models Package
ApplicableSchedule |
Schedules applicable to a virtual machine. The schedules may have been defined on a VM or on lab level. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ApplicableScheduleFragment |
Schedules applicable to a virtual machine. The schedules may have been defined on a VM or on lab level. |
ApplyArtifactsRequest |
Request body for applying artifacts to a virtual machine. |
ArmTemplate |
An Azure Resource Manager template. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ArmTemplateInfo |
Information about a generated ARM template. |
ArmTemplateList |
The response of a list operation. |
ArmTemplateParameterProperties |
Properties of an Azure Resource Manager template parameter. |
ArmTemplateParameterPropertiesFragment |
Properties of an Azure Resource Manager template parameter. |
Artifact |
An artifact. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ArtifactDeploymentStatusProperties |
Properties of an artifact deployment. |
ArtifactDeploymentStatusPropertiesFragment |
Properties of an artifact deployment. |
ArtifactInstallProperties |
Properties of an artifact. |
ArtifactInstallPropertiesFragment |
Properties of an artifact. |
ArtifactList |
The response of a list operation. |
ArtifactParameterProperties |
Properties of an artifact parameter. |
ArtifactParameterPropertiesFragment |
Properties of an artifact parameter. |
ArtifactSource |
Properties of an artifact source. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ArtifactSourceFragment |
Properties of an artifact source. |
ArtifactSourceList |
The response of a list operation. |
AttachDiskProperties |
Properties of the disk to attach. |
AttachNewDataDiskOptions |
Properties to attach new disk to the Virtual Machine. |
AttachNewDataDiskOptionsFragment |
Properties to attach new disk to the Virtual Machine. |
BulkCreationParameters |
Parameters for creating multiple virtual machines as a single action. |
BulkCreationParametersFragment |
Parameters for creating multiple virtual machines as a single action. |
CloudErrorBody |
Body of an error from a REST request. |
ComputeDataDisk |
A data disks attached to a virtual machine. |
ComputeDataDiskFragment |
A data disks attached to a virtual machine. |
ComputeVmInstanceViewStatus |
Status information about a virtual machine. |
ComputeVmInstanceViewStatusFragment |
Status information about a virtual machine. |
ComputeVmProperties |
Properties of a virtual machine returned by the Microsoft.Compute API. |
ComputeVmPropertiesFragment |
Properties of a virtual machine returned by the Microsoft.Compute API. |
CostThresholdProperties |
Properties of a cost threshold item. |
CustomImage |
A custom image. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
CustomImageFragment |
A custom image. |
CustomImageList |
The response of a list operation. |
CustomImagePropertiesCustom |
Properties for creating a custom image from a VHD. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
CustomImagePropertiesCustomFragment |
Properties for creating a custom image from a VHD. |
CustomImagePropertiesFromPlan |
Properties for plan on a custom image. |
CustomImagePropertiesFromPlanFragment |
Properties for plan on a custom image. |
CustomImagePropertiesFromVm |
Properties for creating a custom image from a virtual machine. |
CustomImagePropertiesFromVmFragment |
Properties for creating a custom image from a virtual machine. |
DataDiskProperties |
Request body for adding a new or existing data disk to a virtual machine. |
DataDiskPropertiesFragment |
Request body for adding a new or existing data disk to a virtual machine. |
DataDiskStorageTypeInfo |
Storage information about the data disks present in the custom image. |
DataDiskStorageTypeInfoFragment |
Storage information about the data disks present in the custom image. |
DayDetails |
Properties of a daily schedule. |
DayDetailsFragment |
Properties of a daily schedule. |
DetachDataDiskProperties |
Request body for detaching data disk from a virtual machine. |
DetachDiskProperties |
Properties of the disk to detach. |
Disk |
A Disk. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
DiskFragment |
A Disk. |
DiskList |
The response of a list operation. |
DtlEnvironment |
An environment, which is essentially an ARM template deployment. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
DtlEnvironmentFragment |
An environment, which is essentially an ARM template deployment. |
DtlEnvironmentList |
The response of a list operation. |
EnvironmentDeploymentProperties |
Properties of an environment deployment. |
EnvironmentDeploymentPropertiesFragment |
Properties of an environment deployment. |
EvaluatePoliciesProperties |
Properties for evaluating a policy set. |
EvaluatePoliciesRequest |
Request body for evaluating a policy set. |
EvaluatePoliciesResponse |
