Personal Voices - Create
Creates a new personal voice with audio files in Azure Blob Storage.
PUT {endpoint}/customvoice/personalvoices/{id}?api-version=2024-02-01-preview
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Supported Cognitive Services endpoints (protocol and hostname, for example: |
path | True |
string minLength: 3maxLength: 64 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$ |
The ID of the resource. |
query | True |
string minLength: 1 |
The API version to use for this operation. |
Request Header
Name | Required | Type | Description |
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key | True |
string |
Provide your Speech resource key here. |
Operation-Id |
string minLength: 3maxLength: 64 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$ |
ID of the status monitor for the operation. If the Operation-Id header matches an existing operation and the request is not identical to the prior request, it will fail with a 400 Bad Request. |
Request Body
Name | Required | Type | Description |
consentId | True |
string minLength: 3maxLength: 64 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$ |
Resource id |
projectId | True |
string minLength: 3maxLength: 64 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$ |
Resource id |
audios |
Azure Blob Storage content. With the examples below, it represents files*.wav |
description |
string |
Personal voice description |
displayName |
string minLength: 1 |
Display name of personal voice |
id |
string minLength: 3maxLength: 64 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$ |
Resource id |
status |
Status of a resource. |
Name | Type | Description |
201 Created |
Created Headers
Other Status Codes |
An error occurred. Headers x-ms-error-code: string |
Provide your Speech resource key here.
Create a personal voice
Sample request
PUT {endpoint}/customvoice/personalvoices/Jessica-PersonalVoice?api-version=2024-02-01-preview
"projectId": "PersonalVoice",
"consentId": "Jessica",
"audios": {
"containerUrl": "",
"prefix": "jessica/",
"extensions": [
Sample response
Operation-Id: 1321a2c0-9be4-471d-83bb-bc3be4f96a6f
"id": "Jessica-PersonalVoice",
"speakerProfileId": "3059912f-a3dc-49e3-bdd0-02e449df1fe3",
"projectId": "PersonalVoice",
"consentId": "Jessica",
"status": "NotStarted",
"createdDateTime": "2023-04-01T05:30:00.000Z",
"lastActionDateTime": "2023-04-02T10:15:30.000Z"
Name | Description |
Azure |
Azure Blob Storage content. With the examples below, it represents files*.wav |
Error |
Top-level error follows Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines which is available at This contains an top-level error with error code, message, details, target and an inner error with more descriptive details. |
Error |
Top-level error code |
Error |
Error response follows Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines which is available at |
Inner |
Inner error follows Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines which is available at This contains required properties error code, message and optional properties target, inner error(this can be nested). |
Model |
Model training failure reason |
Personal |
Personal voice object |
Personal |
Personal voice properties |
Status |
Status of a resource. |
Azure Blob Storage content. With the examples below, it represents files*.wav
Name | Type | Description |
containerUrl |
string (url) |
Azure Blob Storage container URL with SAS. Need both read and list permissions. |
extensions |
string[] |
File name extensions. |
prefix |
string |
Blob name prefix. |
Top-level error follows Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines which is available at This contains an top-level error with error code, message, details, target and an inner error with more descriptive details.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
Top-level error code |
details |
Error[] |
Additional supportive details regarding the error and/or expected policies. |
innererror |
Inner error follows Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines which is available at This contains required properties error code, message and optional properties target, inner error(this can be nested). |
message |
string |
Top-level error message. |
target |
string |
The source of the error. For example it would be "model" or "model id" in case of invalid model. |
Top-level error code
Value | Description |
BadArgument | |
BadRequest | |
Forbidden | |
InternalServerError | |
NotFound | |
ServiceUnavailable | |
TooManyRequests | |
Unauthorized | |
UnsupportedMediaType |
Error response follows Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines which is available at
Name | Type | Description |
error |
Top-level error follows Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines which is available at This contains an top-level error with error code, message, details, target and an inner error with more descriptive details. |
Inner error follows Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines which is available at This contains required properties error code, message and optional properties target, inner error(this can be nested).
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Detailed error code to help diagnostic. |
innererror |
Inner error follows Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines which is available at This contains required properties error code, message and optional properties target, inner error(this can be nested). |
message |
string |
Detailed error message. |
target |
string |
The source of the error. For example it would be "model" or "model id" in case of invalid model. |
Model training failure reason
Value | Description |
InaccessibleCustomerStorage |
The customer uses Bring Your Own Storage in Speech Account. But the storage is not accessible now. Please check doc. |
Internal |
Custom Voice Service error. |
SpeakerVerificationFailed |
The consent and training audio are not from the same speaker. |
TerminateByUser |
The customer canceled model training. |
Personal voice object
Name | Type | Description |
audios |
Azure Blob Storage content. With the examples below, it represents files*.wav |
consentId |
string minLength: 3maxLength: 64 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$ |
Resource id |
createdDateTime |
string (date-time) |
The timestamp when the object was created. The timestamp is encoded as ISO 8601 date and time format ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ", see |
description |
string |
Personal voice description |
displayName |
string minLength: 1 |
Display name of personal voice |
id |
string minLength: 3maxLength: 64 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$ |
Resource id |
lastActionDateTime |
string (date-time) |
The timestamp when the current status was entered. The timestamp is encoded as ISO 8601 date and time format ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ", see |
projectId |
string minLength: 3maxLength: 64 pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$ |
Resource id |
properties |
Personal voice properties |
speakerProfileId |
string (uuid) |
Personal voice speaker profile id. Fill this property in SSML. |
status |
Status of a resource. |
Personal voice properties
Name | Type | Description |
failureReason |
Model training failure reason |
Status of a resource.
Value | Description |
Disabled | |
Disabling | |
Failed | |
NotStarted | |
Running | |
Succeeded |