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Output (Device Context) Classes


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These classes encapsulate the different types of device contexts available in Windows.

Most of the following classes encapsulate a handle to a Windows device context. A device context is a Windows object that contains information about the drawing attributes of a device such as a display or a printer. All drawing calls are made through a device-context object. Additional classes derived from CDC encapsulate specialized device-context functionality, including support for Windows metafiles.

The base class for device contexts. Used directly for accessing the whole display and for accessing nondisplay contexts such as printers.

A display context used in OnPaint member functions of windows. Automatically calls BeginPaint on construction and EndPaint on destruction.

A display context for client areas of windows. Used, for example, to draw in an immediate response to mouse events.

A display context for entire windows, including both the client and nonclient areas.

A device context for Windows metafiles. A Windows metafile contains a sequence of graphics device interface (GDI) commands that can be replayed to create an image. Calls made to the member functions of a CMetaFileDC are recorded in a metafile.

Holds coordinate (x, y) pairs.

Holds distance, relative positions, or paired values.

Holds coordinates of rectangular areas.

Encapsulates a GDI region for manipulating an elliptical, polygonal, or irregular area within a window. Used in conjunction with the clipping member functions in class CDC.

Displays and handles the user interface for resizing and moving rectangular objects.

Provides a standard dialog box for selecting a color.

Provides a standard dialog box for selecting a font.

Provides a standard dialog box for printing a file.

See Also

Class Overview