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Nested Class Declarations


The latest version of this topic can be found at Nested Class Declarations.

A class can be declared within the scope of another class. Such a class is called a "nested class." Nested classes are considered to be within the scope of the enclosing class and are available for use within that scope. To refer to a nested class from a scope other than its immediate enclosing scope, you must use a fully qualified name.

The following example shows how to declare nested classes:

// nested_class_declarations.cpp  
class BufferedIO  
   enum IOError { None, Access, General };  
   // Declare nested class BufferedInput.  
   class BufferedInput  
      int read();  
      int good()  
         return _inputerror == None;  
       IOError _inputerror;  
   // Declare nested class BufferedOutput.  
   class BufferedOutput  
      // Member list  
int main()  

BufferedIO::BufferedInput and BufferedIO::BufferedOutput are declared within BufferedIO. These class names are not visible outside the scope of class BufferedIO. However, an object of type BufferedIO does not contain any objects of types BufferedInput or BufferedOutput.

Nested classes can directly use names, type names, names of static members, and enumerators only from the enclosing class. To use names of other class members, you must use pointers, references, or object names.

In the preceding BufferedIO example, the enumeration IOError can be accessed directly by member functions in the nested classes, BufferedIO::BufferedInput or BufferedIO::BufferedOutput, as shown in function good.


Nested classes declare only types within class scope. They do not cause contained objects of the nested class to be created. The preceding example declares two nested classes but does not declare any objects of these class types.

An exception to the scope visibility of a nested class declaration is when a type name is declared together with a forward declaration. In this case, the class name declared by the forward declaration is visible outside the enclosing class, with its scope defined to be the smallest enclosing non-class scope. For example:

// nested_class_declarations_2.cpp  
class C  
    typedef class U u_t; // class U visible outside class C scope  
    typedef class V {} v_t; // class V not visible outside class C  
int main()  
    // okay, forward declaration used above so file scope is used  
    U* pu;  
    // error, type name only exists in class C scope  
    u_t* pu2; // C2065  
    // error, class defined above so class C scope  
    V* pv; // C2065  
    // okay, fully qualified name  
    C::V* pv2;  

Access privilege in nested classes

Nesting a class within another class does not give special access privileges to member functions of the nested class. Similarly, member functions of the enclosing class have no special access to members of the nested class.

Member functions in nested classes

Member functions declared in nested classes can be defined in file scope. The preceding example could have been written:

// member_functions_in_nested_classes.cpp  
class BufferedIO  
    enum IOError { None, Access, General };  
    class BufferedInput  
        int read(); // Declare but do not define member  
        int good(); //  functions read and good.  
        IOError _inputerror;  
    class BufferedOutput  
        // Member list.  
// Define member functions read and good in  
//  file scope.  
int BufferedIO::BufferedInput::read()  
int BufferedIO::BufferedInput::good()  
    return _inputerror == None;  
int main()  

In the preceding example, the qualified-type-name syntax is used to declare the function name. The declaration:


means "the read function that is a member of the BufferedInput class that is in the scope of the BufferedIO class." Because this declaration uses the qualified-type-name syntax, constructs of the following form are possible:

typedef BufferedIO::BufferedInput BIO_INPUT;  
int BIO_INPUT::read()  

The preceding declaration is equivalent to the previous one, but it uses a typedef name in place of the class names.

Friend functions in nested classes

Friend functions declared in a nested class are considered to be in the scope of the nested class, not the enclosing class. Therefore, the friend functions gain no special access privileges to members or member functions of the enclosing class. If you want to use a name that is declared in a nested class in a friend function and the friend function is defined in file scope, use qualified type names as follows:

// friend_functions_and_nested_classes.cpp  
#include <string.h>  
    sizeOfMessage = 255  
char *rgszMessage[sizeOfMessage];  
class BufferedIO  
    class BufferedInput  
        friend int GetExtendedErrorStatus();  
        static char *message;  
        static int  messageSize;  
        int iMsgNo;  
char *BufferedIO::BufferedInput::message;  
int BufferedIO::BufferedInput::messageSize;  
int GetExtendedErrorStatus()  
    int iMsgNo = 1; // assign arbitrary value as message number  
    strcpy_s( BufferedIO::BufferedInput::message,  
              rgszMessage[iMsgNo] );  
    return iMsgNo;  
int main()  

The following code shows the function GetExtendedErrorStatus declared as a friend function. In the function, which is defined in file scope, a message is copied from a static array into a class member. Note that a better implementation of GetExtendedErrorStatus is to declare it as:

int GetExtendedErrorStatus
( char *message )  

With the preceding interface, several classes can use the services of this function by passing a memory location where they want the error message copied.

See Also

Classes and Structs