The Std.Measurement namespace contains the following items:
Name | Description |
MResetEachZ | Measures each qubit in a given array in the Pauli Z basis and resets them to |0⟩ state. |
MResetX | Performs a single-qubit measurement in the Pauli X basis, and resets target to the |0⟩ state after the measurement. |
MResetY | Performs a single-qubit measurement in the Pauli Y basis, and resets target to the |0⟩ state after the measurement. |
MResetZ | Performs a single-qubit measurement in the Pauli Z basis, and resets target to the |0⟩ state after the measurement. |
MeasureAllZ | Jointly measures a register of qubits in the Pauli Z basis. |
MeasureEachZ | Measures each qubit in a given array in the Pauli Z basis. |
MeasureInteger | Measures the content of a quantum register and converts it to an integer. The measurement is performed with respect to the standard computational basis, i.e., the eigenbasis of PauliZ . Input register is reset to the |00...0⟩ state, which is suitable for releasing the register back to a target machine. |