgments |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to batch implementation Acknowledgments. |
BatchTechnicalAcknowledgments |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to batch the technical Acknowledgments. |
FunctionalAcknowledgmentVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the functional Acknowledgment version. |
GeneratePatAK901 |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether generate pat a k 901. |
ImplementationAcknowledgmentVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the implementation Acknowledgment version. |
NeedFunctionalAcknowledgment |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether functional Acknowledgment is needed. |
NeedImplementationAcknowledgment |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether implementation Acknowledgment is needed. |
NeedLoopForValidMessages |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a loop is needed for valid messages. |
NeedTechnicalAcknowledgment |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether technical acknowledgment is needed. |
SendSynchronousAcknowledgment |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to send synchronous Acknowledgment. |
Model for X12 protocol settings in an agreement
Name | Type | Description |
ReceiveAgreement |
Gets or sets the receive agreement. |
SendAgreement |
Gets or sets the send agreement. |
Model for X12EnvelopeOverride
Name | Type | Description |
DateFormat |
string |
Gets or sets the date format. |
FunctionalIdentifierCode |
string |
Gets or sets the functional identifier code. |
HeaderVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the header version. |
MessageId |
string |
Gets or sets the message id on which this envelope settings has to be applied. |
ProtocolVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the protocol version on which this envelope settings has to be applied. |
ReceiverApplicationId |
string |
Gets or sets the receiver application id. |
ResponsibleAgencyCode |
string |
Gets or sets the responsible agency code. |
SenderApplicationId |
string |
Gets or sets the sender application id. |
TargetNamespace |
string |
Gets or sets the target namespace on which this envelope settings has to be applied. |
TargetNamespaceString |
string |
Gets or sets the target namespace string on which this envelope settings has to be applied. |
TimeFormat |
string |
Gets or sets the time format. |
Model for X12EnvelopeSettings
Name | Type | Description |
ControlStandardsId |
integer |
Gets or sets the controls standards id. |
ControlVersionNumber |
string |
Gets or sets the control version number. |
EnableDefaultGroupHeaders |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable default group headers. |
EnvelopeOverrides |
Gets or sets the envelope overrides. |
FunctionalGroupId |
string |
Gets or sets the functional group id. |
GroupControlNumberLowerBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the group control number lower bound. |
GroupControlNumberRollover |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rollover group control number. |
GroupControlNumberUpperBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the group control number upper bound. |
GroupHeaderAgencyCode |
string |
Gets or sets the group header agency code. |
GroupHeaderDateFormat |
string |
Gets or sets the group header date format. |
GroupHeaderTimeFormat |
string |
Gets or sets the group header time format. |
GroupHeaderVersion |
string |
Gets or sets the group header version. |
InterchangeControlNumberLowerBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the interchange control number lower bound |
InterchangeControlNumberRollover |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rollover interchange control number. |
InterchangeControlNumberUpperBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the interchange control number upper bound. |
OverwriteExistingTransactionSetControlNumber |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to overwrite existing transaction set control number |
ReceiverApplicationId |
string |
Gets or sets the receiver application id. |
SenderApplicationId |
string |
Gets or sets the sender application id. |
TransactionSetControlNumberLowerBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the transaction set control number lower bound. |
TransactionSetControlNumberPrefix |
string |
Gets or sets the transaction set control number prefix. |
TransactionSetControlNumberRollover |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to rollover transaction set control number. |
TransactionSetControlNumberSuffix |
string |
Gets or sets the transaction set control number suffix. |
TransactionSetControlNumberUpperBound |
integer |
Gets or sets the transaction set control number upper bound. |
UsageIndicator |
string |
Gets or sets the usage indicator. |
UseControlStandardsIdAsRepetitionCharacter |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use control standards id as repetition character. |
Model for X12FramingSettings
Name | Type | Description |
CharacterSet |
string |
Gets or sets the X12 character set. |
ComponentSeparator |
integer |
Gets or sets the component separator. |
DataElementSeparator |
integer |
Gets or sets the data element separator. |
