runconfig Module

Contains functionality for managing the configuration of experiment runs in Azure Machine Learning.

The key class in this module is RunConfiguration, which encapsulates information necessary to submit a training run on a specified compute target. The configuration includes a wide set of behavior definitions, such as whether to use an existing Python environment or to use a Conda environment that's built from a specification.

Other configuration classes in the module are accessed through RunConfiguration.



Represents configuration information for experiments that target AmlCompute.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class AmlComputeConfiguration constructor.


Represents configuration information for service.

Class ApplicationEndpointConfiguration constructor.


Represents configuration information for Azure Container Registry.

AzureContainerRegistry will be deprecated. Use the ContainerRegistry class.

Class AzureContainerRegistry constructor.


Represents configuration information for Container Registry.

ContainerRegistry will be deprecated. Use the ContainerRegistry class.

Class ContainerRegistry constructor.


Represents how to consume data in a run configuration.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class DataSetPathRunConfiguration constructor.


Used in the Data class for managing the location of data to use in a run.

Class Dataset constructor.


Currently not used.

Class DataPath constructor.


Represents configuration-specific data sources available during a run.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class DataReferenceConfiguration constructor.



This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see for more information.

Represents how to consume datacache in a run configuration.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class DatacacheConfiguration constructor.


Represents a reference to a saved or registered dataset which will be used in the run.

In typical training scenarios you will not use this class. Instead, you will create a dataset from the Dataset class and then pass it into a training script. For more information, see Add & register datasets.

Initialize a Dataset object.


Option to specify how to save the dataset.

This class is used in the RegistrationOptions class.

Create a DatasetRegistrationOptions object.


Represents Docker runtime configuration for jobs.

Class DockerConfiguration constructor.


DEPRECATED. Use the Environment object.

Class EnvironmentDefinition constructor.


Options to specify how to filter based on glob patterns.

This class is used in the OutputOptions class.

Create a GlobsOptions object.


Represents configuration information for experiments that target HDInsightCompute.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

You can specify the field yarn_deploy_mode with the value of either 'cluster' or 'client'.

Class HdiConfiguration constructor.


Represents configuration information to disable or enable experiment history logging features in experiments.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class HistoryConfiguration constructor.


Represents configuration information for experiments that target KubernetesCompute.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class KubernetesComputeConfiguration constructor.


Mount options that controls how upload should behave.

This class is used in the OutputOptions class.

Create a MountOptions object.


Represents configuration information for distributed MPI jobs.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class MpiConfiguration constructor.


Represents how outputs should be uploaded and tracked.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Create a OutputData object.


Additional options on how to upload the data and how to track the uploaded data.

This class is used in the OutputData class.

Create a OutputOptions object.


Represents configuration information for distributed ParallelTask jobs.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class ParallelTaskConfiguration constructor.


Represents configuration information for distributed PyTorch jobs.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class PyTorchConfiguration constructor.


Options to specify how to save and register the entity.

This class is used in the OutputOptions class.

Create a RegistrationOptions object.


Represents configuration for experiment runs targeting different compute targets in Azure Machine Learning.

The RunConfiguration object encapsulates the information necessary to submit a training run in an experiment. Typically, you will not create a RunConfiguration object directly but get one from a method that returns it, such as the submit method of the Experiment class.

RunConfiguration is a base environment configuration that is also used in other types of configuration steps that depend on what kind of run you are triggering. For example, when setting up a PythonScriptStep, you can access the step's RunConfiguration object and configure Conda dependencies or access the environment properties for the run.

For examples of run configurations, see Select and use a compute target to train your model.

Initialize a RunConfiguration with the default settings.


Represents configuration information for experiment runs that target Apache Spark.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class SparkConfiguration constructor.


Represents configuration information for experiments using Tensorflow.

This class is used in the RunConfiguration class.

Class TensorflowConfiguration constructor.


Upload options that controls how upload should behave.

This class is used in the OutputOptions class.

Create a UploadOptions object.


Represents a Uri reference.

Initialize a Uri object.