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cos, cosf, cosl, cosh, coshf, coshl


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The latest version of this topic can be found at cos, cosf, cosl, cosh, coshf, coshl.

Calculates the cosine (cos, cosf, or cosl), or hyperbolic cosine (cosh, coshf, or coshl).


double cos(   
   double x   
float cos(  
   float x   
);  // C++ only  
long double cos(  
   long double x  
);  // C++ only  
float cosf(   
   float x   
long double cosl(  
   long double x  
double cosh(   
   double x   
float cosh(  
   float x   
);  // C++ only  
long double cosh(  
   long double x  
);  // C++ only  
float coshf(  
   float x   
long double coshl(  
   long double x  


Angle in radians.

Return Value

The cosine or hyperbolic cosine of x. If x is greater than or equal to 263, or less than or equal to –263, a loss of significance in the result of a call to cos, cosf, or cosl occurs.

By default, if the result is too large in a cosh, coshf, or coshl call, the function returns HUGE_VAL and sets errno to ERANGE.

Input SEH Exception Matherr Exception
± ∞ (cosf, cos, cosl) INVALID _DOMAIN
x ≥ 7.104760e+002 (cosh, coshf, coshl) INEXACT+OVERFLOW OVERFLOW


Because C++ allows overloading, you can call overloads of cos and cosh that take and return float or long double values. In a C program, cos and cosh always take and return a double.


Routine Required header
cos, cosh, cosf, coshf, cosl, coshl <math.h>

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility.


See the example in sin, sinf, sinl, sinh, sinhf, sinhl.

.NET Framework Equivalent

See Also

Floating-Point Support
acos, acosf, acosl
asin, asinf, asinl
atan, atanf, atanl, atan2, atan2f, atan2l
sin, sinf, sinl, sinh, sinhf, sinhl
tan, tanf, tanl, tanh, tanhf, tanhl