Response body for evaluating a policy set. |
Event |
An event to be notified for. |
EventFragment |
An event to be notified for. |
ExportResourceUsageParameters |
The parameters of the export operation. |
ExternalSubnet |
Subnet information as returned by the Microsoft.Network API. |
ExternalSubnetFragment |
Subnet information as returned by the Microsoft.Network API. |
Formula |
A formula for creating a VM, specifying an image base and other parameters. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
FormulaFragment |
A formula for creating a VM, specifying an image base and other parameters. |
FormulaList |
The response of a list operation. |
FormulaPropertiesFromVm |
Information about a VM from which a formula is to be created. |
FormulaPropertiesFromVmFragment |
Information about a VM from which a formula is to be created. |
GalleryImage |
A gallery image. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
GalleryImageList |
The response of a list operation. |
GalleryImageReference |
The reference information for an Azure Marketplace image. |
GalleryImageReferenceFragment |
The reference information for an Azure Marketplace image. |
GenerateArmTemplateRequest |
Parameters for generating an ARM template for deploying artifacts. |
GenerateUploadUriParameter |
Properties for generating an upload URI. |
GenerateUploadUriResponse |
Response body for generating an upload URI. |
HourDetails |
Properties of an hourly schedule. |
HourDetailsFragment |
Properties of an hourly schedule. |
IdentityProperties |
Properties of a managed identity. |
ImportLabVirtualMachineRequest |
This represents the payload required to import a virtual machine from a different lab into the current one. |
InboundNatRule |
A rule for NAT - exposing a VM's port (backendPort) on the public IP address using a load balancer. |
InboundNatRuleFragment |
A rule for NAT - exposing a VM's port (backendPort) on the public IP address using a load balancer. |
Lab |
A lab. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
LabAnnouncementProperties |
Properties of a lab's announcement banner. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
LabAnnouncementPropertiesFragment |
Properties of a lab's announcement banner. |
LabCost |
A cost item. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
LabCostDetailsProperties |
The properties of a lab cost item. |
LabCostSummaryProperties |
The properties of the cost summary. |
LabFragment |
A lab. |
LabList |
The response of a list operation. |
LabResourceCostProperties |
The properties of a resource cost item. |
LabSupportProperties |
Properties of a lab's support banner. |
LabSupportPropertiesFragment |
Properties of a lab's support banner. |
LabVhd |
Properties of a VHD in the lab. |
LabVhdList |
The response of a list operation. |
LabVirtualMachine |
A virtual machine. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
LabVirtualMachineCreationParameter |
Properties for creating a virtual machine. |
LabVirtualMachineCreationParameterFragment |
Properties for creating a virtual machine. |
LabVirtualMachineFragment |
A virtual machine. |
LabVirtualMachineList |
The response of a list operation. |
LinuxOsInfo |
Information about a Linux OS. |
LinuxOsInfoFragment |
Information about a Linux OS. |
NetworkInterfaceProperties |
Properties of a network interface. |
NetworkInterfacePropertiesFragment |
Properties of a network interface. |
NotificationChannel |
A notification. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
NotificationChannelFragment |
A notification. |
NotificationChannelList |
The response of a list operation. |
NotificationSettings |
Notification settings for a schedule. |
NotificationSettingsFragment |
Notification settings for a schedule. |
NotifyParameters |
Properties for generating a Notification. |
OperationError |
Error details for the operation in case of a failure. |
OperationMetadata |
The REST API operation supported by DevTestLab ResourceProvider. |
OperationMetadataDisplay |
The object that describes the operations. |
OperationResult |
An Operation Result. |
ParameterInfo |
Information about an artifact's parameter. |
ParametersValueFileInfo |
A file containing a set of parameter values for an ARM template. |
PercentageCostThresholdProperties |
Properties of a percentage cost threshold. |
Policy |
A Policy. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
PolicyFragment |
A Policy. |
PolicyList |
The response of a list operation. |
PolicySetResult |
Result of a policy set evaluation. |
PolicyViolation |
Policy violation. |
Port |
Properties of a network port. |
PortFragment |
Properties of a network port. |
ProviderOperationResult |
Result of the request to list REST API operations. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
RdpConnection |
Represents a .rdp file. |
