runconfig Module
Contains functionality for managing the configuration of experiment runs in Azure Machine Learning.
The key class in this module is RunConfiguration, which encapsulates information necessary to submit a training run on a specified compute target. The configuration includes a wide set of behavior definitions, such as whether to use an existing Python environment or to use a Conda environment that's built from a specification.
Other configuration classes in the module are accessed through RunConfiguration.
AmlComputeConfiguration |
Represents configuration information for experiments that target AmlCompute. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class AmlComputeConfiguration constructor. |
ApplicationEndpointConfiguration |
Represents configuration information for service. Class ApplicationEndpointConfiguration constructor. |
AzureContainerRegistry |
Represents configuration information for Azure Container Registry. AzureContainerRegistry will be deprecated. Use the ContainerRegistry class. Class AzureContainerRegistry constructor. |
ContainerRegistry |
Represents configuration information for Container Registry. ContainerRegistry will be deprecated. Use the ContainerRegistry class. Class ContainerRegistry constructor. |
Data |
Represents how to consume data in a run configuration. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class DataSetPathRunConfiguration constructor. |
DataLocation |
Used in the Data class for managing the location of data to use in a run. Class Dataset constructor. |
DataPath |
Currently not used. Class DataPath constructor. |
DataReferenceConfiguration |
Represents configuration-specific data sources available during a run. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class DataReferenceConfiguration constructor. |
DatacacheConfiguration |
Note This is an experimental class, and may change at any time. Please see for more information. Represents how to consume datacache in a run configuration. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class DatacacheConfiguration constructor. |
Dataset |
Represents a reference to a saved or registered dataset which will be used in the run. In typical training scenarios you will not use this class. Instead, you will create a dataset from the Dataset class and then pass it into a training script. For more information, see Add & register datasets. Initialize a Dataset object. |
DatasetRegistrationOptions |
Option to specify how to save the dataset. This class is used in the RegistrationOptions class. Create a DatasetRegistrationOptions object. |
DockerConfiguration |
Represents Docker runtime configuration for jobs. Class DockerConfiguration constructor. |
EnvironmentDefinition |
DEPRECATED. Use the Environment object. Class EnvironmentDefinition constructor. |
GlobsOptions |
Options to specify how to filter based on glob patterns. This class is used in the OutputOptions class. Create a GlobsOptions object. |
HdiConfiguration |
Represents configuration information for experiments that target HDInsightCompute. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. You can specify the field yarn_deploy_mode with the value of either 'cluster' or 'client'. Class HdiConfiguration constructor. |
HistoryConfiguration |
Represents configuration information to disable or enable experiment history logging features in experiments. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class HistoryConfiguration constructor. |
KubernetesComputeConfiguration |
Represents configuration information for experiments that target KubernetesCompute. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class KubernetesComputeConfiguration constructor. |
MountOptions |
Mount options that controls how upload should behave. This class is used in the OutputOptions class. Create a MountOptions object. |
MpiConfiguration |
Represents configuration information for distributed MPI jobs. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class MpiConfiguration constructor. |
OutputData |
Represents how outputs should be uploaded and tracked. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Create a OutputData object. |
OutputOptions |
Additional options on how to upload the data and how to track the uploaded data. This class is used in the OutputData class. Create a OutputOptions object. |
ParallelTaskConfiguration |
Represents configuration information for distributed ParallelTask jobs. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class ParallelTaskConfiguration constructor. |
PyTorchConfiguration |
Represents configuration information for distributed PyTorch jobs. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class PyTorchConfiguration constructor. |
RegistrationOptions |
Options to specify how to save and register the entity. This class is used in the OutputOptions class. Create a RegistrationOptions object. |
RunConfiguration |
Represents configuration for experiment runs targeting different compute targets in Azure Machine Learning. The RunConfiguration object encapsulates the information necessary to submit a training run in an experiment. Typically, you will not create a RunConfiguration object directly but get one from a method that returns it, such as the submit method of the Experiment class. RunConfiguration is a base environment configuration that is also used in other types of configuration steps that depend on what kind of run you are triggering. For example, when setting up a PythonScriptStep, you can access the step's RunConfiguration object and configure Conda dependencies or access the environment properties for the run. For examples of run configurations, see Select and use a compute target to train your model. Initialize a RunConfiguration with the default settings. |
SparkConfiguration |
Represents configuration information for experiment runs that target Apache Spark. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class SparkConfiguration constructor. |
TensorflowConfiguration |
Represents configuration information for experiments using Tensorflow. This class is used in the RunConfiguration class. Class TensorflowConfiguration constructor. |
UploadOptions |
Upload options that controls how upload should behave. This class is used in the OutputOptions class. Create a UploadOptions object. |
Uri |
Represents a Uri reference. Initialize a Uri object. |