The Std.Arrays namespace contains the following items:
Name | Description |
All | Given an array and a predicate that is defined for the elements of the array, and checks if all elements of the array satisfy the predicate. |
Any | Given an array and a predicate that is defined for the elements of the array, checks if at least one element of the array satisfies the predicate. |
Chunks | Splits an array into multiple parts of equal length. |
CircularlyShifted | Shift an array circularly left or right by a specific step size. |
ColumnAt | Extracts a column from a matrix. |
Count | Given an array and a predicate that is defined for the elements of the array, returns the number of elements an array that consists of those elements that satisfy the predicate. |
Diagonal | Returns an array of diagonal elements of a 2-dimensional array |
DrawMany | Repeats an operation for a given number of samples, collecting its outputs in an array. |
Enumerated | Given an array, returns a new array containing elements of the original array along with the indices of each element. |
Excluding | Returns an array containing the elements of another array, excluding elements at a given list of indices. |
Filtered | Given an array and a predicate that is defined for the elements of the array, returns an array that consists of those elements that satisfy the predicate. |
FlatMapped | Given an array and a function that maps an array element to some output array, returns the concatenated output arrays for each array element. |
Flattened | Given an array of arrays, returns the concatenation of all arrays. |
Fold | Iterates a function f through an array array , returning f(...f(f(initialState, array[0]), array[1]), ...) . |
ForEach | Given an array and an operation that is defined for the elements of the array, returns a new array that consists of the images of the original array under the operation. |
Head | Returns the first element of the array. |
HeadAndRest | Returns a tuple of first and all remaining elements of the array. |
IndexOf | Returns the first index of the first element in an array that satisfies a given predicate. If no such element exists, returns -1. |
IndexRange | Given an array, returns a range over the indices of that array, suitable for use in a for loop. |
Interleaved | Interleaves two arrays of (almost) same size. |
IsEmpty | Returns true if and only if an array is empty. |
IsRectangularArray | Returns whether a 2-dimensional array has a rectangular shape |
IsSorted | Given an array, returns whether that array is sorted as defined by a given comparison function. |
IsSquareArray | Returns whether a 2-dimensional array has a square shape |
Mapped | Given an array and a function that is defined for the elements of the array, returns a new array that consists of the images of the original array under the function. |
MappedByIndex | Given an array and a function that is defined for the indexed elements of the array, returns a new array that consists of the images of the original array under the function. |
MappedOverRange | Given a range and a function that takes an integer as input, returns a new array that consists of the images of the range values under the function. |
Most | Creates an array that is equal to an input array except that the last array element is dropped. |
MostAndTail | Returns a tuple of all but one and the last element of the array. |
Padded | Returns an array padded at with specified values up to a specified length. |
Partitioned | Splits an array into multiple parts. |
Rest | Creates an array that is equal to an input array except that the first array element is dropped. |
Reversed | Create an array that contains the same elements as an input array but in reversed order. |
SequenceI | Get an array of integers in a given interval. |
SequenceL | Get an array of integers in a given interval. |
Sorted | Given an array, returns the elements of that array sorted by a given comparison function. |
Subarray | Takes an array and a list of locations and produces a new array formed from the elements of the original array that match the given locations. |
Swapped | Applies a swap of two elements in an array. |
Tail | Returns the last element of the array. |
Transposed | Returns the transpose of a matrix represented as an array of arrays. |
Unzipped | Given an array of 2-tuples, returns a tuple of two arrays, each containing the elements of the tuples of the input array. |
Where | Given a predicate and an array, returns the indices of that array where the predicate is true. |
Windows | Returns all consecutive subarrays of length size . |
Zipped | Given two arrays, returns a new array of pairs such that each pair contains an element from each original array. |