ResizeLabVirtualMachineProperties |
Request body for resizing a virtual machine. |
Resource |
An Azure resource. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
RetargetScheduleProperties |
Properties for retargeting a virtual machine schedule. |
Schedule |
A schedule. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ScheduleCreationParameter |
Properties for creating a schedule. |
ScheduleCreationParameterFragment |
Properties for creating a schedule. |
ScheduleFragment |
A schedule. |
ScheduleList |
The response of a list operation. |
Secret |
A secret. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
SecretFragment |
A secret. |
SecretList |
The response of a list operation. |
ServiceFabric |
A Service Fabric. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ServiceFabricFragment |
A Service Fabric. |
ServiceFabricList |
The response of a list operation. |
ServiceRunner |
A container for a managed identity to execute DevTest lab services. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
SharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration |
Properties of a virtual machine that determine how it is connected to a load balancer. |
SharedPublicIpAddressConfigurationFragment |
Properties of a virtual machine that determine how it is connected to a load balancer. |
ShutdownNotificationContent |
The contents of a shutdown notification. Webhooks can use this type to deserialize the request body when they get notified of an imminent shutdown. |
Subnet |
Subnet information. |
SubnetFragment |
Subnet information. |
SubnetOverride |
Property overrides on a subnet of a virtual network. |
SubnetOverrideFragment |
Property overrides on a subnet of a virtual network. |
SubnetSharedPublicIpAddressConfiguration |
Configuration for public IP address sharing. |
SubnetSharedPublicIpAddressConfigurationFragment |
Configuration for public IP address sharing. |
TargetCostProperties |
Properties of a cost target. |
UpdateResource |
Represents an update resource. |
User |
Profile of a lab user. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
UserFragment |
Profile of a lab user. |
UserIdentity |
Identity attributes of a lab user. |
UserIdentityFragment |
Identity attributes of a lab user. |
UserList |
The response of a list operation. |
UserSecretStore |
Properties of a user's secret store. |
UserSecretStoreFragment |
Properties of a user's secret store. |
VirtualNetwork |
A virtual network. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
VirtualNetworkFragment |
A virtual network. |
VirtualNetworkList |
The response of a list operation. |
WeekDetails |
Properties of a weekly schedule. |
WeekDetailsFragment |
Properties of a weekly schedule. |
WindowsOsInfo |
Information about a Windows OS. |
WindowsOsInfoFragment |
Information about a Windows OS. |
CostThresholdStatus |
Indicates whether this threshold will be displayed on cost charts. |
CostType |
The type of the cost. |
CustomImageOsType |
The OS type of the custom image (i.e. Windows, Linux) |
EnableStatus |
If notifications are enabled for this schedule (i.e. Enabled, Disabled). |
EnvironmentPermission |
The access rights to be granted to the user when provisioning an environment |
FileUploadOptions |
Options for uploading the files for the artifact. UploadFilesAndGenerateSasTokens is the default value. |
HostCachingOptions |
Caching option for a data disk (i.e. None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite). |
HttpStatusCode |
The status code for the operation. |
LinuxOsState |
The state of the Linux OS (i.e. NonDeprovisioned, DeprovisionRequested, DeprovisionApplied). |
NotificationChannelEventType |
The event type for which this notification is enabled (i.e. AutoShutdown, Cost) |
PolicyEvaluatorType |
The evaluator type of the policy (i.e. AllowedValuesPolicy, MaxValuePolicy). |
PolicyFactName |
The fact name of the policy (e.g. LabVmCount, LabVmSize, MaxVmsAllowedPerLab, etc. |
PolicyStatus |
The status of the policy. |
PremiumDataDisk |
The setting to enable usage of premium data disks. When its value is 'Enabled', creation of standard or premium data disks is allowed. When its value is 'Disabled', only creation of standard data disks is allowed. |
ReportingCycleType |
Reporting cycle type. |
SourceControlType |
The artifact source's type. |
StorageType |
The storage type for the disk (i.e. Standard, Premium). |
TargetCostStatus |
Target cost status |
TransportProtocol |
The transport protocol for the endpoint. |
UsagePermissionType |
The permission policy of the subnet for allowing public IP addresses (i.e. Allow, Deny)). |
VirtualMachineCreationSource |
Tells source of creation of lab virtual machine. Output property only. |
WindowsOsState |
The state of the Windows OS (i.e. NonSysprepped, SysprepRequested, SysprepApplied). |
Azure SDK for Python