models Package
ActivationProperties |
The activation properties of the connected registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ActiveDirectoryObject |
The Active Directory Object that will be used for authenticating the token of a container registry. |
Actor |
The agent that initiated the event. For most situations, this could be from the authorization context of the request. |
Archive |
An object that represents a archive for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ArchiveListResult |
The result of a request to list archives for a container registry. |
ArchivePackageSourceProperties |
The properties of the archive package source. |
ArchiveProperties |
The properties of a archive. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ArchiveUpdateParameters |
The parameters for updating a archive. |
ArchiveVersion |
An object that represents an export pipeline for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ArchiveVersionListResult |
The result of a request to list export pipelines for a container registry. |
AuthCredential |
Authentication credential stored for an upstream. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
AzureADAuthenticationAsArmPolicy |
The policy for using ARM audience token for a container registry. |
CacheRule |
An object that represents a cache rule for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
CacheRuleUpdateParameters |
The parameters for updating a cache rule. |
CacheRulesListResult |
The result of a request to list cache rules for a container registry. |
CallbackConfig |
The configuration of service URI and custom headers for the webhook. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
ConnectedRegistry |
An object that represents a connected registry for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ConnectedRegistryListResult |
The result of a request to list connected registries for a container registry. |
ConnectedRegistryUpdateParameters |
The parameters for updating a connected registry. |
CredentialHealth |
The health of the auth credential. |
CredentialSet |
An object that represents a credential set resource for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
CredentialSetListResult |
The result of a request to list credential sets for a container registry. |
CredentialSetUpdateParameters |
The parameters for updating a credential set. |
DebianArchivePackageSourceProperties |
The properties of the archive package source. |
DebianArchiveProperties |
The properties of the Debian package Archive. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
EncryptionProperty |
EncryptionProperty. |
ErrorAdditionalInfo |
The resource management error additional info. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ErrorDetail |
The error detail. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ErrorResponse |
Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations. (This also follows the OData error response format.). |
Event |
The event for a webhook. |
EventContent |
The content of the event request message. |
EventInfo |
The basic information of an event. |
EventListResult |
The result of a request to list events for a webhook. |
EventRequestMessage |
The event request message sent to the service URI. |
EventResponseMessage |
The event response message received from the service URI. |
ExportPipeline |
An object that represents an export pipeline for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ExportPipelineListResult |
The result of a request to list export pipelines for a container registry. |
ExportPipelineTargetProperties |
The properties of the export pipeline target. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
ExportPolicy |
The export policy for a container registry. |
GarbageCollectionProperties |
The garbage collection properties of the connected registry. |
GenerateCredentialsParameters |
The parameters used to generate credentials for a specified token or user of a container registry. |
GenerateCredentialsResult |
The response from the GenerateCredentials operation. |
IPRule |
IP rule with specific IP or IP range in CIDR format. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
IdentityProperties |
Managed identity for the resource. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ImportImageParameters |
ImportImageParameters. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
ImportPipeline |
An object that represents an import pipeline for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ImportPipelineListResult |
The result of a request to list import pipelines for a container registry. |
ImportPipelineSourceProperties |
The properties of the import pipeline source. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
ImportSource |
ImportSource. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
ImportSourceCredentials |
ImportSourceCredentials. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
KeyVaultProperties |
KeyVaultProperties. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
LoggingProperties |
The logging properties of the connected registry. |
LoginServerProperties |
The login server properties of the connected registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
NetworkRuleSet |
The network rule set for a container registry. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
OperationDefinition |
The definition of a container registry operation. |
OperationDisplayDefinition |
The display information for a container registry operation. |
OperationListResult |
The result of a request to list container registry operations. |
OperationLogSpecificationDefinition |
The definition of Azure Monitoring log. |
OperationMetricSpecificationDefinition |
The definition of Azure Monitoring metric. |
OperationServiceSpecificationDefinition |
The definition of Azure Monitoring list. |
PackageType |
The properties of a package type. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ParentProperties |
The properties of the connected registry parent. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
PipelineRun |
An object that represents a pipeline run for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
PipelineRunListResult |
The result of a request to list pipeline runs for a container registry. |
PipelineRunRequest |
The request properties provided for a pipeline run. |
PipelineRunResponse |
The response properties returned for a pipeline run. |
PipelineRunSourceProperties |
PipelineRunSourceProperties. |
PipelineRunTargetProperties |
PipelineRunTargetProperties. |
PipelineSourceTriggerDescriptor |
PipelineSourceTriggerDescriptor. |
PipelineSourceTriggerProperties |
PipelineSourceTriggerProperties. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
PipelineTriggerDescriptor |
PipelineTriggerDescriptor. |
PipelineTriggerProperties |
PipelineTriggerProperties. |
Policies |
The policies for a container registry. |
PrivateEndpoint |
The Private Endpoint resource. |
PrivateEndpointConnection |
An object that represents a private endpoint connection for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
PrivateEndpointConnectionListResult |
The result of a request to list private endpoint connections for a container registry. |
PrivateLinkResource |
A resource that supports private link capabilities. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
PrivateLinkResourceListResult |
The result of a request to list private link resources for a container registry. |
PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState |
The state of a private link service connection. |
ProgressProperties |
ProgressProperties. |
ProxyResource |
