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StorageManager.GetCreateFolderRequest Method (String, String, Boolean, Boolean)


Returns a request object that is used to create a new folder.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Storage
Assembly:  StorageOM (in StorageOM.dll)


public CreateFolderRequest GetCreateFolderRequest(
    string name,
    string path,
    bool overwritePermissions,
    bool hiddenFromRemote
CreateFolderRequest^ GetCreateFolderRequest(
    String^ name,
    String^ path,
    bool overwritePermissions,
    bool hiddenFromRemote
Public Function GetCreateFolderRequest (
    name As String,
    path As String,
    overwritePermissions As Boolean,
    hiddenFromRemote As Boolean
) As CreateFolderRequest


  • overwritePermissions
    Type: System.Boolean

    Specifies whether to overwrite existing folder permissions.

  • hiddenFromRemote
    Type: System.Boolean

    Specifies whether the device has remote access enabled.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Storage.CreateFolderRequest

An instance of CreateFolderRequest.

See Also

GetCreateFolderRequest Overload
StorageManager Class
Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Storage Namespace

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