ReplaceCharacter |
integer |
Gets or sets the replacement character. |
ReplaceSeparatorsInPayload |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to replace separators in payload. |
SegmentTerminator |
integer |
Gets or sets the segment terminator. |
SegmentTerminatorSuffix |
string |
Gets or sets the segment terminator suffix. |
Model for X12MessageFilter
Name | Type | Description |
FilterMessages |
Gets or sets the filter messages. |
MessageFilterType |
string |
Gets or sets the message filter type. |
Model for X12MessageIdentifier
Name | Type | Description |
MessageId |
string |
Gets or sets the message id. |
Model for X12 Oneway Agreement
Name | Type | Description |
BatchDescriptions |
Gets or sets the batch descriptions. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
ProtocolSettings |
Gets or sets the protocol settings. |
ReceiveBusinessIdentity |
Gets or sets the receive business identity. |
SendPortNames |
string[] |
Gets or sets the send port references. |
SenderBusinessIdentity |
Gets or sets the sender business identity. |
Model for X12ProcessingSettings
Name | Type | Description |
ConvertImpliedDecimal |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to convert numerical type to implied decimal. |
CreateEmptyXmlTagsForTrailingSeparators |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create empty xml tags for trailing separators. |
MaskSecurityInfo |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to mask security information. |
PreserveInterchange |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve interchange. |
SuspendInterchangeOnError |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to suspend interchange on error. |
Model for X12 protocol settings in an agreement
Name | Type | Description |
AcknowledgmentSettings |
Gets or sets the Acknowledgment settings. |
EnvelopeSettings |
Gets or sets the envelope settings. |
FramingSettings |
Gets or sets the framing settings. |
Id |
integer |
Gets or sets the id. |
MessageFilter |
Gets or sets the message filter. |
ProcessingSettings |
Gets or sets the processing settings. |
ProtocolName |
string |
Gets or sets the protocol name. |
SchemaSettings |
Gets or sets the schema settings. |
SecuritySettings |
Gets or sets the security settings. |
SettingsName |
string |
Gets or sets the settings name. |
ValidationSettings |
Gets or sets the validation settings. |
Model for X12SchemaReference
Name | Type | Description |
MessageId |
string |
Gets or sets the message id. |
SenderApplicationId |
string |
Gets or sets the sender application id. |
TargetNamespace |
string |
Gets or sets the target namespace. |
Model for X12SchemaSettings
Name | Type | Description |
SchemaOverrides |
Gets or sets the schema overrides. |
TargetNamespace |
string |
Gets or sets the message id. |
Model for X12SecuritySettings
Name | Type | Description |
AuthorizationQualifier |
string |
Gets or sets the authorization qualifier. |
AuthorizationValue |
string |
Gets or sets the authorization value. |
PasswordValue |
string |
Gets or sets the password value. |
SecurityQualifier |
string |
Gets or sets the security qualifier. |
Model for X12ValidationOverride
Name | Type | Description |
AllowLeadingAndTrailingSpacesAndZeroes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow leading and trailing spaces and zeroes. |
MessageId |
string |
Gets or sets the message id on which the validation settings has to be applied. |
TrailingSeparatorPolicy |
string |
Gets or sets the trailing separator policy. |
TrimLeadingAndTrailingSpacesAndZeroes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to trim leading and trailing spaces and zeroes. |
ValidateCharacterSet |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate character Set. |
ValidateEDITypes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate EDI types. |
ValidateXSDTypes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate XSD types. |
Model for X12ValidationSettings
Name | Type | Description |
AllowLeadingAndTrailingSpacesAndZeroes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow leading and trailing spaces and zeroes. |
CheckDuplicateGroupControlNumber |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check for duplicate group control number. |
CheckDuplicateInterchangeControlNumber |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check for duplicate interchange control number. |
CheckDuplicateTransactionSetControlNumber |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check for duplicate transaction set control number. |
InterchangeControlNumberValidityPeriod |
integer |
Gets or sets the validity period of interchange control number. |
TrailingSeparatorPolicy |
string |
Gets or sets the trailing separator policy. |
TrimLeadingAndTrailingSpacesAndZeroes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to trim leading and trailing spaces and zeroes. |
ValidateCharacterSet |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to validate character set in the message. |
ValidateEDITypes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to Whether to validate EDI types. |
ValidateXSDTypes |
boolean |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to Whether to validate XSD types. |
ValidationOverrides |
Gets or sets the schema overrides. |