The resource model definition for a ARM proxy resource. It will have everything other than required location and tags. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
QuarantinePolicy |
The quarantine policy for a container registry. |
RegenerateCredentialParameters |
The parameters used to regenerate the login credential. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
Registry |
An object that represents a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
RegistryListCredentialsResult |
The response from the ListCredentials operation. |
RegistryListResult |
The result of a request to list container registries. |
RegistryNameCheckRequest |
A request to check whether a container registry name is available. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
RegistryNameStatus |
The result of a request to check the availability of a container registry name. |
RegistryPassword |
The login password for the container registry. |
RegistryUpdateParameters |
The parameters for updating a container registry. |
RegistryUsage |
The quota usage for a container registry. |
RegistryUsageListResult |
The result of a request to get container registry quota usages. |
Replication |
An object that represents a replication for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
ReplicationListResult |
The result of a request to list replications for a container registry. |
ReplicationUpdateParameters |
The parameters for updating a replication. |
Request |
The request that generated the event. |
Resource |
An Azure resource. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
RetentionPolicy |
The retention policy for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ScopeMap |
An object that represents a scope map for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ScopeMapListResult |
The result of a request to list scope maps for a container registry. |
ScopeMapUpdateParameters |
The properties for updating the scope map. |
Sku |
The SKU of a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
SoftDeletePolicy |
The soft delete policy for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
Source |
The registry node that generated the event. Put differently, while the actor initiates the event, the source generates it. |
Status |
The status of an Azure resource at the time the operation was called. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
StatusDetailProperties |
The status detail properties of the connected registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
StorageAccountProperties |
The properties of a storage account for a container registry. Only applicable to Classic SKU. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
SyncProperties |
The sync properties of the connected registry with its parent. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
SyncUpdateProperties |
The parameters for updating the sync properties of the connected registry with its parent. |
SystemData |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
Target |
The target of the event. |
TlsCertificateProperties |
The TLS certificate properties of the connected registry login server. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
TlsProperties |
The TLS properties of the connected registry login server. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
Token |
An object that represents a token for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
TokenCertificate |
The properties of a certificate used for authenticating a token. |
TokenCredentialsProperties |
The properties of the credentials that can be used for authenticating the token. |
TokenListResult |
The result of a request to list tokens for a container registry. |
TokenPassword |
The password that will be used for authenticating the token of a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
TokenUpdateParameters |
The parameters for updating a token. |
TrustPolicy |
The content trust policy for a container registry. |
UserIdentityProperties |
UserIdentityProperties. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
Webhook |
An object that represents a webhook for a container registry. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
WebhookCreateParameters |
The parameters for creating a webhook. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to server. |
WebhookListResult |
The result of a request to list webhooks for a container registry. |
WebhookUpdateParameters |
The parameters for updating a webhook. |
Action |
The action of IP ACL rule. |
ActionsRequired |
A message indicating if changes on the service provider require any updates on the consumer. |
ActivationStatus |
The activation status of the connected registry. |
AuditLogStatus |
Indicates whether audit logs are enabled on the connected registry. |
AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope |
The auto generated domain name label of the container registry. This value defaults to "Unsecure". |
AzureADAuthenticationAsArmPolicyStatus |
The value that indicates whether the policy is enabled or not. |
CertificateType |
The type of certificate location. |
ConnectedRegistryMode |
The mode of the connected registry resource that indicates the permissions of the registry. |
ConnectionState |
The current connection state of the connected registry. |
ConnectionStatus |
The private link service connection status. |
CreatedByType |
The type of identity that created the resource. |
CredentialHealthStatus |
The health status of credential. |
CredentialName |
The name of the credential. |
DefaultAction |
The default action of allow or deny when no other rules match. |
EncryptionStatus |
Indicates whether or not the encryption is enabled for container registry. |
ExportPolicyStatus |
The value that indicates whether the policy is enabled or not. |
ImportMode |
When Force, any existing target tags will be overwritten. When NoForce, any existing target tags will fail the operation before any copying begins. |
LastModifiedByType |
The type of identity that last modified the resource. |
LogLevel |
The verbosity of logs persisted on the connected registry. |
MetadataSearch |
Determines whether registry artifacts are indexed for metadata search. |
NetworkRuleBypassOptions |
Whether to allow trusted Azure services to access a network restricted registry. |
PackageSourceType |
The type of package source for a archive. |
PasswordName |
The password name. |
PipelineOptions |
PipelineOptions. |
PipelineRunSourceType |
The type of the source. |
PipelineRunTargetType |
The type of the target. |
PipelineSourceType |
The type of source for the import pipeline. |
PolicyStatus |
The value that indicates whether the policy is enabled or not. |
ProvisioningState |
The provisioning state of the archive at the time the operation was called. |
PublicNetworkAccess |
Whether or not public network access is allowed for the container registry. |
RegistryUsageUnit |
The unit of measurement. |
ResourceIdentityType |
The identity type. |
SkuName |
The SKU name of the container registry. Required for registry creation. |
SkuTier |
The SKU tier based on the SKU name. |
TlsStatus |
Indicates whether HTTPS is enabled for the login server. |
TokenCertificateName |
TokenCertificateName. |
TokenPasswordName |
The password name "password1" or "password2". |
TokenStatus |
The status of the token example enabled or disabled. |
TriggerStatus |
The current status of the source trigger. |
TrustPolicyType |
The type of trust policy. |
WebhookAction |
WebhookAction. |
WebhookStatus |
The status of the webhook at the time the operation was called. |
ZoneRedundancy |
Whether or not zone redundancy is enabled for this container registry. |
Azure SDK for Python