The Std.Convert namespace contains the following items:
Name | Description |
BigIntAsBoolArray | Produces a binary representation of a non-negative BigInt, using the little-endian representation for the returned array. |
BoolArrayAsBigInt | Converts an array of Boolean values into a non-negative BigInt, interpreting the array as a binary representation in little-endian format. |
BoolArrayAsInt | Produces a non-negative integer from a string of bits in little-endian format. bits[0] represents the least significant bit. |
BoolArrayAsResultArray | Converts a Bool[] type to a Result[] type, where true is mapped to One and false is mapped to Zero . |
BoolAsResult | Converts a Bool type to a Result type, where true is mapped to One and false is mapped to Zero . |
ComplexAsComplexPolar | Converts a complex number of type Complex to a complex number of type ComplexPolar . |
ComplexPolarAsComplex | Converts a complex number of type ComplexPolar to a complex number of type Complex . |
DoubleAsStringWithPrecision | Converts a given double-precision floating-point number to a string representation with desired precision, rounding if required. |
IntAsBigInt | Converts a given integer number to an equivalent big integer. |
IntAsBoolArray | Produces a binary representation of a non-negative integer, using the little-endian representation for the returned array. |
IntAsDouble | Converts a given integer number to an equivalent double-precision floating-point number. |
ResultArrayAsBoolArray | Converts a Result[] type to a Bool[] type, where One is mapped to true and Zero is mapped to false . |
ResultArrayAsInt | Produces a non-negative integer from a string of Results in little-endian format. |
ResultAsBool | Converts a Result type to a Bool type, where One is mapped to true and Zero is mapped to false . |